•  Chapter 3, Part A

•  Structure and Function
of Cells

•  Cell Doctrine

•  All living things are composed of cells

•  A single cell is the smallest unit that exhibits all of the characteristics of life

•  All cells come only from preexisting cells

•  Two Basic Cell Types Classified by Internal Organization

Prokaryotic Cells

•  Plasma membrane

•  No nucleus

•  Cytoplasm: fluid within membrane

•  No true organelles

Eukaryotic Cells

•  Plasma membrane

•  Nucleus: information center

•  Cytoplasm: fluid within membrane

•  Organelles: structures with specialized functions

•  All human cells are eukaryotic

•  Cell Structure Reflects Cell Function

•  Though eukaryotic cells are remarkably similar, there are structural differences

–  Examples:

•  Muscle cells

–  Contain numerous organelles providing energy needed for muscle contraction

•  Nerve cells

–  Long and thin to carry impulses over distance

•  Small size is efficient

•  Cells Remain Small to Stay Efficient

•  Cells cannot be seen without magnification

•  Microscopes enable visualization and study of cells

–  Light microscope

•  Magnifies up to 1000X

–  Transmission electron microscope

•  Magnifies up to 100,000X

–  Scanning electron microscope

•  Magnifies up to 100,000X

–  Provides 3-D view of cell surface

•  Cells Remain Small to Stay Efficient

•  Small cells have a higher surface:volume ratio

•  High surface:volume ratio promotes efficiency in

–  Acquisition of nutrients

–  Disposal of wastes

•  Plasma Membrane Surrounds the Cell

•  Separates a cell from its environment

•  Selectively permeable

–  Permits movement of some substances into and out of the cell, but blocks others

•  Enables transfer of information between environment and cell

•  A Plasma Membrane Surrounds the Cell

•  Plasma membrane is a lipid bilayer

–  Phospholipids: polar head and nonpolar tail

–  Cholesterol: makes membrane a bit more rigid

–  Proteins: provide means of transport through membrane

–  Carbohydrates: recognition patterns for cells and organisms

•  Nonrigid

•  Fluid mosaic

•  Molecules Cross the Plasma Membrane in Several Ways

•  Passive transport

–  Cell does not need to expend energy for this

•  Diffusion

•  Osmosis

•  Active transport – cell must expend energy

•  Bulk transport

–  Involves membranous vesicles to move larger substances

•  Endocytosis

•  Exocytosis

•  Passive Transport Moves with the Concentration Gradient

•  Passive transport is powered by the concentration gradient. In the cell it occurs as

–  Diffusion through lipid layer

–  Diffusion through protein channels

–  Facilitated transport

•  Transport or carrier proteins in the membrane assist in moving molecules across the membrane, down the concentration gradient, without expending energy

•  Active Transport

•  Active transport moves substances from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration

–  Requires a membrane protein (transporter)

–  Requires ATP or other energy source

•  Endocytosis and Exocytosis Move Materials in Bulk

•  Used to move larger molecules

–  Endocytosis: brings substances into the cell

–  Exocytosis: expels substances from the cell

•  Information Transfer Across the Plasma Membrane

•  Receptor proteins span membrane – required for transmission of information to and from cell

•  Receptor sites (on receptor proteins) – interact specifically with signal molecules

•  A change is triggered within the cell as a result of binding of signal molecule to receptor site

•  Different cell types have different receptor proteins

•  The Sodium–Potassium Pump:
Helps Maintains Cell Volume

•  Sodium–potassium pump expels unwanted ions, keeps needed ones, and maintains cell volume

•  ATP is used to expel 3 sodium ions for every 2 potassium ions brought into the cell

•  Increase in cell volume = increase in water in cytoplasm by decreasing pumping and allowing more sodium inside cell

•  Decrease in cell volume = less water in cytoplasm by increasing pumping and expelling more sodium ions

•  Isotonic Extracellular Fluid Maintains Cell Volume

•  Tonicity: relative concentration of solutes in two fluids

•  Isotonic

–  Extracellular and intracellular ionic concentrations are equal

–  Cells maintain a normal volume in isotonic extracellular fluids

–  Regulatory mechanisms maintain extracellular fluid that is isotonic with intracellular fluid

