Minutes of the 2014 half yearly meeting to be held at Tailem Bend on Tuesday, December 2nd at 7.30 pm.

1. Opening And Welcome. Chairman Joy Marsh declared the meeting open at 7.30 pm and extended a warm welcome to all present.

2. Apologies: Di Leathers, Lynton Keen and Wayne Lehmann.

3. In Attendance: Jervois – D Hicks & Di Slade, Karoonda – B Pope & I Mumford, Mannum – MDavey & D Barnes, Meningie – F Blake (Proxy) & J Webb, Murray Bridge – K Simes & T Gill, Murray Bridge RSL – S Altmann & P Shilton, Tailem Bend – N Kneebone & R Cross.

J Marsh, B Leckie, J Pitcher, B Densley (Executive), Gaynor Pitcher – Councillor Eastern Region 6.

Observers: P Connolly, M Woidt & C Bristow (T/Bend), Ann Ratsch (M/B).




1.  Tailem Bend BC re withdrawal from Wednesday Pennants 05-10-14

2.  Jervois BC re Wednesday Pennant numbers + Notice of Motion 30-10-14

3.  Mannum BC re Wednesday Pennants + Notice of Motion 01-11-14

4.  Mannum BC re conditions of ditches at Murray Bridge BC 14-11-14


1.  Club Secretaries re Temporary Registrants and New Members 30-09-14

2.  Club Secretaries re State Pairs and Fours venues + Fairchild Shield 15-10-14

3.  Club Secretaries re Information on Half Yearly meeting on 2nd December 26-10-14

4.  Club Secretaries re Notices of Motion for Half Yearly meeting 09-11-14

5.  Press items to the Standard, The Advertiser and our Website. Weekly

Moved JP/DH & Carried.

7. NOTICES OF MOTION. Items for consideration:

7.1 Tailem Bend Bowling Club has submitted the following Notice of Motion:

“that both men’s and women’s competitions (single gender) be played on a Saturday to create and promote further interest in the game at a local level”.

NK I wish to withdraw the motion. Discussion has been held at the local level and our ladies were not consulted first. Use of OG players was discussed. Noel stated he wished to apologise to the ladies facility of Tailem Bend for not notifying them first.

JP If this were to happen it would be the end of Division 3 competition on Saturday.

DS Southern Mallee had a ladies single gender competition on Saturdays.

GP Since joining with the men they have a single gender competition on Thursdays.

DH We should aim at making the Division 3 a stronger competition – six sides is not enough.

JP Numbers continue to decline in the Association and it is hard to expand our competitions.

7.2 Jervois Bowling Club has submitted the following Notice of Motion:

“that no pennant games be scheduled for the October Long Weekend in any future year’s programming”.

DH It is hard to get bowlers available during holiday weekends.

MD World Cricket will be during the October long weekend next year.

IM Stay away from it if possible.

All delegates requested we stay away from the long weekend if possible.

January 26 falls on a Monday next year. Clubs wish to avoid this date for events if possible. Clubs should discuss this matter – do we want a shorter pennant programme, etc. What are our options?

7.3 Wednesday Pennants.

The Jervois Bowling Club has also sent in a request for a full discussion of the Wednesday Pennant Competition to be held at the Mid Yearly Meeting on 2nd December 2014.

They are suggesting a possible outcome may be that from 10th December the Wednesday Pennant Competition reverts to a 1.30 pm start. (See attached letter)

Mannum Bowling Club has submitted the following Notice of Motion:

“That the Midweek Pennants Competition reverts back to a 1 pm start from the start of the New Year and normal heat rule provisions apply as previously”.

MD Mannum had a majority vote for a late start. Bar takings are suffering and others have work commitments that keep them out.

BL Tailem Bend could get four (4) players to help out if Jervois wanted to put in a composite side.

PS RSL did not intend to decimate the Wednesday Pennant competition. It was done due to heat considerations and the age of many players.

Tailem Bend, Jervois and Mannum were in favour of a late start. Murray Bridge and Murray Bridge RSL were against a change. CARRIED

Starting time for the late start was discussed. Jervois suggested the Mannum motion be followed and a late start should commence in the New Year.

Tailem Bend, Jervois and Mannum were in favour New Year start. Murray Bridge and Murray Bridge RSL were against a change. CARRIED


Brian Densley reported that we have approximately $7000 in the bank and also a term deposit of $5338.92 invested at 2.3%.


1)  Historical records – pennant winners, champion of champions, etc. Details for our Website. Jack provided a summary of past pennant winners and Champion of Champions. He explained that he did not have the early records and would like delegates to check their clubrooms to see if the records can be brought up to date and then published on the website.

2)  Heat Policy – Insurance etc.

Discussion took place regarding the early starting time for play when hot weather occurs on a Wednesday. Jervois, Mannum and Tailem Bend voted to leave the temperature for and early starting time at 380C. RSL and MB voted for 360C. Temperature to remain at 380C for an early start in the New Year.

Thursday pennants. Rule 1.30.6 second paragraph changed to reach 360C before an appeal to the umpire can be made. RSL, Meningie, Karoonda and Murray Bridge voted in favour and Jervois, Tailem Bend and Mannum voted for the temperature to remain at 380C. The temperature at which an appeal can be made to the umpire is now 360C.

3)  Officiating Manual for Markers, Measurers and Umpires – Brian Leckie.

There is now a new officiating structure that covers Markers, Measurers and Umpires. The fees for each course will be set at $20 and if someone does all three the charge will be $50. All are covered by the Association. Tutors are out and Educators are in as from 1 January 2015.

Letter to go to Bowls SA re new laws and their introduction. It was suggested that we request the implementation be delayed until the start of next season when the books will be available for all concerned. It would be difficult to bring it in in January when the new material is not available. Moved B Leckie/M Davey and carried.

10. Councillor’s Report:

Sandra Wallace has been appointed to the Board of Bowls SA. Bowls SA are trying to attract new members and they are encouraging clubs to stay open longer where possible – there is a need for more volunteers.

The Heat Policy is a continuing problem and further changes will occur. Associations may need to become incorporated bodies to satisfy Insurance Company requirements. David Millington – MGA Insurance – spoke about the problems and stated that ‘policies have cut off temperatures but Insurance companies do not’.

Duty of Care is most important – Clubs should announce the policy at all venues on every occasion to ensure they are covered by their Insurance Company. Water and cool facilities should be available and people should be encouraged to relax and cool down.

If lightning occurs then players should leave the green immediately and resume play when conditions have improved or if the umpire informs them that play should resume.

11. Other Business

The letter from the Mannum Bowling Club regarding the material in the ditches at Murray Bridge Bowling Club was read out again. A brief discussion took place and the Murray Bridge delegates were asked to bring the matter to the attention of the Club Board.

Chairman Joy Marsh declared the meeting closed after thanking delegates for their attendance and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

Meeting closed at 9.30 pm.

Minutes of Half Yearly Dec 2014.docx