Sol Stetin Finding Aid (FOLDERS 1-38)

  • FOLDER #1 / photos 1
  • personal and professional photographs
  • FOLDER #2 / photos 2
  • personal and professional photographs
  • FOLDER #3 / misc. documents, media, and correspondences, 1910s-1920s
  • 2 flyers for IWW Paterson silk workersmeeting and strike, dated 1913 (copies)
  • List of Manifest of Alien Passengers for the United States, c. 1920s
  • Correspondence from “BSB” to “Jack”, dated 1929
  • 2x Textile Strike Bulletin, dated 1926
  • Paterson Press-Guardian, dated 1929
  • FOLDER #4 / media and misc. documents, 1930s
  • Current Economic and Labor Problems, a lesson outline by Dr. Joel Seidman, dated 1936/37
  • The Paterson Evening Newsclippings
  • 2x Agreement between Imperial Print Company and employees, undated
  • Jewish Postfront page, dated 1936
  • Strike flyer, Textile Worker’s Organizing Committee of the C.I.O, dated 1937
  • Partial Program of Action of the Dyers Federation Affiliated with the U.T.W, undated
  • To the Public of West Warwick, R. I., Perennial Dye & Print Worker, INC
  • A Brief Chronology of the Textile Workers Union of America, c. 1930s
  • People’s Press, dated 1938
  • “Who’s Who in Jersey Labor”, sketch of Sol Stetin, c. 1930s
  • 2x “The Ballad of Sol Stetin” by Joe Glazer, 1933
  • “The Agitator” By Joe Glazer, undated
  • North Jersey Greater paper, dated 1936
  • Textile Workers Organizing Committee and Master Weavers Institute, dated 1937
  • 1934 UTW Convention Proceedings
  • Violation of Free Speech and Rights of Labor report, dated 1939
  • Rubenstien Archives, Vol. 2
  • FOLDER #5 / correspondences, 1930s
  • handwritten and typed correspondences to and from Sol Stetin, others
  • FOLDER # 6 / media and misc. documents, 1940s
  • 3x FDR 1944 SOTU Address
  • Certificate of Office, Textile Workers Union of America, to Sol Stetin
  • Assorted newspaper clippings
  • This Land is Your Land lyrics, dated 1940
  • 2x Sol Stetin’s certificate of naturalization, dated 1941
  • Executive Council Report to the fourth Biennial Convention, TWU CIO, dated 1946
  • Summary of Agreements, Elections, and Strikes, dated 1946
  • Event program for dinner in honor of Sol Stetin, dated 1948
  • Chapter 307 Laws, dated 1947
  • FOLDER #7 / correspondences, 1940s
  • handwritten and typed correspondences to and from Sol Stetin, others
  • FOLDER # 8 / media, misc. documents, and correspondences, 1950s
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin, others
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, originals and copies
  • Multiple copies of the proceedings from the 1951 CIO convention, dated 1951
  • Booklet: Labor Views of Secondary Education’s Goals, dated1957
  • FOLDER # 9 / media, 1960s
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, multiple copies
  • Assorted press releases
  • FOLDER # 10 / misc. documents, 1960s
  • 3x Sol Stetin biography, dated 1964
  • Excerpt of speech on Stetin from RU commencement, dated 1961
  • 3x “The Labor Program”, dated 1961/62
  • Misc information docs (including “alchemy of love”, encyclopedia articles, etc) multiple dates
  • Coloring book for children, dated 1968
  • “Elections Made Easy, a Guide to NJ Election Law”, dated 1965
  • Pamphlet, “Collective Bargaining”, dated 1965
  • Various documents pertaining to Paterson State College (agendas, meeting notes, budget, etc), multiple dates
  • 2x Proceedings from the Fifteenth Biennial Convention, CIO, dated 1968
  • RU 195th Anniversary Commencement program, dated 1961
  • Sol Stetin statement, dated 1966
  • Official biography of Alfred M. Loewenthal, dated 1969
  • “A Summary of Presidential Assignments and Resultant Actions”, dated 1968
  • Material on labor education from Stetin to President Olsen, dated 1968
  • List of books donated by Stetin to library, undated
  • Labor Program, Institute of Management and Labor Relations at RU, undated
  • Proceedings of NJ historical society, dated 1966
  • Program from labor reception, undated
  • FOLDER # 11 / misc correspondences, 1960s
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin, others
  • FOLDER # 12 / misc. correspondences, 1970s
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin, others
  • FOLDER # 13 / American Labor Museum/Botto House Business , 1970s
  • Documents pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • Budgets, agenda meetings, documents on efforts to establish museum
  • FOLDER # 14 / WPU, 1970s
  • Documents pertaining to WilliamPatersonCollege (aka PatersonCollege then, or now WilliamPatersonUniversity)
  • FOLDER # 15 / events and achievements, 1970s
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • FOLDER # 16 / labor information education, 1970s
  • Notes from oral history project, union education information, state issued pamphlets, etc
  • FOLDER #17 / press & news media, 1970s
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • FOLDER #18 / American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 1980-1983
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • Invitation responses to Stetin retirement dinner, donation letters
  • FOLDER #19 / WPU, 1980-1983
  • Documents pertaining to WilliamPatersonCollege (then known also as PatersonCollege)
  • FOLDER #20 / press & news media, 1980-1983
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • FOLDER #21 / labor information & education, 1980-1983
  • union education information, state issued pamphlets, etc
  • FOLDER #22 / events and achievements, 1980-1983
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • Includes poems written in honor of Sol Stetin
  • FOLDER #23 / misc correspondences, 1980-1983
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin, others
  • FOLDER #24 /American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 1984-1984
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • Article clippings on “wave of resignations”, Board tensions
  • FOLDER #25 /WPU & misc correspondences, 1984-1986
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Documents, commencement programs, WPU/C
  • FOLDER #26 /press & news media, labor information & education, 1984-1986
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • FOLDER #27 /events and achievements, 1984-1986
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • Includes Rutgers U Labor Studies program documents
  • FOLDER #28 /American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 1987-1989
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • FOLDER #29 /events and achievements, 1987-1989
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • Includes Rutgers U Labor Studies program documents
  • FOLDER #30 /press & news media, misc correspondence, labor information & education, WPU, 1987-89
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Documents, commencement programs, WPU/C
  • FOLDER #31 /American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 1990
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum

