It’s been a very busy month. And am pleased to report the following.

The new clay courts are up and running and proving to be a great success now the teething problems have been resolved.

We have received a quote which I sent you all for the installation of the safety wires for the indoor court roof along with the safety harness’s.

I do not believe it necessary to put on walkways along both sides of the roof at a cost of £13000 when the roof that will be walked on is almost flat.

Please approve the cost so I can put in the order.

The Club Hub drawings from the architect have been received and I have passed on 1 copy to Andy Heaton for the CGI to be done, which I expect to receive in a couple of weeks.

The architects drawing will to available for viewing and comment at our committee meeting although there will be no time to revise them and get it ready for the AGM.

The practice area is well on the way to be renovated, and the Rebo wall is ordered and paid for and they are awaiting our instructions to install.

I’m currently waiting for the company who will be coating the tarmac and painting the new lines on for the mini tennis court, service and baseline for the Reba wall.

If anybody knows where we can purchase the fold away mini tennis net that would be useful.

I have been advised that the current Astro turf is in good condition and could be line painted and sanded to a very useable surface and much more forgiving for the youngsters, however I think the purists who use the practice wall would prefer the tarmac and this will also require less maintenance. We need to vote on this.

The coat hooks, baskets, bins, score boards, benches, numbers, windbreaks, line brush hooks and broom mat hooks have all been installed. The members need to be educated how to place the broom mats on the hooks in the correct way and not to leave the line brushes on the ground as this flattens the bristles and makes them un-useable.

Personally, I think the courts look fantastic now and playing well.

The annual cost maintenance has taken place and I await the report from SSP as the operative has mentioned a couple of things that may need addressing.

The director of SSP David Townsend is attending the club on the 27th October at 12.00 to educate us as a club on how to maintain all the courts on a daily basis. The groundsman coaches committee and club members should all attend this very important seminar. Please make sure that we send out my courts notice weekly. We should have at least 20 members attending.

That’s all the major stuff, so I will leave it at that.
