September 26th, 2016

Meeting Minutes

10:00 am – 2:30 pm

1.  Introductions/new members and new chair

2.  ILL Forum Update

·  Sharon gave an update about the Forum, impressions from the day, notes from the sessions, as well as feedback from the survey.

·  The planning committee will have a recap/logistical conference call in the fall, and then will likely meet in-person in February, with the new members.

·  Some notes for next year:

  1. Breakout sessions should be picked during registration
  2. There should be both a worldshare and illiad session
  3. Have a session on e-Book ILL, and challenges presented
  4. Have people note small or large institutions in registration to ensure appropriate room size for breakout sessions
  5. Would be great to point to institutional tips and procedures somewhere on the VIVA website, for all manner of practices, from shipping, to rules.

·  Sharon will share the minutes with everyone, and will make them available on the past forum webpage for those that are interested.

·  Feedback included that the best practices were too repetitive, but the routing rules type of information was extremely helpful. There were many issues with the Linden Inn.

·  A document depository/google drive where people just put their information up was discussed. It was thought that it could be organized by school and subject.

·  Respondents would like to see the newbies session brought back next year, as well as a marketing ILL session.

·  ACTION: Sharon & Genya will schedule the fall conference call with the planning committee, aiming for sometime in October.

3.  RSC-CoCo Collaboration Update

·  Update on the group’s approach – information on turnaround time for OCLC.

·  Draft from Jessica & Shirley on Occam’s reader completed.

·  Discussion centered on whether the Collections Committee recommendation of 4 print copies of monographic titles could be supported by the current ILL infrastructure within VIVA. Based on OCLC data it would appear that the infrastructure can support response and delivery within 48 hours at this point in time, which was deemed reasonable by RSC.

·  The committee is putting together a brief report for the Collections Committee to review potential impact of the 4 print threshold on staffing and technical infrastructure, as well as recommendations for ebook lending within the consortium.

·  Group will follow-up with OCLC to make sure the data they sent on turnaround time is from request sent, not received.

·  After results are shared and discussed with Collections, a joint recommendation on behalf of both committees might be sent to Steering for consideration.

·  ACTION: Sub-committee will continue its work, sharing drafts with RSC and CoCo as appropriate.

4.  Shared Print Journal discussion

·  With the move of most libraries to e-versions of journals, a problem is developing with acquiring “not yet in print/too new” or “embargoed” journal articles for users. Libraries are turning to commercial vendors (e.g. Get It Now, Reprints) to acquire these articles for individual users, with sometimes high costs.

·  The group would like to identify some of the primary titles in the state for which this is an issue. If the same titles are issues at multiple institutions then examining whether or not it would make sense to subscribe to some titles, individually, but on behalf of the group, would be examined.

·  Committee members felt confident they had the data from within their systems and Get It Now and Reprints, to get a price tag on the most commonly purchased within the state

·  It was agreed to gather data to see if there is a business case for such action; all agreed that they could provide this data (title, ISSN, years of coverage, current commercial source to acquire for users, last 5 years only).

·  It was noted that at the 2 –year level they feel they are well served by what is currently available, particularly in the Science Direct package. This study did not feel applicable to them.

·  ACTION: Genya will work with the committee to develop a plan to acquire a representative sample of this data and begin to do the analysis necessary to determine the economic viability of different approaches.

5.  OCLC moving ILLIAD to WorldShare Platform

·  Group discussed the move, in particular the “secretiveness” of this process. If they are doing market research they should be looking and talking to a wide group, but because of the confidentiality clauses they are having schools sign it is unclear who they are speaking with.

·  There is a webinar coming up in October, Shirley will send out information.

·  Committee would like to have a video conference or in-person meeting. In person would be preferable, and a meeting will be requested for before the Christmas break or shortly after.

·  ACTION: Shirley will send out webinar information to the group.

·  ACTION: VIVA Central will reach out to Katie Birch and request a meeting with the RSC.

6.  ILL Onboarding (Discussion – from last meeting)

·  The group discussed how to best connect new Virginia ILL/RSC members with mentors. Ideas included:

  1. Newbie sessions at ILL
  2. VIVA ILL listserv
  3. Have an email, with list-serv and presentation information, targeted at new ILLers, to go out twice a year. The Forum only gets people that know about the forum…. keep the email short & sweet.
  4. Informal mentoring is what the group thought worked best, particularly for troubleshooting, and training.
  5. Encouraging a collaborative training attitude among the forum is a strength in VIVA.

·  ACTION: The committee will develop an email to go out to directors twice a year, in January and May, outlining the resources and requesting that the email be forwarded to the appropriate ILL person or department in the library.

·  ACTION: The committee will review the resources page on the website to ensure it is up-to-date, and includes information requested at the Forum.

·  ACTION: Jessica volunteered to review the current website with its presentations, etc. and to verify that the PPTs are current and to classify them into broad subject areas that will improve searching.

·  ACTION: Outreach committee will have a draft presentation to share about VIVA generally shortly. This video is aimed at new members. Genya will send to the group as soon as it is available and RSC will review their section.

7.  RFP ebook update for ILL Committee

·  News of several potential contracts with e-book vendors (no specific names), and the likelihood of whole-book ILL rights, was shared confidentially with the group.

·  The group was pleased to hear that there steps being taken to begin to address this issue.

·  Concerns were raised about the impact on ILL departments, particularly if they needed to “stitch together chapters” in order to loan a whole book.

·  ACTION: Once contracts are finalized a small group from RSC will examine a sample ebook from each vendor to trouble shoot any loaning issues.

8.  Other business

·  Discussion: Shirley was curious to know how different institutions classify ILL versus Document delivery. Responses included:

  1. Document Delivery is becoming a huge part of what we do.
  2. We have changed the name from ILL to resource sharing.
  3. Document delivery has doubled every year in the past couple years.
  4. VT Sharon puts symbol as “the internet”.
  5. GMU uses doc delivery in illiad for reserves and for moving things between campuses, but generally they do not send the article for something we have in our online collections, we send them a cancel. If we find it freely available on the web we use web as the lender and count it as a fill. GMU doesn’t “do” document delivery.

·  Cooperative borrowing survey results were discussed – as a reminder these were the institutions not currently participating and why.

·  ACTION: VIVA will send out the results of the Cooperative Borrowing Survey.