Important - For the attention of the SIMS FMS6 Operator

Financial Services for Schools



Academies No.A18

January 2015

Autumn 2014 Upgrade to 6.16

Summary of New Features

Ability to add a Journal from within Bank Reconciliation

Reports in New Format

Update to BACS Processing

Budget Variation Report

Ability to add a Journal from within Bank Reconciliation

An Add Journal button has been added to the Statement Contents chooser, enabling you to add either a Cashbook or VAT Reimbursement journal without having to exit the reconciliation.


General Ledger

Bank Reconciliation

Double click on the statement required

Click on the browser to open the Statement Contents Chooser.

Click on the Add Journal button and choose the type of journal you wish to create.

Create the journal and post as normal. The journal will now appear in the Statement Contents chooser and will be available for selection

Reports in New Format

A number of existing reports have been adapted and are now available in PDF, Word and Excel formats, enabling reports to be printed, or saved as a PDF file, Excel Spreadsheet or Word document. The following reports are available in the new formats:

  • Balances and Reserves
  • Historical Expense Analysis
  • Annual Budget Listing
  • Cumulative Expense Analysis

To access the reports

Reports/New Reports/General Ledger/Balances and Reserves or Analysis


Reports/New Reports/Budget Maintenance/Annual Budget Listing

The reports can be run with the data expanded, so that individual ledger codes or cost centres are displayed, or collapsed so that only one value is shown. Reports can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the + or – button.

Once the report has been run, click on the icon; this will give the file format options.

The report can then be saved in the required format.

These reports are in addition to the existing reports of the same name and do not replace them.

Update to BACS Processing

The BACS functionality has been enhanced to include new file formats, enabling support for more banks in FMS. This has led to changes to the options in the bank ledger code definition. It is now possible to select the appropriate BACS File Type for your bank

Tools/General Ledger Set Up/Ledger Codes

Double click on the relevant Bank Ledger Code

Choose the appropriate BACS File Type

Budget Variation Report

Reports/General Ledger/Bank/Budget Variation Report

This report has been enhanced so that you can choose to show actual rather than budgeted values for past periods if required

If you require assistance please contact the Helpline:

 01992 555753


e.mail  :


Financial Systems Helpline

Tel. No.: 01992 555753


Herts for Learning

01438 845111

© Herts for Learning 2014