PENA West Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Present: Ed Fox, Laura Newkirk, Sally Reynolds, David Cox, Deborah Laza,

DeDe Leask

Absent: Janice Stoll, Matt Stoll, Alan Baugh

Meeting called to order: 7:05 pm with Ed Fox, V.P. officiating the meeting in Alan’s absence.

Minutes from last meeting: Please note the following correction to the November 2010 minutes as presented by Sally Reynolds.

In an e:mail to Sally (who was responsible for that month’s minutes) from Ed Fox dated Nov. 14, 2010, Ed asked that the minutes be changed to read:

“Ed attended the regularly scheduled HOA representatives meeting hosted by City Councilpersons Linda Koop and Ron Natinsky. One attendee complained about some District 12 neighborhoods that had badly crumbling perimeter walls, and didn’t seem to be interested in fixing them. Our wall along Belt Line Road was included in that list. It was suggested that the respective City Code Inspectors be made aware of these walls with a request that some action be taken by the City to force repair. One woman, Marianne Cunningham (Preston Creek HOA) offered her services to counsel the delinquent neighborhoods. She lead the group in her neighborhood that successfully completed extensive wall repairs. Ed asked her to speak to us at our next meeting. She agreed to speak at the January 2011 meeting.”

Note: Ed was unable to schedule Ms Cunningham to speak at our January meeting but will call to see if she can attend at some point in the near future.

Sally moved the minutes from the last meeting as amended be accepted; David seconded

Agenda: Sally moved the agenda for tonight’s meeting be accepted; DeDe seconded.

Treasurer’s Report: DeDe report showed a balance of $15,848.25 in our HOA’s CD and $10,290.28 in checking as of January 10, 2011. Expenses included $150 prize for the holiday contest, two crime watch signs and misc. supplies. We are currently under by $3,100 in expenses and have $170 in prepaid dues that were received after November 1, 2010 that will be applied to 2011 dues. Sally moved that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as read; Deborah seconded.

Block Captain Report: Sally presented a current list of block captains (a copy will be attached as an amendment to the minutes.) Suzanne Katz has agreed to take over Sally’s position as Block Captain Coordinator for the 2011 term. Sally will meet with Suzanne to fill her in on her new responsibilities.

Membership Chairman’s Report: David will pick up alley signs from Ed and deliver to new members before next month’s meeting. David announced the specifics of the meeting he and Ed are hosting at the Fireside Room of the Dallas Bible Church on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. to meet with the Block Captains. The goal of the meeting is to share ideas and review responsibilities for the 2011 HOA membership drive. Sally and Deborah both graciously volunteered to make desserts for the meeting. Ed will pick up coffee from Starbucks.

VIP Report: Patrols have increased; there were 28 patrols during the month of December 2010. Our goal for January is 30. As of January 10 we have 24 patrollers signed up. Ed has received 4 completed VIP applications and submitted them to the DPD. He also has 12 good prospects. Our goal is to have 10 people in the February 12th class. Our long-term goal is to have 100% of all trained VIP volunteers participate each month.

Ed proposed having quarterly VIP meetings instead of monthly meetings, asking all current VIP patrollers to attend, and to hold them at the Dallas Bible Church. After visiting with other successful VIP programs in neighboring neighborhoods, he found that making the gatherings more social than business encouraged more participation and enjoyment. It would also be a time to discuss scheduling, equipment, recent crimes, etc. His goal is to start these meetings during the first quarter.

Ed’s proposal to offer a reward program for recruiting volunteers for VIP positions was not approved by the Board.

Ed suggested providing childcare services for homeowners who wanted to attend the VIP training class or patrol. All members felt this was a liability issue and the idea was vetoed.

Homeland Security: It was unanimously decided to remove Homeland Security from the agenda and minutes from this point on.

Newsletter: Patricia Cline, Maureen Milligan, and Michelle Fitch have all three agreed to work on the neighborhood newsletter. Ed will meet with Michelle before next month’s meeting to work out a schedule.

Website:; member logon: member; password: Roundrock (case sensitive)

Matt Stoll, our current webmaster, will be resigning at the end of the 2010 term. Deborah Laza has offered to help find someone and will report back with the Board at the February meeting.

Yard of the Month: No yard of the month selection for the month of December.

Crime Watch Report: During the month of December 2010 we had 9 burglaries and 2 attempts. It was a tough month for the entire 624-625 Beat of the DPD. At this time there are no suspects, though they do have a watch list. The DPD feels there are several groups at work. Everyone is encouraged to call 911 if they see or suspect suspicious activity including people knocking on doors. Anyone coming to your house and soliciting ½ hour after sundown is breaking a City Ordinance Law and should be reported.

Recap of December special meeting – Ed arranged a meeting at Maureen Milligan’s house on December 30, 2010 for the residents who were burglarized. Three members from the North Central Patrol Division (Lt. Elaine Barnard, Det. Sgt. Gordan Hagar, and SR. Cpl. D.J. Beaty) also attended to discuss the recent rash of crime and to gather information in an attempt to find some commonalities.

The Board was asked if they wanted to go back to posting Crime Alert Signs with a telephone number for homeowners to call for details. It was unanimously decided that using e:mail, as we currently are, is currently the most efficient avenue time-wise and cost-wise.

Board Members: Ed requested a show of hands from everyone who wished to continue on the Board in their current positions for the coming year. All hands of those present were raised. Of those who were not in attendance, Alan Baugh has asked to step down from his position as Board president immediately. Matt and Janice Stoll have both agreed to finish their 2010-11 term as members of the Board but will regretfully not be able to continue into the next year. Deborah Laza has graciously agreed to fill the role of Board president as an interim until the 2011 elections can be held in March. We are currently seeking someone to fill Matt's position as Board member and Webmaster.

Wall on Beltline: It was decided that a committee should be appointed to research the options for the wall. Further discussion was curbed until next month’s meeting.

Holiday decorating contest: On Wednesday December 22, 2010, Deborah and Randy Laza, DeDe Leask and David Cox judged the holiday lighting for our neighborhood. The winners are as follows:

The Hallums on Hillwood won Most Elegant

The Bells on Delmeta won Most Elaborate

The Garzas on Town Bluff won Most Original

Each winner received a $50 gift card from Home Depot. Deborah volunteered to pick up the signs.

New Business:

Meetings: Laura proposed that we go ahead and schedule meeting locations for Board meetings for the 2011 year. Discussion is being postponed until the February meeting.

Next Meeting: February 8, 2011 at Ed Fox’s house, 6948 Town Bluff, 7:00 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned: At 7:55pm. Sally moved the meeting be adjourned and David seconded.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura S. Newkirk, Secretary

Attachments: (1)

PENA-West Block Captains

January 11, 2011


Bob McAfee

Joy Thomas


Connie Shultz

Mary Spain


Natalie Marstella


Susan & Randy Wilhoit

Janice & Matt Stoll

Hunters Ridge

Earl & Bessie Weed


Suzanne Katz

Sharyl Richardson


Sharon Trollinger

Alice Procter


Whitey Bowen

Erin Prendergast


Beth & Paul Braziller

Dick & Doris Brown

Town Bluff

Jean Moses

Ed Fox


Whitey Bowen


Ruth Kelton


Jeff & Michele Ringnald

PENA West Board Minutes pg. 1 Jan-11