STUDY #3 Isaiah 6
Read Isaiah 6. Read it in another version if you have one or find an on-line version and listen to it. The ESV (English Standard Version) is available on-line. Isaiah 6 is Isaiah’s original call and commissioning from the Lord. The first five chapters of the book can be described as the state of the nation address, an outline of his message. (Note: Uzziah, mentioned in the first verse of the chapter, and his reign is mentioned in 2 Chronicles 26)
1. Might there be a deliberate reason for Isaiah’s call and commission to be written up after the introduction (chapters 1-5) to his message? You may want to refer to ch 5 verses 24 and 25 in particular.
2. Do you have an understanding of what the temple in Jerusalem looked like and why Isaiah might have seen and heard these things?
3. Working with the language used in verses 1- 7 what did Isaiah see, feel and hear? Does this vision bring to mind any songs, paintings, stories, or scripture?
4. How would you explain the Lord’s holiness (as described in this passage) to someone?
5. “Woe is me,” cries, Isaiah, for I am lost.” Have you ever had this response to God’s presence? (See Peter’s response to Jesus in Luke 5:1-11)
6. What does the burning coal touching Isaiah’s tongue signify?
7. Compare Isaiah’s response to the Lord’s voice with Moses’ response to the Lord in Exodus 3:10-11 and Exodus 4:10-13 (Read all of Exodus 3 and 4 to get the entire context). Why might this be significant?
8. Read Matthew 13:1-23 (especially verses 14-15). How does Jesus’ quote from Isaiah 6 fit within the parable of the sower?
9. What event do verses 11-13 point forward to? What is the promise in verse 13?