•  Isotonic Extracellular Fluid Maintains Cell Volume

•  Variations in tonicity

–  Hypertonic

•  Extracellular ionic concentration higher than intracellular

•  Water will diffuse out of cell

•  Cell will shrink and die

–  Hypotonic

•  Extracellular ionic concentration lower than intracellular

•  Water will diffuse into cell

•  Cell may swell and burst

•  Nucleus

•  Functions

–  Contains the genetic information of the cell

–  Controls the cell

•  Structural features

–  Double-layered nuclear membrane

–  Nuclear pores

–  Chromosomes/chromatin

–  Nucleolus

•  Ribosomes

•  Site of protein synthesis

•  Location

–  Free: floating I cytoplasm

–  Bound: attached to outer surface of endoplasmic reticulum

•  Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

•  Two types of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

–  Rough ER

•  Has ribosomes on surface

•  Protein manufacturing, modifications

–  Smooth ER

•  No ribosomes on surface

•  Lipid synthesis

•  Packages the proteins

•  Golgi Apparatus

•  Refines synthesized products

•  Packaging and shipping center

•  Products are packaged into vesicles and shipped to other locations within the cell or to the cell membrane for export

•  Vesicles

•  Storage and shipping vesicles

•  Secretory vesicles

•  Endocytic vesicles

•  Peroxisomes

–  Contain enzymes that detoxify

•  Lysosomes

–  Contain digestive enzymes

•  Mitochondria

•  “Power plant” of the cell

•  Surrounded by a double membrane

•  Utilizes O2 and produces CO2

•  Generates ATP

•  Fat and Glycogen: Sources of Energy

•  Fat

–  Triglycerides

–  Long-term energy storage in animals

•  Glycogen

–  Carbohydrate storage

–  Short-term energy storage in animals

•  Cell Structures for Support and Movement

•  Cytoskeleton

–  Microtubules

–  Microfilaments

•  Cilia

–  Short, many

–  Found on cells lining airways

•  Flagella

–  Long, single

–  Enable spermatozoa to swim

•  Centrioles

•  Cells Use and Transform Matter
and Energy

•  Anabolism

–  Requires enzymes

–  Used in making/assembling large molecules

–  May require energy (ATP)

–  Used in building and assembling cell components

–  Used in storing energy

•  Cells Use and Transform Matter
and Energy

•  Catabolism

–  Requires enzymes

–  Breakdown of molecules

–  May release energy

–  Used in breaking down nutrients and recycling cell components

–  Used to access energy storage

•  Glucose Provides the Cell with Energy

•  Glucose provides energy for the cell

•  Energy in glucose is used to generate ATP

•  In absence of glucose, other carbohydrates, fats, and protein can be catabolized to generate ATP

•  Glucose Provides the Cell with Energy

•  Four stages of cellular respiration

–  Glycolysis

–  Preparatory step

–  Citric acid cycle

–  Electron transport system

•  Glycolysis

•  Occurs in the cytoplasm

•  Series of 10 reactions that split glucose into two molecules of pyruvic acid

•  2 ATP are produced (net)

•  High-energy electrons and hydrogen ions are removed and picked up by a coenzyme NAD+, forming NADH

•  Preparatory Step for Citric Acid Cycle

•  Pyruvate enters mitochondria

•  Pyruvate converted to acetyl group and CO2

•  High-energy electrons and hydrogen ions are removed and picked up by a coenzyme NAD+, forming NADH

•  Acetyl group joined to coenzyme A to form acetyl CoA

•  Acetyl CoA will enter citric acid cycle

•  Citric Acid Cycle

•  Occurs in mitochondria

•  Also known as Krebs cycle

•  Extracts high-energy electrons to form NADH and FADH2

•  Produces two ATP and carbon dioxide

•  Electron Transport System

•  Located in inner mitochondrial membrane

•  Takes electrons from NADH and FADH2

•  Movement of electrons from one electron carrier to the next releases energy that is harvested to generate ATP

•  Final electron acceptor is O2, which forms water upon receiving electrons and hydrogen ions

•  ATP generated by ATP synthase enzyme

•  Process also known as oxidative phosphorylation

•  Summary of Energy Production
from Glucose

•  Over 20 enzyme-catalyzed reactions

•  Approximately 36 ATP (net) produced from each molecule of glucose

•  Oxygen consumed, carbon dioxide produced

•  Cellular respiration: cellular process that uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide in the process of making ATP

•  Additional Energy Sources

•  Glycogen

•  Fats

–  Triglycerides have twice the energy of carbohydrates

•  Proteins

–  Have the same energy as carbohydrates

•  Anaerobic Pathways Make Energy Available without Oxygen

•  Cellular respiration cannot continue in the absence of O2

•  Glycolysis will continue, pyruvate will build up

•  Pyruvate will be converted to lactic acid

•  Lactic acid buildup in muscles will cause a burning sensation

•  2 ATP produced per molecule of glucose

•  When O2 is available, lactic acid will be metabolized aerobically