  • FOLDER #32 /press & news media, misc correspondence, labor information & education, events and achievements, 1990
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • Includes Rutgers U Labor Studies program documents
  • FOLDER #33 /American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 1991
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • FOLDER #34 /press & news media, misc correspondence, labor information & education, events and achievements, 1991
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • Includes Rutgers U Labor Studies program documents
  • FOLDER #35 /American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 1992
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • FOLDER #36 /press & news media, misc correspondence, labor information & education, events and achievements, 1992
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • Includes Rutgers U Labor Studies program documents
  • FOLDER #37 /American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 1993
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • FOLDER #38 /press & news media, misc correspondence, labor information & education, events and achievements, 1993
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • Includes Rutgers U Labor Studies program documents

Sol Stetin Finding Aid (FOLDERS 39-55)

  • FOLDER #39 /American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 1994
  • Documents & correspondences
  • Botto House budget, news-clippings
  • FOLDER #40 /press & news media, misc correspondence, labor information & education, events and achievements, 1994
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • FOLDER #41 /American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 1995
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • FOLDER #42 /press & news media, misc correspondence, labor information & education, events and achievements, 1995
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • FOLDER #43 /American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 1996
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • FOLDER #44 /press & news media, misc correspondence, labor information & education, events and achievements, 1996
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • Includes documents from RutgersUniversity
  • FOLDER #45 /American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 1997
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • FOLDER #46 /press & news media, misc correspondence, labor information & education, events and achievements 1 1997
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • Includes documents from RutgersUniversity
  • FOLDER #47 /press & news media, misc correspondence, labor information & education, events and achievements 2 1997
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • Includes documents from RutgersUniversity
  • FOLDER #48 /American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 1998
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • FOLDER #49 /press & news media, misc correspondence, labor information & education, events and achievements, 1998
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • Includes documents from RutgersUniversity
  • FOLDER #50 /American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 1999
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • FOLDER #51 /misc correspondence, labor information & education, events and achievements, 1999
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • Includes documents from RutgersUniversity
  • FOLDER #52 /press & news media, 1999
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • FOLDER #53 /American Labor Museum/Botto House Business, 2000-2005
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • FOLDER #54 /misc correspondence, labor information & education, events and achievements, 2000-2005
  • union education information, research, etc
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • Includes documents from RutgersUniversity
  • FOLDER #55 /press & news media, 2000-2005
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers

Sol Stetin Finding Aid (FOLDERS 39-55)


  • FOLDER #56 /personal 1, correspondences, events and achievements
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • FOLDER #57 /personal 2, correspondences, events and achievements
  • Hand-written and typed letters to and from Sol Stetin
  • Programs, copies of speeches, certificates, awards, banquet budgeting, etc
  • FOLDER #58/press & news media
  • Assorted newspaper clippings, local and national newspapers
  • FOLDER #59/American Labor Museum/Botto House Business
  • Documents & correspondences pertaining to Botto House/American Labor Museum
  • FOLDER #60/ Rutgers
  • Documents having to do with the RutgersLaborEducationCenter
  • FOLDER #61/ Photos
  • personal and professional photographs
  • FOLDER #62/labor education and politics, misc 1
  • Includes union information and handouts, reports, educational information
  • Also contains misc documents from collection
  • FOLDER #63/labor education and politics, misc 2
  • Includes union information and handouts, reports, educational information
  • Also contains misc documents from collection