Lakeview Elementary Newsletter

Mr. Scott Taylor, Principal

October 10. 2014

Dear Parents/Guardians:

It is hard to believe in three weeks we will finish the first quarter of the school year! The time has been flying by. We went very hot at the start of the year to where we now have a chill in the air. The next few weeks will bring lots of activities for our students!

Our Parent Teacher Organization will have their next meeting on Monday, October 13th at 4:30pm, please note the 30 minute time change. This meeting is to primarily get ready for the Halloween Party which will be held on Thursday, October 30th. Kindergarten and 2nd grade will have their party from 9:45am-10:40am while the 1st and 3rd grade will have their party from 2:00-2:55pm. A letter was sent home earlier this week with protocol of how the party will operate and expectations with costumes. No student is required to participate in the party.

A reminder to parents that there is no school on Friday, October 17th, 2014 due to NEOEA Day. Also, we end the first quarter on Friday, October 31st. We have in the past, had an early dismissal at the end of each quarter. This year that is not true. We now have two early dismissals, one in January and one the last day of school in May. October 31st is a full day of classes.

Our 3rd grade students completed the fall Ohio Reading Assessment earlier this week. We should receive the scores back near the end of November or start of December. Parents will get a record of how their child performed from the Ohio Department of Education. This assessment measures skills students should have at the end of 3rd grade so while we hope every student is successful, we know that some will need 3rd grade instruction to meet this benchmark.

Mrs. Manovich will once again coordinate our Red Ribbon Week to be held the last week of October. Making good life choices is the focus of the week. The students enjoy the various themes and hopefully learn skills that will translate a lifetime.

We have seen so many instructional and assessment changes over the last few years mandated by our state. We continue to adapt and learn along with the students. What we do know is that school today while similar to the past in some ways, is very different in many others. The expectations of what students should know and be able to do have increased dramatically. It is a learning curve for us all in public education and for sure our parents. I will continue to communicate some of these changes in various newsletters and on our website as these changes continue to come at us all.

Thanks for your continued support of Lakeview Elementary!


Mr. Taylor, Principal

Lakeview Elementary Upcoming Dates


17 No School-NEOEA Day

27-31 Red Ribbon Week

30 Halloween Parties K & 2 9:45-10:40am & 1 & 3 2-2:55pm

31 End of First Quarter- Full Day of Classes


2 2nd Quarter Starts

5-7 Scholastic Book Fair

7 Report Cards Home

7 3rd Grade to LHS (Warren Philharmonic)

13 Lifetouch Makeup Pictures

20 Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:35-6:35pm

20 End of First 12 Weeks Special Schedule

24 Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:35-6:35pm

26-28 NO School-Conference Comp. Day and Thanksgiving


1 No School Students-Professional Development Staff

Lakeview Students Recite Pledge of Allegiance

WYTV recently visited Lakeview Elementary and had certain classes recite the Pledge of Allegiance. The schedule for airing the segments (between 6:30-7:00am) appears on their website and is currently listed as:

Wednesday, October 22nd - Mrs. Manovich’s Kindergarten Class

Thursday, October 23rd – Mrs. Denman’s 1st Grade Class

Friday, October 24th- Mrs. Probst’s 2nd Grade Class (half the class)

Monday, October 27th-Mrs. Probst’s 2nd Grade Class (half the class)

Tuesday, October 28th- Miss Wilson’s 3rd Grade Class (half the class)

Wednesday, October 29th- Miss Wilson’s 3rd Grade Class (half the class)

Thursday, October 30th- Miss Kmetz’s 3rd Grade Class (half the class)

Friday, October 30th-Miss Kmetz’s 3rd Grade Class (half the class)

STEAM Explore Program for 3rd Grade Students

3rd grade students who have an interest in science, art, drama, and technology have an opportunity to participate in a program called STEAM Explore. The program is held on November 6, 13, and 20, 2014 at the Niles Board of Education office. The program is during the school day and there is a cost of $50. To find out additional information and to access a registration form, go to

If you do not have access to Internet, a form can be found in the school office.

Summer Scholastic Reading

The students at Lakeview Elementary had an opportunity to participate in the Scholastic Summer Reading Program while we were enjoying the cool summer. Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Kirila coordinated the event for our students. The following students participated in the event: Wyatt A., Joshua H., Samuel C., Will K., Samuel N., Lucas E., and Olivia E.

Students celebrated their accomplishment with a sundae party and a Lakeview bag and certificate being presented. We are proud of our students who participated and continued to read all summer long!