Tel No. (022) (D) 22010325 and 2205 0191-94 / Fax No. (022) 2201 0323.
F.No.DRI/MZU/D-18015/03/2014-Admn. Dated 28/02/2014
Office of the Additional Director General, Directorate of Revenue Intelligences, Mumbai Zonal Unit, Mumbai, 13 Sir Vithaldas Thackeray Marg, New Marine Lines,Opp. Patkar Hall, Mumbai-400020 invites sealed tender from eligible contractors/construction agencies for the following work in respect of the office building.
Sl. No. / Name of work / Quotation amount (inclusive of all Taxes)1 / Water proofing of the Terrace Parapet wall top and outer side walls and finishing. The terrace parapet wall top finishing to be done with similar existing chips tiles or suitable material.
2. / Water proofing of the damaged wall area surrounding the MS Grills of the airconditioning plants.
3. / Repairs and oil painting of the MS Grills of the Airconditioning Plants.
4. / Structural repairs, water proofing and finishing to chajja and pardies.
5. / Repairs and finishing work of the ventilation and toilet window walls.
6. / Externaland Internal structural repairs to Beams and Columns by Polymer Built up Method,Microconcreting, injecting cement slurry grouts with polymer etc. as required.
7. / Fixing of the cracks and finishing on the sidewalls and roof along the staircase area
8. / Replacement of broken glasses.
9. / Repairs and finishing of damaged portion of false ceillings.
The terms and contitions of the tender are as follows:
1.The tenderer may visit the site and inspect all the areas concerning the required work. The tenderer may also satisfy themselves about the local conditions such as the working and other constraints at site, approach roads to the site etc. which may influence or affect their tender quotations. Tenderer shall be deemed to have considered all the said aspects whether he has inspected it or not and to have satisfied himself in all respect before quoting his rates and no claim or extra charges whatsoever in this regard shall be entertained/payable by Directorate of Revenue Intelligences at a later date.
2.All preparatory work such as erecting scaffolding, providing suitable coverings to prevent falling of debris, any other related work etc. shal be the responsibility of the contractor and no extra charges in this regard shall be payable by this office. However, water and electricity as required will be provided by this office.
3.All materials to be used shall be of reputed companies. The contractor shall deput well qualified staff having sufficient experince in execution of such works. The allotted work has to be completed by 26.03.2014 for which arrangement of suitable numberof supervisors, workers, materials etc. has to be arranged by the contractor.
4.The rates quoted by the tenderer shall be firm and fixed for the entire completion of the work.
5.The tenderer/contractor shall have to provide all safety appliances i.e. safety helmet, safety belt etc. to the workers engaged by them while working at height at their own cost and follow all safety rules and regulation enforce. The tenderer/contractor shall be liable for accident, injury, losses due to any accident or negligence of the workers and shall be liable to incur all the expenses in consequence thereof. In no case, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence is to be held responsible for any accident occurring during the execution of work.
6.The person engaged by the tenderer/contractor will be in the employment of the contractor only and not in DRI. The DRI, is no way concerned with the employees engaged by the tenderer.
7.The tenderer/contractor shall be responsible for complying with the applicable laws/bye laws/Regulations in force from time to time.
8.The tenderer/Contractor shall be fully responsible and liable for the payment of all taxes duties, tolls, octroi duties, excise duty, cess / royalty etc. on all material and articles that contractor may use for this work. Any increase in the aforesaid taxes, duties, levies, cess / royalty etc. that may arise during the currency of the contract shall also be on contractor's account and shall not be paid / reimbursed to the contractor by Directorate of Revenue Intelligence.
9. Directorate of Revenue Intelligence shall deduct Income Tax at source from all payments due to contractor under this contract in accordance with the Income Tax Act, 1961 and rules made there under including any amendments or modifications thereof till date.
10.No advance payment will be made by DRI. Payment will be released after completion of the work, submission of the bill and usual processing thereof
11.The successful tenderer /contractor should furnish a 5(five) years guarantee certificate in respect of water proofing work, repairsto pillars and columns.
12.The sealed tenders will be accepted in the Ground floor, Directorate of Revenue Intelligences, Mumbai Zonal Unit, Mumbai, 13 Sir Vithaldas Thackeray Marg, New Marine Lines, Opp. Patkar Hall, Mumbai-400020 upto 07.03.2014 at 2.30 PM. The bids will be opened on 07.03.2014 at 3.30 p.m.
13.The sealed tenders should be on the letter head of the company/firm and the quotations must be item wise as above. The tenderer must also enclose copies of the work order/Invoice etc. evidencing having done such civil work earlier, Income Tax return filed for the last two years.
14.The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any reason. Directorate of Revenue Intelligence also reserves the right to Split the work among two or more parties at lowest negotiated rate without assigning any reason thereof. The contractor is bound to accept the portion of work as offered by Directorate of Revenue Intelligence after split up at the quoted/negotiated rates. Further, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence reserves right for the allotment of the work in full or in part also to the successful tenderer.
15.For any further details/visit to the site, the interested parties may contact Shri M. A. Qureshi, Senior Intelligence Officer(Admn), Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Mumbai Zonal Unit, Mumbai, 13 Sir Vithaldas Thackersay Marg, New Marine Lines, Opp. Patkar Hall, Mumbai-400 020. (022-22050191-94 Ext. No.110).
Deputy Director (Admn)
Copy to :
1.The Deputy Director(Pol), DRI, Hqrs., New Delhi with a request to upload the tender notice on the website.
2.Notice Board of DRI, MZU, Mumbai; Mumbai Custom House; Central Excise Mumbai-I.