West I-10 Chamber of Commerce

P. O. Box 100, Pattison, Texas 77466

Board of Directors Meeting

May 1, 2013 – 7:30 a.m.


Igloo Lobby Conference Room

Board of Directors: Bill Fry (2), Adam Traweek (1), Rosemary Gambino (5),

Jim Vaughn (3), Jeff Cartwright (4), Steve Pierson (6), Greg Turner (7)


Attendees: Adam Traweek, Greg Turner, Jim Vaughn, Steve Pierson, and Paul McConnell and Kathryn McAdams Wilson

Absent: Bill Fry, Rosemary Gambino, Jeff Cartwright

A)  Quorum recognized and the meeting was called to order at 7:30am by Vice Chairman Adam Traweek. Invocation by Steve Pierson.

Action Items:

B)  Motion was made by Jim Vaughn, second by Greg Turner, to approve the Minutes of the April 3, 2013, Board of Directors meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

C)  Motion was made by Steve Pierson, second by Greg Turner, to approve the financial statements and invoices for April 2013; motion passed unanimously.

D)  There were no new member applications to approve.

E)  Motion was made by Greg Turner, second by Jim Vaughn, to approve the projected 2013A Budget as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

Discussion Items:

F)  Committee Reports:

1)  Education Committee (Robert and Julie Ormond) – via 4/29/13 email, Julie reported: The Education Committee will be meeting on Tuesday May 7th at the Recycle Center at 9AM to discuss scholarship applicants. The committee will be choosing four recipients for $500 scholarships with hopefully one being a trade scholarship this year. The applications are coming in now and due by May 1st. The committee will also be choosing the recipient of the special spirit award for this year. We will get all of the Teacher Spirit Award winners and the scholarship recipients to Kathryn ASAP.

2)  Programs Committee (Rosemary Gambino) – not present to report. Luncheon/Program Schedule: May 14-Miranda Jones, Waller County 4H; June 11- Education Committee to host/Teachers Awards; July 8- Mary Anne Piacentini, Executive Director of the Katy Prairie Conservatory, September 10 –(Governmental Affairs – speaker TBA and BOD Elections, October 15- TBA (requests are out for speaker on Wellness in the Workplace; December 10 – Rep Cecil Bell, Jr., and WC Judge Glenn Beckendorff.

3)  Fundraising Committee (Steve Pierson) – 2nd Annual Ice Cream Social scheduled for May 7. Sponsor totals $6,300. Tickets are being sold by Mr. Tasma and JH and HS honor society students. Fundraising Committee will meet on May 6th for final prep.

4)  Website (Paul McConnell) – Paul reported that because of the enormous amount of email including spam received by the chamber, we are going over storage capacity which interrupts receiving and sending email. ACTION: Paul will contact Hostmonster and inquire about increasing the capacity and any applicable charges for same.

5)  Governmental Affairs (Adam Traweek) – Adam Traweek reported that the 2013 Election Forum held on April 23rd was well attended and there was a good exchange of information of the Emergency Services District (ESD) with Fire Chiefs from the Pattison and Waller Volunteer Fire Departments. Three of the five mayoral candidates and two of the four candidates for council of the City of Brookshire participated. The next Governmental Affairs Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 23, 2013, with J.L. Rose of the Brookshire-Katy Drainage District. Working on speaker for the September luncheon program.

6)  Economic Development (Jon Strange) –– not present to report. The April meeting was canceled. The next EDC meeting is scheduled for June 20, 2013.

7)  Annual Banquet (Roberta Meader) – Not present to report. The date set is Friday, November 8, 2013, for the 12th Annual Appreciation Awards Banquet which will be held in John Hovas’ car barn. Committee will set a meeting date end of May.

G)  Old Business:

1)  Admin. Manager’s Report (Kathryn) –

2)  Membership status. – List of to-date membership renewals filed as part of these minutes.

3)  ChamberMaster Marketing Module – was added to the 2013 proposed budget as a continued service and benefit to members.

4)  Fiduciary Insurance Coverage Fiduciary Insurance Coverage: Agent recommends adding Fidelity Coverage (a.k.a. Crime Insurance. This protects a company's assets in the event of theft or fraud by an employee or another third party). Board to discuss at August BOD meeting prior to the September renewal. This coverage would probably add around $300 to the annual premium.

G. New Business: There was no new business.

H.  Open discussion & other business: Jim Vaughn mentioned that the Bluebonnet Conservation District will be holding a Hearing on May 17th on the proposed drilling of water wells in Waller and Austin Counties for the purpose of shipping the water to Fort Bend County.

I.  Closing:

1)  Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2013, 7:30 a.m.

2)  Motion was made by Greg Turner, second by Jim Vaughn to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 a.m.

Submitted by:

Kathryn McAdams Wilson

For/Rosemary Gambino, Secretary

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