Slimane Ben Miled
Title :
Examples of Hosts-Parasites and Hosts-Pasitoids Interactions
Abstract :
Our goal is to present two works on host-parasite and host-parasitoid inter-actions and their relationship with epidemiology.
The first one deals with a HyalommaDetritumDetritum tick dynamic. HyalommaDetritumDetritum is a parasite that affects the cattle and uses the tick as medium. Our goal is to choose the best scenario or combination of scenarios in order to control tick population in Tunisia. For that, first we have to understand the interaction between the cattle, the parasite, the tick and the farmer in a determined environment (ecopathology). Second to make simulations to predict the effect of each control measure on the system. We use data gathered through surveys carried out at the Veterinary School of SidiThabet (ENMV), Tunisia [BDB96, DBB96], Gharbi et al. (in preparation), Sulton, Medley, Ben Miled, Gharbi and Darghout (in preparation) and Ticks reared at the Lab. Parasitol. ENMV.
The second work deals with hosts-parasitoids interactions. In this work our goal is to understand how super parasitism happens. For that we extended an early work by Glaizot and Arditi [GA98, Gla96], to a more general case. Considering the case of parasitoids searching for hosts and attempting to ovoid superparasitism, we propose that the decision variable is the time allocated to host inspection and that the recognition probability is related to inspection time. The accuracy of host recognition can be increased at will by increasing the inspection time. However, this involves a time cost that must be balanced against other time consuming activities like searching and oviposition. Assuming average rate maximization, we calculate the optimal inspection time and we show that this generates some degree of non-recognition at the individual level.
References :
[BDB96] A. Bouattour, M. A. Darghouth, and L. BenMiled. Cattle infestation by hyalomma ticks and prevalence of theileria in h-detritum species in tunisia. Veterinary Parasitology, 65(3-4):233–245, 1996.
[DBB96] M. A. Darghouth, L. BenMiled, A. Bouattour, T. R. Melrose, C. G. D. Brown, and M. Kilani.A preliminary study on the attenuation of Tunisian schizont-infected cell lines of theileriaannulata.Parasitology Research, 82(7):647–655, 1996.
[GA98] O. Glaizot and R. Arditi. Optimal inspection time in foraging strategies: A model for superparasitism in insect parasitoids. Netherlands Journal Of Zoology, 48(2):121–144, 1998.
[Gla96] O. Glaizot. Le superparasitisme chez les insectesparasitoides: Modèlescomportementauxetconséquencesdynamiques chez les éspèces solitaires pro-ovigéniques. PhD thesis, Univ. de Lausanne, 1996.