
Happy New Year to all of our pupils and families and we wish everyone a successful and productive year!

The month of December in school culminated in a most enjoyable and successful Christmas concert and I would like to thank all staff involved for the tremendous hard work and commitment shown to enable us to host such a wonderful afternoon. My thanks once again to the many parents who have voiced their appreciation by either e-mail, card or letter or by simply talking to staff. It was most appreciated.

Our final day of term concluded with a beautiful Mass at St Gabriel’s.

Thank you to our school choir, under the coaching of Mrs Angela Watson, who performed “Love Shone Down” and to Mrs Semple for her rendition of “Silent Night”.


P1-Ryan Kelly-Big Writing

P2/1-Aiden Brady-Maths

P2/3-Molly Gerraghty-Big Writing

P2/3-Niamh Mooney-Big Writing

P3-Giselle Stoney-Big Writing

P4-Reece Wilson-Maths

P5-Daniel Sloan-Big Writing

P6-Catriona McLaughlin-Art

P7-Nathan Travers-Big Writing


Thank you to all the families who contributed to our Advent Appeal for the Loaves and Fishes charity.

Representatives from the charity visited the school on Tuesday 16th December and were delighted to uplift a most generous collection of food and clothing to support the homeless


The 12th – 16thJanuary is enrolment week for all children due to start school in August 2015.

Monday- Friday (1.30 pm – 3.00 pm)

Please bring your child to the school along with the necessary documentation to register for school. (Birth certificate, baptismal certificate and proof of residence) I look forward to meeting all our new prospective pupils and families


We continue to have a number of children who consistently arrive late to school. Following the 9.00 am bell, the janitor will continue to close the side entrance and pupils must enter via the school office for it to be recorded on our registration documents. A small number of pupils have recently been issued with attendance cards to be completed by office staff on their arrival at school each day and signed by parents to ensure that parents are aware of the time lost due to late coming.

Please make every effort to ensure your child arrives at school on time to ensure minimum disruption to lessons.


A reminder that all pupils should bring appropriate black plimsolls for indoor use. This is to ensure both the maintenance of carpets throughout the school and to ensure the comfort of children throughout the day. For health and safety reasons, children will not be permitted to participate in PE lessons without appropriate footwear.

Football boots should not be worn to and from school but may be brought to school in boot bags for use at playtime or outdoor PE activities.

When pupils are participating in school trips, we appreciate parental support in ensuring full uniform is worn, including appropriate footwear as our children are often commended on their smart appearance.


Please ensure your child brings PE kit to school on the following days.

Class / Timetable
P1 / Monday and Tuesday
P2/1 / Tuesday and Friday
P2/3 / Wednesday and Thursday
P3 / Wednesday and Friday
P4 / Thursday and Friday
P5 / Monday and Thursday
P6 / Tuesday and Wednesday
P7 / Wednesday Thursday


P6 will enjoy dance coaching starting on Tuesday 20th January in theafternoon for 6 weeks.


Students from Langside College will be coming into the school to do table tennis with P5 pupils on Monday 2nd and Monday 16th February. There will also be a Table Tennis Tournament for the pupils to participate in at Langside College on Friday 27th February. Information regarding the Tournament will be sent out to P5 parents nearer the time.


After school dance will be commencing on Tuesday 20th January for P4 – P7. Letters have been e-mailed to parents advising if they wish their child to attend to complete pro-forma and return to the school.


Mrs Clements resumed her after school gymnastics class onWednesday 7thJanuary from 3.00 pm – 4.15 pm. This will run for the next few weeks until 28th January and the pupils will thereafter have the opportunity to participate in a gymnastics competition.


After School Rugby will be commencing on Monday 19th January

for P5 – P7. Letters have been e-mailed to parents advising if they

wish their child to attend to complete pro-forma and return to the school


Swimming lessons will commence on the 10th of March. Please prepare for this in advance by ensuring all pupils have appropriate swimwear/ towels etc. All girls must wear swimming hats.

For all after school activities – please ensure you have completed the pro forma indicating your child’s arrangements for going home and please ensure an adult arrives at the schoolpromptly at 4.15 pm for pick up as no supervision is otherwise in place.


Primary 7 pupils have been working with students from Glasgow University to prepare for the annual celebration of Scottish Music at the Mungo’s Bairns Event. This event was held on Friday 9th January at Wellington Church. The Pupils of Primary 6 were also invited to attend as an audience to view the event in order to raise awareness of the preparations they need to make for next year.

