MONROE, WA98272-0158

PHONE (360) 794-6900 FAX (360) 805-0616



Call to order:Commissioner Johnson announced that a quorum of the board was present and called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Commissioners present:Donovan Sheppard, Richard Johnson, Ted Stonebridge

Staff and Contractors:Ray Phelps; Susan Forbes, Susan Boyd

Prior Minutes:The Commissioners reviewed the minutes for the March 10, 2016meeting. Commissioner Stonebridge made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.


A. Comp Plan:The Engineer had an update to Chapter 6 that she gave to the Commissioners to review.

B.Mapping:Final copies of maps for the trucks were given to the District. There was a brief discussion.

Comp Plan Hearing:Commissioner Johnson adjourned the regular meeting to a hearing for the Comprehensive Water System Plan at 6:15pm. The hearing was published in two local papers. The Herald on 18th of March and the Monitor on the 22nd of March. No members of the Public attended the hearing and no written comments were received. There was some discussion regarding the wording for chapter 6 for new requirements for testing water. Commissioner Johnson adjourned the hearing back to the regular meeting at 6:28pm.

Field Supervisor:

A.Usage:Unaccounted for usage for HWD for Marchwas11% and for Friar Creek it was -1%.There was some discussion and the Commissioners will forgo more leak detection until later in the year. They went through charts showing the decrease in pump time over a period of time after a couple of leaks were found and fixed.

B.Meter Inspections:The City of Everett has been out to inspect the master meters. They will be doing some work on the Friar Creek mater meters on the 20th.

C.ICS-300:The Field Supervisor had attended a three day class and gave a report to the Commissioners. He also attended another function on his own time that he discussed. He will be taking another course in June.

D.Franchise Agreement:The Field Supervisor had received an email letting him know that the franchise agreement was working its way through the steps and that he would be kept informed.

E.Old Phase II:Realtors have been contacting the District regarding property that at one point was called Cromwell Phase II. If someone purchased the property and they want to build a single home they can have a meter set near the hydrant on the access right of way. If they plan to build more than one home it will require attending a meeting and discussing a DEA with the Commissioners.

F. EFI:The Field Supervisor and the Engineer will be meeting with a rep from EFI next week to discuss upgrades to the pump station.

G. Fleet Cards:The cards used for purchasing diesel for the generator are no longer valid and a new application is needed to replace them. There was a short discussion. Commissioner Stonebridge made a motion to update the cards. Commissioner Sheppard seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Stonebridge signed the application for new cards.


A. Financials:The financials for March 2016 weregiven to the Commissioners to review. There was a short discussion.

B.Resolutions:The Commissioners were given the following Resolutions to approve:


2016-0367Establishing place and times for meetings. Replacing Resolution 1998-0003

2016-0368Accepting the 2016 Comprehensive Water System Plan

Commissioner Stonebridge made a motion to approve Resolution 16-0367 as written. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The new time will be published.

Commissioner Johnson made a motion to approve Resolution 16-0368 as written. Commissioner Stonebridge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

C.Financial Statement:The Commissioners were given the 2015 Financial Statement that was prepared for the District by the accountant. They also received the mapping from the trial balance and a check list to complete with the review of the Financial Statement. There was some discussion and the Commissioners went through the check list. Commissioner Stonebridge made a motion to accept the Financial Statement for 2015. Commissioner Sheppard seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

D. MRSC Agreement:It was time for the annual renewal of the MRSC agreement for use of the small works rosters. Commissioner Johnson made a motion to accept the Agreement. Commissioner Sheppard seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Commissioner Stonebridge signed the agreement.

E.CFN Card:The card used to purchase diesel for the generator was outdated. After a short discussion Commissioner Stonebridge made a motion to renew the card. Commissioner Sheppard seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Commissioner Stonebridge signed the application.

F.EFI:The Engineer and Field Supervisor will be meeting with the rep from EFI at the pump stations on April 20th to go through what is needed to update some of the equipment. There was a short discussion.

Vouchers:Commissioner Sheppard made a motion to approve vouchers 5266 through 5286 in the amount of $16,172.13.Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Commissioner Stonebridge made a motion to approve payroll for Aprilin the amount of $15,543.14. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Next meeting:The next regular meetingwill be held on Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 6p.m. at the District office at 24602 Old Owen Rd, Monroe, WA 98272.

Concluded:The meeting was concluded at 7:58pmApril 14, 2016.

Approved:May 12, 2016

Attended__ Absent__

Ted Stonebridge, Secretary

Attended__ Absent__

Richard Johnson, President

Attended__ Absent__

Donovan Sheppard, Vice-President

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Minutes of the Regular Meeting and

Comp Plan Hearing of April 14, 2016