‘The Civic Movement – Adding Value’
Annual Convention and AGM of Civic Voice
Hosted by Chester Civic Trust
21st – 22nd October 2016
Chester Racecourse and Stanley Palace, Chester
Friday 21st October
Chester Racecourse, Leverhulme Stand, Chester CH1 2LY
10.00 Registration commences
11.00 Griff Rhys Jones – Lecture
Stanley Palace, Watergate St., Chester, CH1 2LF12.00 Sandwich lunches available (£7; pay in advance)
12.50 Assemble for first walks / workshops
1.00 – 2.30 Walks & Tours 1 (descriptions and timings p.4 - 6)
See the best of Chester / or workshop in Stanley Palace
2.30 – 3.00 Refreshments: Stanley Palace
3.00 – 4.30 Walks & Tours 2 (descriptions and timings p.4 - 6)
6.30 – 9.30 Chester Racecourse, County Stand – Reception and Dinner
6.30 Drinks reception / exhibition
7.00 Dinner and Civic Day awards presented by Lord Mayor of Chester, Cllr. Angela Claydon
9.30 – onwards Historic pubs tour with Chester Civic Trust and CAMRA
Saturday 22nd October – Chester Racecourse, Country Stand
8.30 Registration / exhibition
9.00 – 9.45 Civic Voice AGM
9.45 – 10.15 Registration / refreshments / exhibition
10.15 – 10.20 Welcome: Chair, Chester Civic Trust – Chris Russell
10.20 – 10.50 Outgoing / incoming Civic Voice Chairs’ addresses
10. 50 – 11.00 Civic Voice Marsh Awards presentation
11.00 – 11.30 Refreshments / networking / exhibition
11.30 – 12.45 Workshops 1 (see walks & talks descriptions p.7 – 9)
12.45 – 1.45 Lunch / networking / exhibition
1.45 – 3.00 Workshops 2 (see walks & talks descriptions p.7 – 9)
3.00 – 3.15 Refreshments
3.15 – 4.00 Convention plenary / select a campaign
4.00 Close and depart
Walks and Talks Programme – delegates choose one in each session
*9.00 – Chester Racecourse tour – for early arrivers*
Friday 21st October, 1 – 2.30pm (choose one)
20 maximum per tour (more permissible for Cathedral)
Tony Barton is a conservation accredited architect who lives and works in Chester. He is Chairman of the award winning practice of Donald Insall Associates and washeavily involved in the recent EU funded works on Chester City Walls. He will make afull circuit of the Walls to explain their history from the Romans to 2016.
(This walk is not suitable for people with mobility difficulties)
A guided tour of Chester Cathedral with Nora Edwards, a trained Cathedral guide.The tour will provide an insight into the history, the artefacts and architecture andexplain how the building was transformed from a monastery into the Cathedral weenjoy today.
Cost £5 payable on the day
Peggy Grimshaw, an experienced Blue Badge Tourist Guide, will be your guide on this tour which will provide fascinating insights to someof Chester's key historic sites.
CHESTER'S MEDIEVAL ROWS - unique, iconic and uneconomic? STEPHEN LANGTREE
Join a Vice-President of Chester Civic Trust accompanied by Blue Badge Guide Liz Roberts, to hear about the origins of the Rowsand the challenges facing their future. The tour will include a visit to Bishop Lloyd'sPalace, the Grade I listed headquarters of Chester Civic Trust which is accessed via a staircase.
A walking tour along the Canal, led by Geoff Taylor of Chester Canal Heritage Trust,that will offer a glimpse into Chester's maritime history and the listed buildings atTaylor's Boatyard.(No disabled access)
The Big Conservation Conversation! – Robert Lloyd Sweet, Historic England
in 2017 the civic movement will engage in the 50th anniversary of conservation areasand ask civic societies to give their support. We will be encouraging communities to celebrate conservation areas and recognise how conservation areas have helped keep many of our towns distinctive.
Robert's workshop will explore:
· the management of conservation areas;
· the toolkits and products available to help; and
· the challenges
Will include a visit to a nearby conservation area to look first hand at the issues.
Friday 21st October 3.00 – 4.30pm (choose one)
20 maximum per tour
Graham Fisher's perambulation will look at the astonishing visual changes in Chester from the mid - 19th century. Emphasis will be placed on the work of John Douglas(1830-1911) from his early Grosvenor Park entrance lodge to the triumph of black-and-white St Werburgh Street, perhaps the finest example of the vernacular revivalmovement. Graham is a Vice-President of Chester Civic Trust.
Storyhouse is Chester's new £37M cultural centre due to open in May 2017. A new-build 800 seat theatre with a library and cinema sited in a converted classic 1935 Odeon Cinema. Members of Chester Civic Trust led the successful campaign to persuade the Council to buy the Odeon from a developer who wanted to turn the building into a nightclub. Although the building will be fully accessible when it opens to the public it's still 'a building site' and the tour won't be suitable for wheelchair users.
Experienced Blue Badge Tourist Guide will be your guide on this tour which will provide fascinating insights to someof Chester's key historic sites.
War Memorials – fit for heroes? Anna Wilson and Peter Lloyd
Civic Voice is working with Historic England, Imperial War Museums and War Memorials Trust to support communities that want to conserve, protect and learn more about their local war memorials. Join Anna Wilson from Civic Voice and Peter Lloyd from War Memorials Trust to discuss the conservation issues that face memorials, discover how you can get involved during the centenary and access funding to ensure that your war memorials are fitting tributes to the fallen.
