Wollongong West Public School

ICT Acceptable Use Policy

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I will abide by the rules set out below.

Student Personal Safety

Students will not post personal contact information about themselves, or about other people and will promptly disclose to their teacher any message they receive that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable.

Illegal or Destructive Activities

Users will not attempt to access another person's files, make deliberate attempts to disrupt any computer system performance or destroy data.

Users will not use the MULLUMBIMBY PUBLIC SCHOOL network to engage in any illegal act.

Users will not attempt to harm or destroy hardware and/or data of another user.

System Security

Under no conditions should a user provide his or her password to another person.

Users will avoid the inadvertent spread of computer viruses by following the MULLUMBIMBY PUBLIC SCHOOL virus protection procedures

Disks will not be brought in from home, floppy disks will be scanned before use

Inappropriate Conduct

Restrictions against inappropriate language apply to public messages, private messages, and material posted on web pages.

Users will not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful language.

Users will not post information that, if acted upon, could cause damage or a danger of disruption.

Users will not engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks.

Users will not harass another person. Harassment is acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person. If a user is told by a person to stop sending them messages, the user must stop.

Users will not post false or defamatory information about a person or organisation.

Respect for Privacy

Users will not re-post a message that was sent to them privately without permission of the person who sent them the message.

Respecting Resource Limits

Users will use the network only for educational development activities, and limited, high-quality, self-discovery activities.

Users will not download large files.

Users will not post chain letters or engage in 'spamming".

Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement

Users will not plagiarise works that they find on the Internet.

Users will respect the rights of copyright owners.

Under no circumstances will illegal copies of copyrighted software be made available or used on MULLUMBIMBY PUBLIC SCHOOL equipment.

Inappropriate Access to Material

Users will not use MULLUMBIMBY PUBLIC SCHOOL computers or network to access material that is profane or obscene, that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards other people.

If a user accidentally accesses such information, they should immediately exit the site and disclose the accidental access to their teacher.

Web Sites

Users will not include any reference on web sites to other users, including their names and pictures, without the individual's permission.

If a personal or class web page is created, a notice must be included to inform the public that the opinions expressed on the page are those of the creator of the web page, not MULLUMBIMBY PUBLIC SCHOOL. A statement on the web page must acknowledge the authorship of the page.

I will try and maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in relation to my use of the computer and network at Mullumbimby Public School

I understand that that by disobeying the rules set out above will incur a penalty.




Stage 3 Year 5 ICT Scope and Sequence

Information Communication Technologies 2004 Stage3 – Year 5
The ICT skills listed in this document combine the computer skills which could be assessed by the Computer Skills Assessment Program in Years 6 and 10. PLUS....through analysis of the skills, and classroom teaching experience, other skills have been identified and incorporated.
The core components of the Year 6 Computer Skills Assessment are:
~Computer Operations~ Word Processing~ Graphics and Multimedia~ Internet and Email~ Databases and Spreadsheets~
Week / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 /


1 / Welcome
Set up, rules. / ANZAC DAY
Card in publisher, add printer to profile / Database…review
As a table in word / IE review
Identify menu bar, title bar web page, web page menu, standard toolbar, address bar, links bar
2 / Sharing, taking turns
Finish card and print / Moons of jupiter / IE
Keyboard shortcuts
Previous, next, print, add fave, help, refresh
Use them and publish to web
3 / Saving in folder
Logging in, logging out
Who owns what
Adding favorites / Word
Fonts format font
Publish examples on web
P18 19 / Excell revision / History page
4 / Demonstrate saving work to web. Open file
Comp jargon and answer questions…, save to topic 1 page / Paragraphs
Hanging p20 21 / Excel
Planet diameters
P61 / Paint
Pixel editing
5 / Pixels resolution and
Change res of screen
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768
watch desktop pixilation / Using the thesaurus
antonyms / Planet diameters
P61 / Selection tools
Name activity
Publish to web
6 / Camera
take a photo of buddy
publish on site
rc copy rc paste / Inserting symbols / Formulae / Asesments
7 / Windows explorer
Identify toolbar, menu bar, title bar, folder pane, contents pane, address bar. / Advanced clip art
Find similar
Finish and Print card / Self portrait
8 / Windows explorer
Organising files and folders…create delete rename undelete move p 13 / QUEENS BIRTHDAY
Monday off
Present a topic on web using…… / Formulae p62 63 / Self portrait
9 / Viewing folders
P14 / ……formatted fonts
indented paragraphs
hanging “ “
symbols (upside down e…Ә / Fill down fill accross / Publish onto page with name
Tidy folder and page ready to burn
10 / MS Word revision
P16 17 / review / Review / Review burning and games
11 / Easter
Only mon tues this week

