C/o Clifton Management, Inc.

1326 So. Ridgewood Avenue, Ste. 14

Daytona Beach, FL 32114


Cypress Head Master HOA

May 17, 2016 - 7:00 P.M.

CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Ralph Bennett. The quorum was established by the presence of: Ralph Bennett, President, Dan Hunter, Vice President, Mitch Pietras, Treasurer, and Tom Gumkowski, and Robert A. White, Directors. Sherry Clifton (CAM) was present on behalf of Management. The audience arose for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Robert Robins, Esquire, was present to address legal questions regarding political signs. Per the association’s CC&Rs, if approved by the ARC and applicable local ordinances political signs may be allowed. The City of Port Orange allows for 1 sign per office to be erected 30 days prior to the election and removed 5 days following the election. This is clearly a balancing act to allow what residents would like while not violating the governing documents. R. Geiger, ARC Chairman, presented a written report to the Board with the caveat that the ARC is there to review requests to any exterior permanent changes and is not an enforcer of violations and such. D. Hunter questioned if the City would assist with any violations per their Ordinances. T. Gumkowski agreed that the board is stepping in to stop the abuse of too many signs being placed out too early. D. Hunter stated that new thoughts and opinions on the matter deserve revisiting the issue. R. Bennett advised that the Lakes Board of Directors has requested that the Master Board of Directors re-visit its prior motion to allow signs but rather follow the City Ordinances in this matter. The meeting was closed and a vote took place during old business ‘violations’ (see below).

RESIDENT PARTICIPATION: *S. Lowe addressed that yard waste is not being properly removed by the City (Board members advised that the City should be called).

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: A Motion was made by M. Pietras, seconded by T. Gumkowski, to approve the Agenda as presented; motion carried.

READING OF THE MINUTES: A Motion was made by M. Pietras, seconded by R.A. White, to waive the reading and for approval of the Minutes of April 19, 2016; motion carried.

STATUS OF ACCOUNTS: M. Pietras provided a verbal report and balance sheet showing a total reserve and operating balance of $739,425.27 (04/30/16). A meeting is scheduled for May 19, 2016 with Florida Community Bank to discuss services offered. Management was asked to provide the Board with the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss and only M. Pietras the additional financial reports in the monthly board packets. Motion made by R.A. White, seconded by D. Hunter, to approve the financial reports as presented; motion carried.

MANAGER’S REPORT: Written report provided to the Board (04/25/16). Management has also assisted with accepting the Community Surveys regarding the One Cypress Head as well as coordinating efforts with the sub associations and ARC regarding the violation review per prior meeting. Board packets are to have the pages numbered in the future.


Violations – Pots/Decorative Flags/Political Signs: R. Bennett announced that as there is not substantive wording in the documents that the Master HOA will not pursue the pots or decorative flags issue(s). The list of violations was forwarded to sub-associations for their review and action. The Master HOA has forwarded its violation letters to those owners only within the Master HOA. R. Geiger on behalf of the ARC stated this is a test of reasonableness and community standards that should not fall under personal opinion. Motion to amend prior motion made by R.A. White, seconded by D. Hunter, that the Master Board of Directors in conjunction with the ARC will allow 1 sign per office per lot to be erected 30 days prior to election and removed 5 days following the election; motion carried (T. Gumkowski dissenting). Elections are currently scheduled for August 30th and November 8th.

One Cypress Head – Committee Report/Community Responses: (21 Yes/82 No/14 Indecisive-Counted After Meeting) Motion made by R.A. White, seconded by D. Hunter to dissolve the committee and table until further notice; motion carried.


*Landscaping: T. Gumkowski provided a report of the current landscaping projects which included, but not limited to, landscaping is back to its weekly schedule, dead shrubbery was removed/replaced by back gate, irrigation/control box in need of replacement at the community clubhouse sign area, Brazilian pepper plants have been trimmed back, lighting at the front entryway should be checked for any blockages of issues, tree closest the new flag pole in need of trimming. D. Hunter met with Rountree and a couple of issues have already been addressed including trimming of overgrowth along Siesta Key and Crystal Creek. Rountree has been requested to provide a list of tasks and scheduling. The City is also being contacted regarding the clean out on Cypress Springs Pkwy. (by bench) as the skimmer boards are deteriorated. Owner present at the meeting suggested seasonal plantings cease at the entryway of Paradise Island and perhaps install permanent shrubs and he will assist with watering (6271 Paradise).


*Flag Dedication: Approximately 65-70 residents showed for the flag ceremony. Appreciation was given to Frank Cocuzzo.

*Social: M. Geiger reminded all present to RSVP for the Wine Tasting scheduled for May 22nd. It was noted that the supplier of the wine is a community resident that owns 95&Vine.

*ARC: R. Geiger reported 17 projects during the month of April primarily being roofs, trees and painting. D. Hebert has stepped down due to moving out of the area and will be greatly missed. Board members were reminded of CC&R 2.3 regarding member replacement and asked to forward any interested persons to ARC. They will continue to work within a good team environment.

*Golf Advisory Report: R. Lee reported the City Council has appointed 5 members plus City Council Members to the Golf Advisory Board (A. Angelone, T. Delmonte, D. Flesch, R. Lee, and J. Taylor). Pamphlets have been received and June 7th is the first scheduled meeting.

*Newsletter: S. Lowe reminded those present that the City of Port Orange Police Department can be contacted while you are out of town and they will send someone to visit your home which in turn increases police presence in the community.


*M. Pietras: Brought up the need for additional speed limit signs as there are currently 2 along Cypress Springs Parkway. Speed bumps and increased police presence will assist with speeding.

*R.A. White: Respectfully has accepted the position as legal chairperson and is looking forward to remain on the board to assist with resolving any legal matters.

*D. Hunter: Continues with communications with the City regarding the Williamson Extension Project.

NEXT MEETING: Motion made by R.A. White, seconded by T. Gumkowski, to cancel the June 2016 Board of Directors’ meeting; motion carried. The next meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for July 19, 2016.

ADJOURNMENT: Motion made by R.A. White, seconded by M. Pietras, to adjourn the meeting (8:35PM); motion carried.