Hialeah Condominium Association

Wildwood Crest, NJ

Board of DirectorsDec 21, 2011Meeting Minutes–


Call to Order: 7:37 pm

Board attendees:

President: Phil Conroy
Treasurer: Ken L’esperance
Recording Secretary: Gail Gretzmacher
Trustee: Andrea Mintz
Trustee: Glenn Perrini
  1. Approved the Nov 9thMinutes -
  1. Correspondence/Open Comments–
  2. Nov 11 - Unit Owner email sent out recognizing complex activities/updates – appreciation to Phil who drove this activity.
  1. Treasurer’s Report-
  2. 2011 Financial position updates-

Anticipate $9000 cash at year end; anticipate reserves to end at $57,200.

Marsden invoice paid; Shindler invoice sent to the Developer for payment;developer negotiating with Shindler on amount. All utilities paid – everything up to date.

Workman’s Comp audit – form returned with n/a answers. (state gov’t activity – subject to periodic audits); audit was not initiated by any 3rd party.

Removed Kirk Kendall from PNC accounts and adding Phil Conroy to accounts.

  • Cash positions: Reserve($53,221.93) Operating ($15,249.39)
  • 2012 financials- prepare for possible expense for engineering transition study/capital reservingpossible property mgmt services. Q1 2012 dues solicitation will occur at the end of January.
  1. Maintenance Committee –
  2. Stairwell update-cleaned & painted; it was noted that the cleanup outside the pool-side stairwell need to be cleaned up– Phil addressing with Kelly
  3. Power Wash/seal garage floor –complete looks good
  4. Garage painting – pipes & sprinklers repainted
  5. Water Distribution room – concern was expressed that room may not be properly heated (Temp outside room was 48 and ~48 inside); electric heaters .Glenn to evaluate.
  6. Complex monthly Inspection report- Nov rpt completed; summary & report filed with Maintenance Committee.
  • Unit 308 hurricane damage remediation- Builder addressed.

Spring activities (items deferred until March/April 2012):

  • Hot tub use off hours issue – suggestions – a motion light for hot tub, time sensitive to start at 10pm, (night sensor) switch to de-activate hot tub during off-hours
  • A/C unit – Run a condensation pipe out to the back of the complex to prevent mold in the elevator room- target April/May to implement
  • Additional Trash receptacle 2 cubic yards- Phil to order before next season.
  • Change lock combinations yearly- chg to 301 for 2012 season- Phil looking into this.
  • Pool area – water drips from shower – wears on concrete; covering, locking flooring, or wooden platform suggestions discussed
  • Beach rinse off option - adding a faucet at the back of the complex was discussed
  • A suggestion was made to reduce lighting in garage area to save money (timer to reduce lighting to 50%.)- This is implemented- Glenn to discuss with Marsden. Possibly motion sensors.
  • The coping around the pool (the ledge) cracked in one piece and needs repair. Silicon-based repair needed
  • Parking spot numbering needs to be redone before next Summer season.
  • Pool Filter options vs Salt water – topic was discussed at the Unit Owners’ meeting; item to be deferred until Spring.
  1. Old Business
  • Elevator enclosure-. The sliding glass door design will not be viable and so the builder to build enclosure & assure 2 sprinkler heads added, 2 glass doors. Goal is to prevent debris collection in elevator and then added security.
  • Rules chart for lease addendum (Andrea to send out from hotline); Phil to send link
  • Web site update (Phil)- to add a secure page for HCA Board business.
  • Motion to give Scott a $200 Visa gift card for help and services on the web site.-approved.
  • Tangiers water issue – Crest sent letter to President claiming they would shut down Hialeah in less a response is given within 2 weeks. Copy of letter also given to Kelly. Kelly met with Crest on premises and discussed issue with downspouts draining mid complex and not to the street. Kelly will address; HCA does not have liability.Prior to theHialeah construction there was a trough running between our property and Tangiers. Kelly to resolve. Downspouts have been run out to the streets (cisterns to be piped in at a later date)
  • Water Leak from Unit 202 (Insurance Claim filed ICAT-2011-V-0000006701. Insurance adjuster estimate was 5600 and does not include mold (source – water distribution panel)
  • Water leak from Unit 308 kitchen sprayer unit into 208 kitchen. Repairs to be done in January 2012 to Unit 208 and Unit 308 to pay for repairs.
  • transition /capital reserve update-RFP out to 3 engineering firms;2 responses received. Prices range from $8500-$25,000.

New Business

  • Parker/McCay Oct 19th document
  • Property Mgmt/Rental mgmt proposal- Andrea to start in January and collect list of service offerings from existing local Property Managers.
  • Next Newsletter Unit Owner Communication –Andrea (mid to late January)
  • Spring Unit Owner mtg- May 26, it was noted that the term of2 Board positions are up
  • Owner’s cookout suggestion (Memorial Day weekend) –Glenn to seek a volunteer coordinator.
  • Email (12/8/11) received from Attorney Stagliano requesting HCA support in filling out content (14 lines) for a state filing. Ken following up on this item with the attorney.
  • Phil will begin searching for a local maintenance person for small jobs needed at the Hialeahcomplex.
  • Snow Removal – Phil to send communication to Unit Owners about the situation with snow at the Hialeah complex. HCA will not be paying for any removal service but will provide salt and a shovel for Unit Owner use as well as the contact information for a snow removal service at the Unit Owner’s expense.

Next meeting:Jan25 at 7:30pm

Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm.