Events in the Diocese in 2017: Bishop’s Certificate in Catechesis begins a new course at The Holy Trinity Parish Centre, Newark – cost £100 per person – some help could possibly be given with this – Beginning on February 4th 2017 from 10-2.30. – Calling all women of Faith! – Voices – a woman’s retreat (18+) 3rd-5th March - £60 inclusive. Hosted by the Briars Youth Retreat Centre. Children’s Liturgy Formation Day – at the Diocesan Centre, Mackworth on Saturday 18th March – 10-3pm. For more information on the above events please see poster on the notice board. Flame 2017: Saturday 11th March, over 10,000 young people will gather at Wembley Arena to be part of a day of celebration, music and prayer. Music will be led by double Grammy award winner Matt Redman. Tickets may be available from All Saints, so please check there first, alternatively, the Youth Service will be putting coaches on from The Briars – tickets £20 (to include admission and travel), and are available to all young people from Year 10 upwards. More information can be obtained from Angela Gillespie on 01772 852044 or email: .
First Holy Communion: The programme for First Holy Communion has now begun and the next meeting for the children will be on Monday 20th February at 3.45pm at St Philip Neri Primary. The next Family Mass for all 1st Communion candidates and their families, will be on Sunday 12th March 2017 at 11am. If your child is age 7 and wants to prepare to make their 1st Holy Communion next year and doesn’t attend St Philip’s Primary School (but you are parishioners of St Philip’s Church) please contact the school to enrol on the programme. All children preparing to enrol on the programme must already have been baptised; please bring your child’s baptism certificate with you to the meeting if you haven’t already done so. 1st Holy Communion Day is on Saturday 13th May at 10.00am.
Baptism: Please speak to Fr Paul after Mass to request Baptism for your child, pick up and complete a Baptism Form then attend the meetings; the next two sessions will be 16th & 20th March, at 6.00pm. After attending both sessions please call into the parish office and book the Baptism date. Please note the sessions will now be run every two months.
Weddings 2017/18: A reminder for couples intending to marry in 2017/18 that they should make contact with the priest as soon as possible. Diocesan Policy states that at least SIX MONTHS’ notice should be given. Please remember to book the Church first before booking the reception. The Marriage Preparation Course will begin next month
Job Vacancies: For details on a selection of the job vacancies that are currently available within our diocesan schools please visit ‘job vacancies’ on the Diocesan Education Service website:
Vacancy: The Governors of St John Fisher Catholic Academy, Wigston, Leicestershire are seeking to appoint a new head teacher. Further details can be obtained from Mrs C Smith on 0116288203 or Closing date 9th February.
Please keep in your prayers the sick and housebound of our parish:
Paul Hayton, Ian Moore, Tony Corcoran, Helen Dignam, Roy Geeves, Catherine Phillips, Sheila Lowe, Joe McHugh, Thomas Smith, Mary McMonigle, Rose Lycett, Garry Jones, Maureen Turner, Kathleen Kyne, Kathleen McHugh, Peggy Hazledine, Tess Reardon, Mary Conroy, Mary Kolat.
All items for the newsletter to be received by Wednesday noon please
The Presbytery, 3 Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield, NG19 7AB
Telephone (01623) 623458 Parish Email:
Parish Website:
Diocesan Website:
NRCDT: Charity Number 1134449, Company Number 7151646
5th FEBRUARY 2017
Money Matters weekend of: 29th January 2017
P.G: £563.62 + Loose: £379.23 = £942.85 + Standing Orders
Thank you for your generosity
Please remember in your Prayers: Those who have died recently, please remember them and their families in your prayers at this very sad time.
Cheese & Wine Evening: In St Philip’s parish hall on Saturday 11th February at 7.30pm. Talks on the history of cheese and wine followed by tasting of cheeses from around Europe with matching wines – raffle and mini auction. Tickets £10 now on sale. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Mansfield & Dukeries Circle of the Catenian Association. Proceeds to be divided between Portland College/and Afternoon Tea to honour the senior members of our parishes within the Dukeries Circle, on Sunday 2nd July at 3.00pm.
Annual ‘Valentine’ Marriage Mass: During which married couples renew their vows before the Bishop. 3pm on 12th February at St Barnabas’ Cathedral.
St Patricks Day – 17th March: Come and join us for St Patricks Day Celebrations at the Linden Social Club. Doors open at 12noon til late. Singers, dancers, raffles, Irish buffet and refreshments. All welcome.
Community Youth Group: Open for youngsters from Years 5, 6, and 7 - The group will meet at St Patrick’s School on the following dates: Monday 27th February, Monday 27th March, Tuesday 25th April, Monday 15th May, from 6-7.30pm, hopefully there will be a small tuck shop too. Following on from these dates it is hoped that a community picnic will be arranged for some time over the summer months. The cost per session is £2, to assist in the cost of hiring the school hall and any activities.
Nottingham Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage: 10th – 15th July 2017 – by air or train – cost start from £569.00. Please see poster in narthex for more details.
Lourdes Fundraising Event – O’Fibbs Ceilidh Band: At the Briars Youth Retreat Centre on Saturday 18th February from 7pm. Tickets £10 per adult £5 under 16’s, bangers and mash are included in the cost. For more details contact Teresa:
Mansfield & Dukeries Irish Association are holding a St Patrick’s Dance on Friday 17th March at the Forest Town Arena. Music provided by Paddy Wackers, with a display of Irish Dancing, the Gallagher O'Connor Dancers. Entrance is free, with food and raffle available. The proceeds will go towards our twice monthly luncheon club for the over 60's at the Nags Head, Pleasley. Irish passport application forms will be available.