OCTOBER 17, 2006 at 6:30 p.m.


COUNCIL: Mitchell Proctor, President

Darrel Thomas, Vice President

Larry Parker

Richard Lyon

Keith Berry

Joseph Fogle

Donald Walton

ATTORNEY: Elizabeth South


AUDIENCE: Five Individuals

The Putnam County Council met in regular session on October 17, 2006

at 6:30 p.m. at the Courthouse annex. The pledge to the flag was given.


Judge Matt Headley and Renee Marsteller presented the Council with an additional.

001-30345-232 $48,252.16


Reason: To pay bills for detention.

Judge Headley stated that the money collected for detention goes into the county general fund. He stated that Ms. Marsteller is doing a great job in collecting the money. He would like to look into setting it up where the money collected could go into it’s own fund instead of county general. Darrel Thomas asked if the money was available. Deputy Auditor Evelyn Owens informed the Council that a sixteen-line statement would have to be done to verify if the money is available. The Council tabled the additional until the next meeting in order to verify if the funds were available.


John Sturgeon was present to explain the additionals.

008-30313-000-305 $15,000.00


008-30303-000-305 $8,079.00


Reason: Needing additional money to pay for insurance and repairs/maintenance bills.

Mr. Sturgeon explained to the Council that insurance is higher due to additional equipment that has been added and minor repairs.

012-30360-010 $441,230.85

Misc. Services

REASON: Appropriating grant money.

The additionals could only be tentatively approved until they are properly advertised. They were not submitted to the Auditor in time for tonight’s meeting. Keith Berry made a motion to tentatively approve the additionals. Darrel Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried.


Dave Sutherlin came to the meeting to present the additional.

005-20216-706 $150,000.00


REASON: To make pug and patching.

005-20215-706 $50,000.00

Stone, Sand & Gravel

REASON: Maintenance of gravel roads, make pug and patching.

The additionals could only be tentatively approved because they were not advertised for tonight’s meeting. Darrel Thomas made a motion to tentatively approve the additionals. Richard Lyon seconded. The motion carried.


Shirley Van Hook was present to represent the County Home.

001-10134-622 to 001-30313-622 $250.00

Maid Insurance

001-20206-622 to 001-30313-622 $200.00

Supplies Insurance

REASON: To pay for workman’s comp and insurance bills for equipment.

Keith Berry made a motion to approve the transfers. Larry Parker seconded. The motion carried.


The Council stated that Kathy VanArsdale had informed them that she would be unable to attend tonight’s meeting. She received tentative approval from the previous meeting for this additional.

001-10112-106 $4,000.00


REASON: For the purpose of hiring part-time help.

Keith Berry made a motion to approve. Larry Parker seconded. The motion carried.


Judge Lowe came to the meeting to explain the additional.

673-10169-201 $5,000.00

Extradition Fund

Pauper Counsel

REASON: To pay for Pauper Counsel and depositions for Pauper Defendants.

Judge Lowe stated that this amount should run things until the end of the year. Richard Lyon said that he thought the extradition fund had restrictions on what the money could be used for. Mitch Proctor asked Elizabeth South if she could look into it. Keith Berry made a motion to tentatively approve with the condition that the money could be used for the purpose it is being requested for and that the money is in the fund to be used. Larry Parker seconded. The motion carried.

Judge Lowe told the Council that he attended a meeting that approved Putnam County creating a new court. It would be effective January 1, 2009. Judge Lowe stated that they would be working on a plan to come up with the money to run the court. He informed the Council that the Judge is paid through the state. Judge Lowe said there would be two courts for criminal cases and one for civil cases.


Dave Costin explained the weight on the top of the courthouse is still an issue and he was exploring a legislative approach for a solution. He said he was looking to the Council for advice. Darrel Thomas said he heard of someplace charging an emergency service tax to fund things of this nature. Dave Costin asked if he proposed something like that if the Council would support it. Larry Parker said he could not see dumping that kind of money on the top of the courthouse. Darrel Thomas asked if there were any locations that some of the already existing antennas could be moved to. Dave Costin stated there were very few and you would run into the problem of the antennas interfering with each other. He said there are leasing costs if we used the existing towers, but said it was possible.

Mr. Costin stated that he has a vendor wanting to bring in wireless internet. Darrel Thomas asked if we built an auxiliary tower what the minimum height would have to be. Dave Costin stated approximately 80 feet. Keith Berry asked if the landfill is the ideal spot. Mr. Costin said yes but it is already in use. Mr. Costin gave the Council a rundown of his equipment and the standards of all of them.


Bill Dory brought the Council up to date on the abatements of Cook Lumber, Lone Star Industries and Magic Circle. He stated that Cook Lumber and Lone Star Industries had fulfilled their investment obligation. He stated that Magic Circle’s abatement was granted only last year and is still in progress. He said they are about halfway through the project.

Mr. Dory recommended the Council approve the CF-1 forms as presented. He explained that this is not a requirement for him, but an above and beyond service he does. Keith Berry made a motion to approve the CF-1 forms. Donald Walton seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Larry Parker stated that there is a discrimination issue in the financial department at Magic Circle. He said it was not just one case, but several and he was very concerned about it. Mr. Dory asked Mr. Parker to type a letter stating his concerns and he would speak with a representative of Magic Circle.


The Council was presented with a resolution to establish the amount to reimburse Putnam County employees for mileage when they use their personal vehicles on county business. The current amount of reimbursement was $.32 per mile. The resolution raises that amount to the state approved amount of $.40 per mile. Donald Walton made a motion to approve the resolution. Keith Berry seconded. The motion carried. Elizabeth South asked the Council if they would like her to see how often the state increases the amount. The Council agreed that was a good idea.


Auditor Stephanie Campbell had prepared a letter addressed to the Department of Local Government Finance regarding the 2007 Reassessment Fund. The letter requests DLGF to lower the levy due to the operating balance. Mitch Proctor stated that County Assessor Wanda O’Neal refused to sign the letter. He explained that if they did not send the letter and get the levy lowered that they would have to cut the other budgets within the levy freeze another $43,000. Darrel Thomas made a motion to approve Council President Mitch Proctor signing the letter. Larry Parker seconded the motion. The motion carried.


The Council was presented with two forms authorizing the State to make electronic deposits into county funds. The first form was for the County Health Department from the Indiana Department of Transportation. The second form was for the County Commissioners from the Indiana Department of Transportation for the Highway Department. The forms needed verbal approval only from the County Council. Donald Walton made a motion to approve the forms. Richard Lyon seconded. The motion carried.


The Council tabled the Sheriff Department additional until the next meeting. A representative from the department was unable to attend the meeting.


Donald Walton stated that things were going well and that he was making a lot of runs to different meetings.

Richard Lyon stated the Cemetery Board had met and the lady that mows is in very poor health. They were looking at finding someone else to mow one more time before the cold weather set in.

Keith Berry stated that he had been to meetings regarding the third court.

Mitch Proctor stated that the insurance committee would be sending proposals to seven or eight big companies.

Larry Parker stated they were working on a comprehensive plan for their next meeting.


Darrel Thomas made the motion to adjourn; Keith Berry seconded. The motion carried.


Mitchell Proctor, President Darrel Thomas, Vice President


Larry Parker Richard Lyon


Keith Berry Joseph Fogle


Donald Walton Attest: Evelyn Owens