JANUARY 19, 2016

Present: Paul White, Craig Young,Amanda Tietze, David Schrade, Robert Matthews, Jim Blake,Paul Feaser, Mark Rojek, Suzette Matthews, Nick Perini, Dean Wallace, Steve Fettman, Rebecca Marchino, Bruce Schorsten, Dave Ewing, Tom Clevengerand Lauri Coy.

Absent: Michelle Mullaly, Kurt Goodenberger, Ryan Parkinson and Bob Pattison.

Meeting opened at 4:36 pm by PresidentPaul White.

Minutes from the December 15, 2015 Board meeting were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Dave Schrade reviewed the Executive Summary as of December 31, 2015, which summarized the statements of Assets, Liabilities, and fund balances and the statements of receipts and disbursements for the period ending December 31, 2015 for the Club Fund and the Charitable Fund. Treasurer David Schrade also reviewed a summary of the Canton Rotary Charitable Fund Fundraisers for the period ending December 31, 2015. The Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.

Attendance Report: Nick Perinireported on the attendance for the month of December. The current membership stands at 160 members (143 active members, 17 honorary members).

Membership Report: President Paul reviewed the following:


-Corey Voorman

Merrill Lynch

Proposed by: Paul White

-Adrian Allison

Canton City Schools

Proposed by: Ernie Schott

The following first-time membership proposals were approved.


-Corey Voorman

Merrill Lynch

Classification: Financial Advisor

Proposed by: Paul White

-Adrian Allison

Canton City Schools

Classification: School Admin/Superintendent

Proposed by: Ernie Schott

The following second-time membership proposals were approved.

President Paul handed out a list of the Club’s current honorary members and asked the Board of Trustees to review this list. After review of the current honorary member list, a motion was made to suspend the rules for voting on membership. The motion was seconded and was approved unanimously. A motion was made to delete William Healy’s honorary membership and approve the honorary membership for the current Canton City Mayor, Thomas Bernabei. This motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

A motion was made to re-evaluate the list of the Club’s honorary member list prior to our club’s July Board meeting. This motion was seconded and approved unanimously.


The resignations of M. J. Albacete and William B. Seeley were approved with regret.


There were no requests for status change.

February Monthly Program Chair: Rebecca Marchino

Feb 5: Marcas Miles-Employers Health, “The impact of Depression on a

Company’s Bottom Line and Resources to tackle this growing

Health Challenge”

Feb 12: Sherri Frantz-The Children’s Network of Stark County

Feb 19: Rex Morey-Men’s Challenge, “A Hope and a Future”

Feb 26: 4 Way Test

The programs for February were approved.

A motion to accept the Donation Acceptance Agreement between the City of Canton and The Rotary Club of Canton with regards to the Market Square Project was unanimously approved through electronic voting.

An updated report on the annual Charitable Fund Drive was given by President-Elect Craig Young.

Mark Rojek and Robert Matthews gave an updated report on the November 7, 2015 health screen.

Dean Wallace discussed details for this year’s Pancake Breakfast. Members will be receiving the usual seventeen (17) tickets for this year’s Pancake Breakfast but, the cost for these tickets have been decreased to Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per member.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 5:28pm.

Next board meeting will be on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 4:30 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Lauri Coy