Paper 11.1
Item 11.1

The University of Edinburgh

Space Management Group

8th December 2004

Space Audit Update

Brief description of paper

This paper provides an update on the annual space audit and various related space management issues.

Action requested

The Space Management Group is invited to note the ongoing work to the annual Space Audit, Space Reference Area Study, and other space related matters.

Resource Implications

The space contacts have been involved in helping with the process of updating the space database, and this is set to continue with the 6th round of updates for October 2005. Members of the group are invited to note the proposed shift in timing of the 6th annual round of Space Audit updates for February / March 2005.

Risk Assessment

Does the paper include a risk analysis? No

Equality and Diversity

Does the paper have equality and diversity implications? No

Any other relevant information


Freedom of information

Can this paper be included in open business? Yes

Originator of the paper

Gillian Nicoll, Space Manager, Estates and Buildings, November 2004

Space Audit Update


This paper provides an update on various ongoing space management matters.

Space Audit 2004 online returns

The annual update process for all data received through the Drawings on the Web package over the summer, have now been updated to the core system. A data warehouse extract will be taken prior to the Christmas break, and a confirmation sent out to all space contacts and members of the SMG. The following list contains the percentage of space returns received, and the percentage of returns completed online through the Drawings on the Web.

College/Support Group %Returns received % Returns completed online

Col. of Humanities & Social Sciences 100% 80%

Col. of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine 85% 60%

Col. of Science & Engineering 100% 95%

Information Services Group 22% 100%

(No Library Return)

Admin, Comm & Student Services 60% 100%

Corporate Services Group 25% 100%

Of the above figures, where there has been no return, in the main this has been due to the fact that the particular school/planning unit has had either no changes to report on, or that it has been involved in a major refurbishment, which Estates & Buildings have updated to the core system via the O&M information. Under next years audit, the Space Manager will highlight to all space contacts the need to include an online return for any floors/buildings that have not undergone any changes. This is so that our electronic gatekeeper system can accurately assess the full estate returns/non-returns received.

The returns received via separate emails, and not through the Web drawings, has been due to the fact that the some of these (i.e. CMVM, Western General Hospital) buildings do not have a plan to refer to and can therefore not be updated through the Web Drawings package. Estates & Buildings have identified these buildings as a priority to obtain plans and/or site survey, and add these to the core system /drawings on the Web package over the course of the next calendar year.

Space Audit process 2005

As discussed and endorsed, at the November 2003 SMG meeting, the proposal to move the return date within the University calendar, from May/June to February/March, was not possible last year. However, Estates & Buildings, with the support of MIS, are in a position to bring forward next years Space Audit process for 2005 to February/March. This will result in the following revised timetable process;

February / March 2005 –

Estates & Buildings request the anticipated occupancy information for 1st October 2005, from the nominated

Space Contacts, to be returned to the Space Manager via the Drawings on the Web package. Along with any

NPRAS transactions that may incur a debit/credit to the respective College / Support Group.

April/May 2005 –

Estates & Buildings carry through the necessary updates and any site checks etc to the core system.

June/July 2005–

Estates & Buildings then distribute any final information they may require, that may not have been available

in detail at the time of the first request in February / March, along with the list of NPRAS transactions by

College and Support Group for comment/agreement.

30th August 2005–

Once all updates are completed, a snapshot is taken within the Space Datawarehouse and all figures checked before being made available to Planning for adjustment to the budgets during September.

Phase 5 -Drawings on the Web development.

Due to other priorities within MIS, the next phase of the Drawings on the Web development, has been put on hold, until Summer 2005. However, some minor problems reported under last years audit process, are currently being looked at and should be resolved prior to the next update in February 2005.

Space Reference Area Study – General Update

Denis Revell visited Edinburgh in Mid May, for further discussions with Moray House School of Education and The College of MVM, and work is ongoing to produce a reference area for both disciplines. A further meeting between CMVM, Denis Revell and Gillian Nicoll will be required, but as yet the information from Denis requires some input from G Nicoll prior to handover to The College. A meeting to discuss this work, will be scheduled at some point in the spring of next year.

Following a successful visit in May, Estates & Buildings have identified Bristol University (in addition to Glasgow University) as a suitable comparator to exchange information with, on various Estate management issues. Estates & Buildings are now currently in discussion with Bristol with a view to arranging the next meeting in Edinburgh. Due to the priority of work required on fec/TRAC, this second meeting with Bristol University will now be arranged for the Spring of next year.

Data Warehouse

The Data Warehouse snapshot of Estate occupancy as at Oct 2003, is still available to view at under Internet Explorer. The extract for October 2004 is as noted above.

The Further work to the display for the comparison of data for the consecutive years; and to improve the restrictions on specific room and departmental data, is on hold, due to other priorities within EBIS. An update will be circulated to both the representatives of the Space Management Group and the nominated Space contacts, as to when this work will be re-scheduled.

Any queries relating to the Drawings on the Web or Data Warehouse packages, should be directed to the Space Manager at , in the first instance.

Estates and Buildings

November 2004

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