ETICS Public Demonstrations

Deliverable D7.1

Date: 19April2013

Version: 0.1

Definition of exploitation plans

Editor: / Nicolas Le Sauze
Deliverable nature: / Demo
Dissemination level:
(Confidentiality) / PU
Contractual Delivery Date: / 31/03/2013
Actual Delivery Date / 19/04/2013
Suggested Readers: / All
Total number of pages: / 4
Keywords: / ETICS Public Demonstrations


D7.1 is a short document providing feedbacks on the public demonstrations (ETICS industrial workshop on the 29th November 2013, and ETICS booth at the MPLS Congress from the 19th to the 22th March 2013) organized in the frame of the ETICS project.


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Full project title: Economics and Technologies for Inter Carrier Services

Inter-carrier high level technical architecture for end-to-end network services

Document title: ETICSPublic demonstrations

Editor: Nicolas Le Sauze (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France)

Workpackage Leader: Olivier Dugeon, France Telecom – Orange Labs

Project Co-ordinator: Nicolas Le Sauze, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France

Technical Project Leader: Richard Douville, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France

This project is co-funded by the European Union through the ICT programme under FP7.

I.ETICS Industrial Workshop, 29th NOvember 2012, Massy, France

The ETICS industrial workshop on “Tomorrow’s Internet: Smarter, Faster, Fairer?” was successfully organized in Paris/Massy in France on the 29th November 2012. About 60 persons joined the workshop, representing multiple network operators (BT, DT, Orange, Telenor, Telefonica), Telecom equipment and software vendors (ALU, Cisco, Juniper, Thales, 6WIND, Marben Products, Nextworks), Over the top providers (Akamai, Google,OVH/Oxalya).

For more information on the ETICS workshop, please visit the ETICS web site:

During the lunch, the ETICS partners offered the possibility to participants to discuss around 8 different demonstrations, validating different aspects of the overall ETICS system (click on the links to see a short datasheet of each presented demos):

  • Inter-Carrier ETICS-Testbed - Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, DT,Marben, Nextworks, Primetel, Orange, Telefonica
  • Define your virtual private network – Marben
  • Control plane cooperation using Hierarchical Traffic Engineering – Orange
  • Application connectivity On Demand using SEFA - DT
  • Business Intelligence for SLA negotiation – Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs
  • Penalty Sharing – Institut Telecom
  • Path Computation Element and Service Plane - Nextworks, Alcatel-Lucent, Telefonica
  • Network passive Monitoring - FTW

II.ETICS Booth at the MPLS Congress, 19-22 March 2013, Paris, France

The MPLS & Ethernet Congress World Congress is a worldwide major event for the Telecom and Internet industry. It is the first worldwide event in the MPLS & Ethernet area. The 2013 event attracted more than 1200 participants, with service providers making up more than 50% of the audience and a growing international presence. For more global information on the event, please visit the Upper Side web site:

ETICS was present at the exhibition of the MPLS congress with a dedicated booth. During the event, we have presented most implemented components of the ETICS core system, focusing in particular on the ASQ path composition amongst multiple Network Service Providers in Push and Pull modes.
We received a lot of positive feedbacks from network operators (Telecom Italia, Belgacom, Mobistar, Orange, DT, etc.) and vendors (Cisco, Huawei, Ericsson, Telco Systems, MRV, Metanoia, etc.), and people were very pleased to discuss solutions looking a bit ahead from current practices.

The problem is now perceived as really important for a lot of companies present at the MPLS congress, and we are pretty sure that we will hear about “ETICS-like” solutions in the coming years.

Olivier Dugeon (WP6-7/Prototyping activity Leader) & Richard Douville (ETICS Technical Manager) at the MPLS Congress 2013.

Version 0.8 –03 April 2013Page 1