Name / Role
Dr Amalia Mayo / Consultant (RACH)
Dr Wheldon Houlsby / Consultant (RACH)
Dr Willem van Ijperen / Consultant (Elgin)
Lisa Wallis / Secretary
Isla Farley / PDSN
Edna Stewart / PDSN
Irene Hill / DSN (Woolmanhill)
Sheena Duffus / DSN (Fraserburgh)
Caroline Page / DSN (Orkney)
Kirsty Anderson / Community Paediatric Nurse (Shetland)
Elsie Carnegie / Paediatric Dietitian
Shona Milne / Dietitian (Fraserburgh)
Shelly Watt/ Lynda / Podiatrist
Dr Andrew Keen / Health Psychologist

Postal address:

Diabetes Service

Department of Medical Paediatrics

Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital

Westburn Road


AB25 2ZG


Medical clinics

§  RACH Clinic: Friday morning weekly from 9 am

§  Fraserburgh Clinic: all day clinic alternate months

§  Orkney Clinic: twice a year June and December one day only

§  Shetland Clinic: twice a year April and October two days clinic

§  Woolmanhill Young Persons Clinic: Tuesday morning, last of month

Nurse led clinics

§  Routine review clinic: Second Thursday of the month 2-4pm – Patients whose diabetes is well controlled and do not require to see a doctor every visit can come to this clinic and have HbA1C, height, weight checks and discuss their progress with the specialist nurse (medical advice will be available should it be required).

§  Diabetes education clinic: Fourth Thursday of the month 2-4pm - Education clinic for newly diagnosed patients, adolescents pre-transfer to adult service and any other educational issues. Patients/families have a 20minute slot with specialist nurse.


A podiatrist is in attendance at the clinic on the 2nd Friday of the month but occasionally dates may changes so please check before attending a specific clinic.


Dr Andrew Keen is available on the last Friday of each month at the Diabetic outpatient clinic.



Out Of Hours

Out of hours: for urgent advise patients are referred to the Medical Ward RACH ext. 50380

For out of hours non-urgent enquiries patients and staff are advised to leave a message on voicemail ext. 52734

Monday to Friday during working hours: patient should contact their named diabetes specialist nurse or alternatively the PDSN office on ext 52734


1.  ISPAD and International Diabetes Federation (European Region). Laron Z (ed). Consensus guidelines for the management of insulin-dependent (Type 1) diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in childhood and adolescence. Tel Aviv: Freund Publishing House Ltd, 1995.

2.  The Diabetes and Complications Trial Research Group. The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the development and progression of long-term complications in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. New England Journal of Medicine, 1993, 329:977-986.

3.  SIGN 55 “Children and Young People” Management of Diabetes. November 2001: ISBN 1899893 82 2

  1. NICE. Type 1 Diabetes (Childhood) - Full Guideline,September 2004

5.  BSPED Recommended DKA Guidelines, Feb 2004