Saturday, 22nd October 11.30 – 12.45: (choose one)
1. Smarter campaigning – national focus: Parliamentary Outreach Team – Gary Hart chaired by Chris Russell, Chair of Chester Civic Trust
The Parliamentary Outreach Service provides specialist insight into how to engage more effectively with your MP and the wider Parliamentary process. Make your voice easier to hear where it matters most! Topics include :-
· Overview of engaging with Parliament – Commons and Lords
· Using the Parliament website
· Select Committees and petitions – including e-petitions
· All Party Parliamentary Group for Civic Societies
2. Smarter campaigning – local focus: Ian Harvey or Neil Sinden
Following on from the Civic Voice Smarter Campaigning workshops, Ian, Civic Voice executive director and Neil, Civic Voice trustee, will look at strategies and steps to get yourself noticed locally - tools, tactics and challenges.
3. Planning and regeneration: time for a review? – Dave Chetwyn and David Tittle
A discussion led by Expert Panel members Dave Chetwyn and David Tittle taking a look at current planning, conservation and regeneration policy and practice. Your chance to advise us of the key issues facing your community to inform the next Civic Voice manifesto.
4. Alliance of Historic Towns and Cathedral Cities (ACT)
Historic towns and cities are important both to the national heritage and to the economy, yet many are currently threatened with disproportionate developments, which degrade the very qualities which make them so attractive. (ACT) has recently carried out a survey to find out what is happening nationwide.Learn what the survey has revealed and discuss the challenges and potential solutions.
5. Street design for all – Colin Davis
Colin Davis, who has a long established track record of promoting‘common sense’ solutions to street design, returns to update on how to get things done with a sneak preview of Colin’s book to be published next year on ‘Streetscapes’. Afterwards, Colin will hold a street design drop in – bring along projects or ideas for free analysis and help.
6. Your civic society – a strategy for growth – Kevin Trickett
Kevin Trickett, President of Wakefield Civic Society, a passionate advocate for change and modernisation in the civic movement, will discuss the challenges facing civic societies – including recruiting more members, motivating existing ones plus using all the tools at your disposal to remain relevant in an increasingly fast paced environment!
7. Heritage Trust Network – Simon Buteux
Insights from the experts on how to develop a building preservation trust - and finance it!
8. Historic England – the heritage journey: what to take and how to get there – Karl Creaser
A route map to guide you through the heritage maze. Identify key evidence about our heritage, pick up some of the ‘killer stats’ and explore how to use them in making the case for heritage. Discussion about possible roles for the civic movement in contributing to the future of our heritage make this a not to be missed workshop.
9. Designed for Life – chaired by Rob Cowan
Join a panel of industry experts including Rob Cowan (Urban Design Skills), Charles Campion (JTP architects and masterplanners), The Prince’s Foundation and community representatives, showcasing examples of great community participation in achieving high quality design. Learn key tools and techniques you can take back to your local authority to ensure your voice is heard – and how to win a Civic Voice Design Award for your favourite schemes!
Talks: Saturday, 22nd October 1.45 – 3.00 (choose one)
1. Fifty years on – the Big Conservation Areas Conversation! – Stephen Langtree
With the 50th anniversary of the Civic Amenities Act next year, Stephen, Vice President, Chester Civic Trust, explores the issues facing conservation areas and how civic societies can get involved in celebrating them - and conserving them for the next 50 years.
2. Civic Day – a checklist for success!
Join Malvern Civic Society representative and Civic Voice Trustee, Roger Sutton with top tips on how to successfully plan, promote and present your Civic Day events.
3. War memorials – fit for heroes?
Repeat of Friday afternoon workshop
4. Smarter campaigning – local focus: Ian Harvey / Neil Sinden
Repeat of Saturday morning workshop
5. Your civic society – a strategy for growth – Kevin Trickett
Repeat of Saturday morning workshop
6. Heritage Trust Network
Repeat of Saturday morning workshop
7. Historic England – the heritage journey – Karl Creaser
Repeat of Saturday morning workshop
8. Designed for Life – chaired by Rob Cowan
Repeat of Saturday morning workshop
Exhibitors, Sponsors and Supporters at Convention include:
Civic Voice Convention host civic society 2016 and the leading local voluntary organisation dedicated to the preservation and improvement of the built environment in and around Chester
Kind sponsors of Civic Voice Convention 2016
Kind sponsors of Civic Voice Convention 2016,
Cheshire West and Chester is the local Council for the City of Chester and surrounding West Cheshire
War Memorials Trustworks for the protection and the conservation of war memorials in the UK. We provide advice and information to anyone as well as running grant schemes for the repair and conservation of war memorials.
The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) is the UK’s professional body for historic environment conservation specialists. IHBC members work in areas that help secure the conservation of historic places, buildings, sites or areas that we value.
Parliamentary Outreach spreads awareness of the work, processes and relevance of the institution of Parliament, encouraging greater engagement between the public and the House of Commons and House of Lords
John Thompson & Partners is an architectural and masterplanning practice, with extensive experience of delivering successful places for both public and private sectors throughout the UK and internationally. We use collaborative techniques pioneered and honed over two decades to build shared visions for projects with the very people who will use them.
CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale is an independent, voluntary organisation campaigning for real ale, community pubs and consumer rights.
We help people understand, enjoy and value the historic environment, and protect it for the future. A public body, we champion everyone’s heritage, across England. We work closely with Civic Voice to inspire more individuals to participate in protecting their local heritage.
The Historic Towns Forum (HTF), formerly the English Historic Towns Forum (EHTF), has been supporting professionals working in the historic built environment since 1987. The Forum's events and publications focus on perennial and topical issues. This collective then offers a strong platform from which to lobby policy makers on behalf of historic towns and cities.
The Heritage Trust Network is the new name for the Association Building Preservation Trust (UKAPT). The organisation is the umbrella body for any not-for-profit groups which are tackling historic buildings and heritage assets at risk
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