Wollongong West Public School

Stage 3 Year 5 ICT Scope and Sequence

Mullumbimby Public School

Early Stage 1 ICT Scope and Sequence

asic Operations and Concepts

Identifies components:

a. external floppy drive/zip drive/thumb drive

b. scanner c. router/satellite d. ethernet cable e. hub f. fileserver

Uses: a. Control+Alt+Delete b. Print screen

c. Ctrl shortcuts d. number keys/numeric keypad

Uses the right mouse button to access shortcuts

Uses buttons to:

a. cut b. paste c. bold d. underline e. check spelling f copy g. print h. italicise i. save j. undo

Saves a document in a specified format (not default)

Retrieves, revises and saves changes to a document

Moves and resizes windows

Maximises and minimises windows

Works from two or more open windows

Uses Find/Search to locate specific files

Uses Print Preview to view a document before printing

Considers what needs to be printed

Prints a selection/range of pages

Uses drill/practice software.

ord processing:

Uses the following tools to draw pictures that add meaning to text

a. pencil/crayon (including thickness/colour)

b. paint bucket, paint brush, spray can (including fill pattern/colours)

c. stamps/Autoshapes/shape tools

Uses a scanner to convert a picture into a graphics file

Changes margins and line spacing

Uses bullets and numbering

Adds a border to headings and/or selected text

Adds a page border

Uses Find/Replace for a word or phrase

Inserts hyperlinks

Inserts header/footer containing name, class, date, page no.

Inserts a multi-column table to record information

Edits number of rows and/or columns

Adjusts the cell properties - row height, column width

Uses spell checker and understands limitations

Uses thesaurus to locate and change words

Uses Page/Print Setup to change the page orientation

Uses Page/Print Setup to change the paper size

Creates text in columns

Uses justify button appropriately to align text

Uses Format Picture dialogue to change the layout of images

Uses "save" command at regular intervals

Uses Format Picture dialogue box to border graphics

Uses Format Picture dialogue box to change thickness and style of graphic border

Uses Format Picture dialogue box to crop photo images

Uses Format Picture dialogue box to wrap text


Creates a clear, concise and logical non-linear m'media presentation

Chooses appropriate slide design and layout

Uses Word Art to Format headings

Inserts a text box

Uses slide sorter to change the order of slides

Understands "apply" and "apply to all" buttons

Inserts hyperlinks

Adds action buttons

Uses slide design in Format menu to format background

Saves presentation as a Powerpoint show (.pps)



Identifies types of websites by their three letter identification code

Conducts effective, complex searches using search engines

Names the components of a URL address and email address

Chooses appropriate sites from search results

Assesses the relevance and reliability of information on a website

Copies text from a website and pastes into another application

References material from the Internet correctly

Creates email messages to send to others

Reads email messages from others

Replies to email messages sent

Forwards email messages to other email addresses

Adds attachments such as text files or pictures to email messages

Uses a listserv to discuss a particular topic and/or share resources

Participates in forums created by staff

States the reasons for copyright laws



Understands the purpose/structure of a database

Opens and uses a commercial database eg. Prime Ministers

Sorts data in ascending/descending order

Creates a database table with several fields by design

Edits field data types as needed

Creates queries using the wizard



Understands the purpose/structure of a spreadsheet

Uses terms - cell, row, column

Identifies cell by address

Sort data according to desired criteria

States strengths and weaknesses of a spreadsheet

Enters data in active cells

Edits data in a cell

Formats cells - font, size, style, colour

Formats data to currency or number

Prints selected area of the spreadsheet

Changes column width and row height using mouse

Changes column width and row height using menus

Hides/unhides columns and rows

Adds/deletes rows and columns

Uses sum, +, -, * and / to construct simple formulae

Uses Fill down, Fill right commands

Uses mouse to Fill down, Fill right

Selects a range of cells to create a chart

Completes the chart wizard to create a column graph