On Tuesday 13th January P6 pupils enjoyed a trip to the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum their topic being “Rainforest Investigators”.

Primary 3 pupils will be going to Glasgow Museums Resources Centre (GMRC) on Tuesday 20th January, their topic being Egypt: Passport to Afterlife.


First Communion

The P4 teacher will, in collaboration with Father Michael, hold an information session on Wednesday 28th January at 1.45 pm. A letter will be sent to P4 parents/carer with more detailed information.

Sense over Sectarianism

Primary 7 pupils started a joint project with the P7 pupils of Merrylee Primary School to complete a project on anti-sectarianism.

The children will take part in discussion workshops and work with a visiting artist to portray work covered in the programme.

Bible Bus

Bibleworld is an educational resource, using high-tech computer software, designed to support the RME Curriculum for Excellence. It offers pupils a lively and stimulating introduction to the Bible and aspects of the story of Christianity.

Bibleworld Mobile is housed within a large 45ft trailer and will be sitedat Ardle Road from Monday 2nd February to Friday 6th February 2015.

Father Michael (St Gabriel’s) and Rev David Hood (Merrylea Parish Church) have been working collaboratively and have jointly funded a visit by the “Bible Bus” to both schools during the week of 2nd February. All classes P4 – P7 will enjoy a 70 minute tour of the bus where they will experience interactive stations examining the old and new testaments.

The pupils of P7 will also visit both St Gabriel’s Church and Merrylea Parish Church where they will engage in an information session, a tour and a question and answer session around our faith beliefs.

Parents of all children are most welcome to visit the bus and to experience the interactive sessions first hand on Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th February (6.30 pm – 8.30 pm) where an OPEN EVENING will be held.

We also require 2 parent volunteers to accompany the children and to assist with the set up/clearing of resources.

Pupils will visit the bus on the following dates:-

Monday 2nd FebruaryPrimary 6 (1.30 pm)

Tuesday 3rd FebruaryPrimary 7 (1.30 pm)

Thursday 5th FebruaryPrimary 4 (11.00 am)

Thursday 5th FebruaryPrimary 5 (1.30 pm)

Please contact the school office if you can assist with the event

Class Masses & Reconciliation in March

All pupils in P4 – P7 will celebrate mass in school followed by an opportunity for Reconciliation afterwards. All parents/carers are warmly invited to join us for mass at 2 pm

on the dates outlined below.

Tuesday 10th March-Primary 6

Thursday 12th March-Primary 7

Tuesday 17th March-Primary 5

Thursday 19th March-Primary 4

We have had to swap P6 and P7s dates as stated in September’s Newsletter. This is due to P7s being out that afternoon Please contact the school if this causes any problems.


A happy new year to all pupils, parents and families. We hope you had a pleasant Christmas and a good start to the new year.

The first parent council meeting of the year will be at the school on Tuesday 27 January at 7 pm. Please get along if you can. Also, let us know if there are any issues you would like raised.

The development of the school playground is a priority for 2015. We are now moving into stage 1 of the implementation phase with the creation of a path network on the grass banking area now that it has been cleared. Hopefully this will be done early this year weather dependent. Please get in touch if you can assist us with this project.

As always please get in touch with us if any issues. Contact details below. Thanks

OLA Parent Council

E mail:


Facebook: OLA Parent Council

Twitter: @OLAParent

Please remember you can raise money for the parent council at It is free and easy and every purchase raises funds for the parent council and our school. Just log in and register your support for OLA Parent Council.


A number of parents are still dropping children off in the morning within the school grounds and in the staff car park. I would again respectfully request that children are dropped off outside school and if necessary accompanied across busy roads.



Monday 9th February 2015 -
Tuesday 10thFebruary 2015 (inclusive) / Mid Term Break
Wednesday 11th February
(pupils return on Thursday 13th February) / In-Service Day
Friday 3rd April 2015 / Good Friday
Monday 6th April 2015 / Easter Monday
Friday 3rd April 2015 - Friday 17th April 2015 (inclusive)
(pupils return on Monday 20th April 2015) / Spring Holiday
Monday 4th May 2015 / May day Holiday
Thursday 7th May 2015 / In-Service Day
Friday 22ndMay 2015 – Monday 26th May (inclusive) 2015 / May Weekend
Wednesday 24th June 2015 / School Closes for Summer
break @ 1.00 pm

Ann Watson

Head Teacher