The California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 Per Capita Grant Program Allocations



JULY 1, 2003

All Allocations Rounded to the Thousands

County and Regional Park District Allocations

Per Capita Program

(40 Percent of $326,725,000)

Rate for Allocations: $2.72 per capita
(Minimum of $1,200,000 for populations below 440,590)

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The California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 Per Capita Grant Program Allocations

Note: A county with no allocation is due to an overlap with a regional park district that operates and manages park and recreational areas and facilities for that population.

City and District Allocations

Per Capita Program

(60 Percent of $326,725,000)

Rate for Allocations: $4.40 per capita

(Minimum of $220,000 for populations below 50,025)

City and District Per Capita Allocations

City and District Per Capita Allocations

City and District Per Capita Allocations

City and District Per Capita Allocations

City and District Per Capita Allocations

City and District Per Capita Allocations

City and District Per Capita Allocations

City and District Per Capita Allocations

City and District Per Capita Allocations

City and District Per Capita Allocations

City and District Per Capita Allocations

City and District Per Capita Allocations

City and District Per Capita Allocations

Note: A city with no allocation is due to an overlap with a district that operates and manages park and recreational areas and facilities for that population.

All populations are estimates as of January 1, 2002. Populations of city and county are based on the City/County Population Estimates Report E-1 prepared by the California Department of Finance and released May 2002. Populations of districts are estimates based on the most recent verifiable census data and other population data that were furnished to the Department. Sources of population estimates for districts included County Planning Departments, Council of Governments or Association of Governments, Local Agency Formation Commissions, and County Registrars.

In addition to this Per Capita Grant Program the city of Los Angeles received an additional $11,669,000 and the county of Los Angeles received an additional $9,335,000 that was specified on a per capita basis in the Public Resources Code Section 5096.620(c) and 5096.621(g).

Summary on Minimum Allocations:

·  71 percent of all the cities and districts (423 of 592 cities and districts) received a minimum allocation of $220,000.

·  71 percent of the counties (41 of 58 counties) received a minimum allocation of $1,200,000.

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The California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 Per Capita Grant Program Allocations

Total 2002 Resources Bond Act Per Capita Program Allocations

by County

for all jurisdictions within each County

(County, Cities, and Districts)

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The California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 Per Capita Grant Program Allocations

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