To be eligible the applicant:

  1. Must have been a member of the Montgomery Basketball Association. This would mean the applicant would have played either recreation or traveling basketball; and/or
  2. Have participated in school programs (Freshman, JV, or Varsity teams); and/ or
  3. Have contributed to any aspect of the Montgomery Basketball Association- Scorekeeping, refereeing, coaching, or any other form of contribution/ participation.
  4. Not be a recipient of full financial aid or other full college scholarship.


Please submit the following:

  1. The attached application.
  2. An essay on why you feel you are a candidate for the Montgomery Basketball Association Scholarship.

All of the above materials should be dropped off at the guidance office in an envelope addressed to “The Montgomery Basketball Association by April 17, 2017.

The Scholarship committee will meet prior to the awards ceremony to decide recipients.

Montgomery Basketball Scholarship Application

About you the applicant:


Street: ______

City: ______State: NJ Zip:

Date of birth: Home phone: SS#:

I hereby affirm that I have completed this entire application, have not been a recipient of full financial aid, and that I have answered the questions truthfully.

Date: ______Signature of Applicant: ______

What school are you planning to attend?

School: ______Current Status of Acceptance:

Please shareall the areas that you have been involved in with Montgomery Basketball Association. This would include team participation (traveling, recreation, and AAU), scorekeeping, or refereeing.




List any other activities in which you have taken part during your high school years.



List any employers and average number of hours worked per month during your school years.



What are your goals for your college experience?




Please attach a short Typedessay to answer the following:

Why do you feel you deserve a scholarship from the MBA? Tell us about your experience with basketball. Describe what made basketball valuable to you. How can this help you in your future life?