Periodic Table Poster Project

8th Physical Science Name______Period______

Purpose: To demonstrate understanding of the arrangement of the periodic table of elements by creating a new table based on properties and characteristic of objects.


1. Create a periodic table out of everyday objects. You may use pictures from

magazines, catalogs, clipart, photographs, or actual small objects. (no real candy or

food) You can use pictures of candy or food. Must be written in ink or typed.

2. Glue the pictures or objects to one-half of a poster board (14” x 22”)

3. Use your notes and textbook, Chapter 5, to help with understanding the

organization of the periodic table.

4. The table must have a minimum of 5 periods (rows) and 8 families (columns)

5. Include a title on the top of your poster, your name, date and period.

6. The groups or families:

-must be named (you can use the name or a characteristic of the actual items)

-must have a common property

-must change from top to bottom in a logical way (increase in some format)

7. The Periods:

-must change from left to right in some way similar to the Periodic Table of Elements, except for the 1st period which is different from all the others like hydrogen and helium

-the first period has only 2 objects or items

-periods 2-5 need to have 8 objects or items

8. Make a key/legend a (see back) to explain how table is arranged. Be sure to include names

of each group or family, which properties they have in common, how families change

from top to bottom, and explain how the periods change from left to right.

9. For examples of a similar project, visit this website. Some of the posters shown

do not meet the above requirements; however there are some good ideas.

10. See the back of this sheet for your rubric. Use it to be sure you have included all


11. Return this paper with your project on ______

Grading Rubric- Periodic Table Poster Project

100% / 75% / 50%
Periodic Table arranged by Families and periods
______/55 / -8 Families are numbered, all related, change from top to bottom in a logical way
-5 Periods change from left to right
-1st period different from all the others / -Families not numbered or related, do not change logically
-Periods do not change
-1st period not dfferent
-less than 8 families
-less than 5 periods / Attempt at 8 different families
Attempt at 5 periods
Not logical
______/30 / -Key located on front of poster
-families numbered and named by item not color
-explains similar properties of families
-explains how items increase in families
-explains how periods change
-explains why 1st period is different / -key has some information
-key not located on
front of poster / Key does not have correct information
Creativity/ organization
______/10 / -effort is evident,
-Periodic Table organization
makes sense
-neat and in ink / -some effort evident
-Periodic table somewhat
-a little messy / -little effort put forth,
-Periodic Table not organized
Title, Name, Date, Period
______/5 / Title, name, date and period are included on poster
-followed all directions
-1/2 poster board 14” x 22”