Opening remarks by Cynthia

Guests: Anthony Tait and Joy Lambright from IB

Introductions- several newly authorized schools

Approve agenda

Jim and Karen motion- approved

Brenda – new ventures

Hodder books/ Learning Curve in Australia.

Have planner for DP too

Julie- Oxford University Press products

Explore the World of Professional Development

PPT will be available on our website

Work with the “rock stars” of the research world

Workshop categories-

Professional Development process for workshops

Use data points from feedback from teachers around the world

What do you want from professional development?

High satisfaction with PD

171 countries 70% female 45% masters

new workshops

Head of school, 2nd most important piece of program

Online PD –growing rapidly has improved.

Joy – PD in North America

April 7-9 PD in Bethesda, MD

Informal PD

DP Advantage – can purchase and it give PD ( good as a district) – based on school size … $2,000 for 10 hrs of coaching and up to 20 users.

ToK for parents – free!!

Discussion of how to make these products available to schools without such cost. It is hard to get $2,000.00 out of a budget. How can we make this more affordable to schools.

Workshop providers

American Museum of History is hands-on for PYP an MYP

Same with ISTA- hands on

Looking for locations for workshop 2 yrs ahead

2019-2020 looking for area

District workshops- PD needs for district or group of schools

Deadlines for apps are not hard deadlines

In school workshops – can do it with 20 participants

Educator network- can apply to be workshop leader

Readers of app are now educators. Month of online training, then face to face workshop, still have mentor through IB.

60 different roles for teachers

IB educator and leadership certificates

School enhancement services- optional

self- guided on demand – tier 1 ( 3 tiers)

consultancy for authorized schools-

Results extra- deeper dive into data and results helping to adapt teaching

curriculum connections – PYP, MYP – tailored to your school 12 mo service

PYP Building Quality Curriculum- subscription will be on year as well.

Idea to have districts/ regions together to provide less expensive training.

Roundtables will count as training in future. Will need a PD plan for schools.

Even professional organizations trainings will count.

Delicious lunch

Donation to scholarship fund from IB Source and Hodder and Learning Curve

IB source – talk

new book sets for PYP-

The barefoot librarian – she finds great books for PYP

Ed Trob – create I B materials

Website as a space for teachers to share without clunkiness of OCC.

Business meeting:

Met September 16th- minutes Darren approve Jen for 2nd- approved

J Velo - about $130,000.00 dollars – most in money market

. Akron schools do a direct deposit - can others? Makes life easier for Jim.

Bring PD we want.

April 26- figure out what we want for next year. Discounted rate for some of those services from IB as a group.

Used to be leaders meeting in MD. Not anymore. Day before regional conf in Orlando.

Nate- Lot of schools that went through authorization visits. Send Nate email if anything has changed. Have Ohio for 5 years

Eric – scholarships are ready to go. Just need to send out apps.

PD scholarship for teachers or IB Coordinators / admin

Student world conference

College fair - no on idea of buying an hr of suburban college fair.

What about something identifying kids as IB Diploma so the students can be noticed?

Couple more things come up

Lead the way- continuum roundtable- Feb 24th – here at Graf center

75.00. Who is audience for this? Typically administrators.

March 1st – Akron “ACTION”

Spoken word poet April 10th - late morning – Brittany Duck – still waiting to hear from her. How are we doing registration for this presentation. 40 kids for $100.00.

All Cuba trips were at least a week unless you fly into Havanna. All the same length.

What kind of PD do we want for next year? No “another approaches to learning”.

There are individual session on approaches to learning.

Have you seen any really good presenters. History one was really good. Round tables that aim towards cat 3 for low cost … as round table.

“What is an IB education? suite”- can look at it as a way to do offerings for our school.

If there is a working group that you want.. plan out something we can deliver in our schools. What can we do hear that is cost effective that will help our IB school?

Ideas for PD to move forward:

PLC what do you do with IB teacher mtg

Course outlines- writing parties to get them updated- add approaches to learning- on OCC teacher checklist of these are the approaches to learning and to teaching, some is subject specific, some general, reflection tool, self guided model

Discussion of how to incorporate : international-mindness through school/ program (getting outside of your building)

recruiting strategies

Tok – good ideas/ making it work in non period/ make TOK form the best it can be! He grades the presentation but it is the form that goes with, the document needs to be the best it can be. All they see is the document.

Best skills and practices- day to day, test sign ups, fee collections,

Bio – penpals across the world sharing about Bio- put it on OCC

map in hall QR codes to link to school with penpals


IB twitter - 10 things you can do…

ToK across the curriculum – Heather Michael in the fall

Doreen Conko – EE

Can we get them to have EE question before they leave? Read around it this summer. How do we train supervisors?

100.00 Kettering

Coffee mugs and coffee- principal… kids write them cards

lunch at Jerome, Coffman – none