Literacy: Fairytale News by Colin and Jacqui Hawkins.
Numeracy:Big Maths
Science:Forces and magnets
ICT: Purplemash – newspaper reports


Ar16 Explore ideas and collect information to inform their work (1a,c)

Ar17 Drawing Experiment with different grades of pencil and other implements. Plan, refine and alter their drawings as necessary. Use their sketchbook to collect and record visual information from different sources. Draw for a sustained period of time at own level. Use different media to achieve variations in line, texture, tone, colour, shape and pattern. (2a,b,c 4a,b)

Ar18 Painting Mix a variety of colours and know which primary colours make secondary colours. Use a developed colour vocabulary. Experiment with different effects and textures inc. blocking in colour, washes, thickened paint etc. Work confidently on a range of scales e.g. thin brush on small picture etc. (2a,b,c 4a,b)

Ar21 3-D Form Join clay adequately and work reasonably independently. Construct a simple clay base for extending and modelling other shapes. Make a simple papiermache object. Plan, design and make models. (2a,b,c 4a,b)

Ar23 Comment on similarities and differences between their own and others’ work (3a)


Dt19 Generate, develop and explain ideas for products to meet a range of needs (1a)Dt20Identify a purpose and establish criteria for a successful product (1b)

Dt25 Explore how to use materials and processes (2c)

Dt26 Measure, mark, cut out and shape a range of materials and assemble, join and combine components and materials with some accuracy (2d)


Pc8 Be able to talk about their views on issues that affect themselves and their class (1a)

Pa13 Value contribution of others in discussion

Ph6 Begin to make informed choices (food, exercise, lifestyle) (3a)

Pr11 Understand their actions affect themselves and other (4a)

Pr12 Be able to empathise with another viewpoint (4a,b)

Pr13 Consolidate understanding of differences and similarities between people (4f)


Ge18 Have an awareness of similarities and differences (1d)

Ge19 Ask and respond to questions about places and the environment (1a)

Ge21 Use appropriate geographical vocabulary to communicate their findings (2a)

Ge23 Use atlases, globes, maps and plans at a range of scales and draw simple maps and plans (2c)

Ge24 Use secondary sources of information (2d)


Mu20 Begin to sing in tune expressively with an awareness of beat and rhythm (1a)

Mu21 Begin to recognise, recall and perform simple rhythmic and melodic patterns (1b,4a)

Mu22 Explore the way sounds can be combined and used expressively (4b)

Mu23 Improvise repeated patterns (2a)

Mu26 Perform with awareness of different parts (1c)


Hi14 Identify different ways in which the past is represented (3)

Hi15 Use dates and vocabulary relating to the passing of time and sequence events (1b)

Hi17 Begin to give reasons for and results of the main events and changes (2c)

Hi18 Recognise similarities and differences between periods of time (2d)

Hi19 Use sources of information including ICT to find out about events, people and changes (4a)