Minutes of Monday, September 16, 2013

MEETING: The General Membership Meeting convened on Monday, September 16,

2013 at 8:15 P.M. at the YABTC facility in North Jackson.

ATTENDANCE: Perri Graf, President; Lori Baker, Vice President; Stacy Judge, Treasurer; Debbie Harper, Recording Secretary; Judy Drotar, Corresponding Secretary; Kim Burrier, Sharon Phillips, Elaine Shively, Donn Bell, Ann Cicero, Jo Ann Fedyski, Renie Grohl, Kathy Hopkins, Sandra Irish, Diana James, Debby McLaughlin, Donald Opsitnik, Glenda Russell, Joann Sesser, Jeff Showman, Shawnee Showman, Rod Waller and Karen Wisler.

Guests: Collin Charity, Lynn Taylor, Linda Burger, Ed Gilbert, Laura Gilbert and Jeannine Ciszak

SECRETARY’S REPORT: A correction to the attendance list from the previous meeting was that Judy Drotar was present at the picnic. Following a motion by Stacy Judge and seconded by Karen Wisler, the General Membership voted to approve the minutes of the General Membership meeting of July 19 as corrected.


Stacy reported that the amount of our net assets is $277,112.79 and the year to date income is $15,197.43. Following a motion by Lori Baker and seconded by Kim Burrier, the membership voted to accept the Treasurer’s Report.


Judy reported receiving the following items of correspondence:

1.  August agility trial closeout and the paper work for the 2014 trial.

2.  Information about Cleveland All Breed’s obedience and rally run thrus on Sunday, October 20


Hospitality: Ann Cicero

Debbie Harper and Vicki Merrick will be providing the cakes for November. Kim Burrier will bring one of the cakes for January.

Program: Perri thanked Rosemary and John Janoch for doing the program on tracking.

Welfare: Kathy Taleos

Perri reported that Bill Allen has been ill since mid August. He is currently in hospice.

Training: Dale Burrier

Perri and Dale will be working on the obedience and rally schedule for the first half of 2014.

Obedience and Rally Trials: Mary Mignogna and Lori Baker

Lori reported that the premium list for the October 25—27 obedience and rally trials is available. It has been emailed to the exhibitors and is on the YABTC Face Book Page. It closes on October 9. Mary is the chief ring steward, obedience trial chair and the rally trial chair. Donn Bell is in charge of parking. There is a food sign up list. Marla Belzowski is in charge of the kitchen on Friday until Perri is able to get there. The trophy pledges on Saturday are obedience bags and will be awarded for every high scoring breed in every class. The cost is $10 to sponsor one of the prizes. Alice Coyne is in charge of the raffle. Sharon Phillips will help her. Let Perri know if you would like to attend the judges’ dinner at Stonebridge.

Obedience Run Thrus—Kim Burrier

The order of the run thrus is:

Utility, open and novice on the second Tuesday of the month

Beginner novice and novice the third Tuesday

Novice, open and utility the fourth Tuesday

Rally Run Thrus—Mary Mignogna

The run thrus are held on the first Tuesday of the month.

Agility Trial: Sandy Irish, Debbie Harper, Mike Coates

August 17—18, 2013—Sandy Irish reported that she heard many good comments about the trial site.

October 5--6, 2013—Mike Coates

Karen Wisler announced that she is looking for raffle donations. There has been a decrease in donations for the trials. Shari Yuhas will be submitting a donation from 4H. The trial closes on Wednesday, September 18 and there are still openings.

November 30—December 1, 2013—Debbie Harper reported that the judges have their flights booked and everything is set for the trial which falls on the Saturday and Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend. The trial will be held as the Wellness Center and will be 2 rings.

Agility Run-Thrus: Sandy Irish and Debbie Harper

There will be agility run thrus and a Christmas photo session with pictures being taken by Janet Yosay on Saturday, November 9. The starting time is to be determined pending rearranging the Saturday agility classes.

Publicity: Diana James

Diana will send the information/picture to the North Jackson paper, Tribune and Vindicator when we have the ground breaking for the new building.

Sharon Phillips and Jo Ann Fedyski judged the 4H at the fair.

Public Education: Jamie Thompson-no report

Awards: Debby McLaughlin

Perri reminded members to pick up their plaques and plates. She has some leftover plates. If you are missing one, let her know the date and the title.

Building Maintenance: Ed Newsome and Dale Burrier

Please pick up treats and cover the trash cans to help with the mice problem.

Perri signed the papers for the loan for the new building last Tuesday. As of last Friday, after the zoning office has given their approval, the building can be started. It will take about five months to complete. We will probably move in during January or February. Members will be needed to help move the club items out of the current building. The loft will need to be cleaned and a garage sale may be held in December.

A board from the obedience broad jump is missing from the trial set. When a member borrows something from the club, please let a board member know.

Finance: Stacy Judge—no report

Membership: Judy Drotar reported that there are a still a lot of outstanding dues that haven’t been paid. She will send out letters.

Newsletter: Marla Belzowski

Marla is doing a good job with the newsletter. She needs pictures –they can be left in the mailbox in the hallway outside the kitchen.

Website: Stacy Judge reported that the obedience premium is on the website. She has not received the tracking premium. Stacy hopes to have the November agility premium posted later this week.

Auditing: Caren Vicich—no report

New Members: Judy Drotar

The following people were approved by the Executive Board at the February, June, August and September 2013 Board Meetings and are being introduced to the General Membership as prospective members of YABTC:

Collin Charity Jeannine Ciszak

Lynn Taylor Ed Gilbert

Linda Burger Laura Gilbert

Following a motion by Judy Drotar and seconded by Sharon Phillips, the membership voted to vote on the above members by a show of hands rather than written ballots. Following a motion by Judy Drotar and seconded by Sharon Phillips, the membership voted to accept the above people as members of YABTC.


Dale will be the secretary for the October 20 tracking test. Track layers are needed—you must be available to mark your track on Saturday, October 19 and to lay the track on Sunday at 7:30 A.M. You must stay on Sunday until your track is run.

Helen White has published her third Percy book. The cost is $20 and YABTC will receive all of the profit.

Perri thanked all of those members who stewarded at the Canfield Cluster Show. The club made approximately $1,000.

Several members from our club attended the AKC Responsible Dog Owner Day event at the Expo Center in Niles on Sunday, September 15. They did an agility demo and let the public try some introductory agility equipment. The event was not very well attended. It didn’t seem to be very well advertised.

There are two sample jackets that can be tried on for size for members who are interested in ordering one. The envelopes for ordering a jacket are in the board members’ mailboxes. Let Cheryl Christy know if you are ordering and she will turn it in to the company.

Policy Committee: Elaine Shively reported that she has the revisions typed and needs to send it to the committee members for review.


The Northeast Ohio Dog Club will have rally and obedience run thrus at YABTC on Sunday, October 6.

A nominations committee has been formed. Elaine Shively is the chairperson and the members are Ann Cicero, Sandy Irish, Donn Bell and Karen Wisler. An alternate is also needed.

Lynda Tushar needs to be replaced on the board.

The General Membership Meeting adjourned at 9:23 P.M. following a motion by Donn Bell and seconded by Lori Baker.

The next General Membership Meeting will be held on Monday, November 18, 2013 at the YABTC facility.

Respectfully submitted,

Debbie Harper

Recording secretary