What is Wrap Around care?

Wrap Around care is a new service for our school. The service will enable parents of children at Whitley Abbey Primary School to access high quality childcare provision both before and after school (term time only).

How does it work?

Childcare is available either before or after the child’s normal school day. The service will also open on Teacher Training Days.

Who will staff the service?

Two members of staff will operate the club. A Play leader and Play worker will work alongside the manager to plan the provision.

How many children will this service be available for?

Earlier consultation suggested a need for 12 full time places. This will be the initial number available. If demand exceeds this number we would expand the service once additional staff could be recruited.

Who can use this service?

This service is aimed at parents who are either in work or wish to return to work and parents who are in educational training.

The admissions policy of the club is based on the following criteria:-

1.  Parents of children who attend Whitley Abbey Primary School and who are in regular employment or training (requesting full Wrap Around care) and children who fall into our *exceptional circumstances criteria.

2.  Parents of children who are not in regular employment (requesting occasional Wrap Around care) but who attend Whitley Abbey Primary School.

* Children with Special, Particular or Educational needs who fall into our agreed ‘exceptional circumstances’ criteria will be seen to on an individual basis. If your case is not considered to fall under ‘exceptional circumstances’ the decision of the Manager is final.

How flexible is Wrap Around care?

Notice of childcare requirements will be needed in advance along with payment. We recognise that childcare needs might change regularly and will try to be flexible within a framework that also allows us to offer a quality service.

Will Wrap Around care be available at short notice?

A small number of stand-by places may be available for emergency requests, but these could not be guaranteed.

What will this cost?

Fees have been determined in line with charges made for childcare at other primary schools in the local area and are charged by the session (not hourly).

Before school 8.00 – 8.45 £2.00 per session

After school 3.30 – 6.00 £6.00 per session

Teacher training days 8.00 – 6.00 £24.00 per session

Is help available with cost?

The Working Families Tax Credit is an in-work tax credit for families, which includes an element to support the costs of registered childcare for working parents. To find out if your childcare arrangements are eligible visit their website at http://www.taxcredits.inlandrevenue.gov.uk/HomeNew.aspx

What type of pattern will Wrap Around care follow?

Wrap Around care will provide a warm, welcoming atmosphere in which children will feel happy and secure. At different times of the day the pace on activities will vary, just as they would at home. Children will be given the opportunity to relax as well as to take part in a range of play activities structured to meet the needs of the child. Energetic outdoor play will also be available.

Wrap Around provision is part of Whitley Abbey Primary School and the following policies will apply. Full copies are available to view at the school office.


We are committed to equal opportunities and believe the values deriving from different backgrounds should be recognised and respected. We aim to provide an environment from which all children can benefit.


We recognise that for some children specialist provision will be required.

Our aim is to meet the special needs of these individual children who fall into our ‘exceptional circumstances’ category.

It is essential that we liaise closely with parents and professionals involved in the child’s care in order that the team may identify whether of not it is possible to meet these needs within the everyday environment of the club.

Children will have their needs met in a way that values them and supports their inclusion into the club.


Everyone has the right to feel welcome, secure and happy. Only if this is the case will all members of the school community be able to achieve to their maximum potential. Bullying of any sort prevents this being able to happen and prevents equality of opportunity. It is everyone’s responsibility to prevent this happening.

Where bullying exists the victims must feel confident to activate the anti-bullying systems to end the bullying. It is our aim to challenge attitudes about bullying behaviour, increase understanding for bullied pupils and help build an anti-bullying ethos.


Our school Behaviour Policy aims to:

·  Provide an appropriate and challenging curriculum within a caring and supportive atmosphere.

·  Foster good, caring and responsible behaviour in a positive way.

·  Develop hard-working independent learners.

·  Create an atmosphere where children feel happy, relaxed and confident.

·  Develop inter-personal skills with all members of our school community.

·  Encourage children to develop a caring attitude towards the feelings of others.

·  Teach children how to respect their own property, the property of others and the school.


No verbal or physical abuse will be tolerated at the club by parents, children staff or anyone on our premises. The perpetrator will be asked to leave or escorted off the premises. Depending on the nature of the abuse or assault the police may be called.


In the event of an emergency staff will follow our clear emergency procedures and act responsibly and quickly in getting the children to safety. A telephone list containing all emergency numbers will be kept in the club’s office.

Fire instructions are displayed and followed in the event of a fire. Fire alarms will be checked regularly and Fire drills will be practised termly.

A log of names, addresses and telephone numbers of all children will be kept with the register for easy access.


We will ensure that any trips or outings the children participate in are planned carefully, associated risks are assessed and addressed and costs are considered.

Parents will be notified in advance that a trip is planned and an Outings Consent Form is sent out to all parents/carers. Only children whose parents/Guardians have returned the consent form may go on the outgoing.

Parents may be asked to contribute to any costs incurred on planning the trip ie, for transport or entrance to a park etc.


All children in our care are supervised by staff at all times and therefore the chance of losing a child is extremely unlikely. However if a child should become lost whilst in our care, we shall remain calm. We will initially call the child to see if they respond. We would search our premises ensuring all exits are secure. If out on a visit we will keep all children with one staff member whilst the other staff firstly contact security e.g. police, ranger, security guard etc. depending on where we are and then help look for the child.

If the child is not found quickly we will contact the police and then call the parents to inform them of the situation. We will try to reassure other children in our care and contact their parents to collect them if necessary. We will not leave until the child is located.

We will record the incident and inform OFSTED and our insurance company. Please note this has never happened and is unlikely to do so, but we need a procedure in place so we know what to do. Please do not worry!

Non Attendance Policy

Places booked will still need to be paid for even when your child does not attend, unless it has been agreed by the Manager. In the case of school absence, you will still be charged for sessions booked as these cannot be offered to other children. If you do not attend the club for 1 week without informing staff your contract will be terminated.

Collections Policy

We will ensure children from R, 1 and 2 will be collected from the classroom by Club staff at the end of school. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will make their own way to the club.

In the event that a child is not collected at the end of a session (and we have not been informed of a one-off difficulty in collecting on time) we will put into practice agreed procedures. These ensure that the child is cared for safely by experienced and qualified members of staff who are known to the child.

·  We will contact all named people on the membership form.

·  After 15 minutes we will contact Social Care.

·  The child will stay at the club with members of staff until they are collected by the parents or Social Care.

·  Social Care will attempt to find the parent or relative, if they are unable to do so, the child will be admitted into the care of the Local Authority.

·  Under no circumstances will club staff go to look for the parent nor will they take the child home with them.

·  A full written report of the incident will be recorded.

·  We reserve the right to charge parents for the additional hours worked by the staff.

·  OFSTED may be informed.


Club fees must be paid at least a week in advance. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly whichever suits your personal circumstances. We accept cash or cheques made payable to ‘Whitley Abbey Primary School’.

To assist you in ensuring payments are correct we will provide you with an invoice for the coming months fees at the beginning of every month and we will also provide you with payment envelopes.

If you fall behind with your payments you will:-

1.  Be sent a reminder asking you to pay any outstanding fees as soon as possible. If we receive no response then:-

2.  You will receive a phone call advising you that you will need to pay the outstanding amount and the following weeks fees within the next 2 days. If the fees are not paid:-

3.  You will lose your place at the club.

Please hand fees into Wrap Around staff when you either drop your child off or when you collect them from the club. Alternatively you can hand them into the schools main office.


Whilst your child is at Wrap Around we are responsible for their well being. Therefore if staff are concerned about the welfare of any child who attends the club appropriate action will be taken. This could mean that the Social Care department may be contacted. Therefore, it is very important that all parents/carers inform the club staff of any incidents, illness or medication to prevent any unnecessary upset and misunderstanding.

If you feel you need to discuss this issue please feel free to discuss it with a member of staff. The staff will work closely with the Head teacherto ensure that children are kept safe.


All matters of club business will remain confidential and within the club structure. Information given by parents on their membership form and other relevant forms about the needs of their children may be shared with other staff members to ensure the best care is given to your child.

However other information given by parents will not be disclosed without their permission or unless it is in the best interest of the child involved.

Our staff are approachable and understanding therefore if you wish to discuss a personal matter with a member of staff please feel free to talk in confidence to us at any time.


We will take every step through regular risk assessments of the area to try and ensure that accidents do not happen however, when an accident does occur within the club the appropriate action will be taken and accurate information is recorded and communicated. The same procedure applies to an incident.

There will be a member of staff on site at all times who is qualified in first aid and a first aid box which is kept fully stocked.

In the event of an accident or incident resulting in the need for medical assistance the child will be taken by a member of staff in an ambulance along with the child membership form containing the relevant medical information.

The child’s parent/carer will be informed and they will need to sign the report in the accident/incident book.


If medication is required staff will follow clear procedures set out. Parents are required to send a letter of authorisation detailing the medicine name, dosage to be administered and the time due to be taken. Two members of staff will be responsible for administering the prescribed medication and they will both complete and sign a medication form which is then signed by the parent on collection of the child.

It is the parents responsibility to notify the staff of any changes to regular prescribed medication.