Activity Pricing and Evaluation

Activities can be scheduled by rotation to suit larger groups. The following guide can be used for your planning. Pricing includes GST and is based on approximate wage costs of award wages without penalties, set up/ pack up time between rotations, breaks, equipment repairs and maintenance amortisation.

Activity / Group
size / Age / Cost
per person / Risk Level
Bike Rides
Baxters Track / Any / Yrs. 4+ / Free
Damper(April to October) / Any / Yrs. 4+ / $2.20
Hut Building / Any / Yrs. 4+ / Free
Yabbying (Available in the months with the letter R) / Any / Yrs. 4+ / $2.20
BMX Track / Any / Yrs. 4+ / Free
Butts Reserve / Any / Yrs. 4+ / Free
Damper (April to October) / Any / Yrs. 4+ / $2.20
Camp Bike Track** / Any / All Ages / Free
Carman’s Tunnel / Any / Yrs. 4+ / Free
Carman’s Tunnel Mine Tour / Any / Yrs. 4+ / $3.30
Cemetery Trail / Any / Yrs. 4+ / Free
Mount Tarrangower Track / Any / Yrs. 4+ / Free
Muckleford Train Station / Any / Yrs. 4+ / Free
Train from M’ford to Maldon(Wednesday only) / Any / Yrs. 4+ / $8.00
South German Mine / Any / Yrs. 4+ / Free
The Dredge Ride / Any / Yrs. 4+ / Free
Damper (Available April to October) / Any / Yrs. 4+ / $2.20
Gold Panning / Any / Yrs. 4+ / $2.20
Hut Building / Any / Yrs. 4+ / Free
Yabbying (Available in the months with the letter R) / Any / Yrs. 4+ / $2.20
Onsite Activities
Archery** / Yrs. 4+ / $2.20
Bouldering** / Free
Bubble Soccer** / $6.60
Bush Walking
Nightwalk / Any / All Ages / Free
Camp Fire (Available April to October) / All Ages / $25
Storyteller / All Ages / $90.00
Damper (Available April to October) / All Ages / $2.20
Games** / All Ages / Free
Mini Golf** / All Ages / Free
Nerf Gun Battle** (Available Day Time Only) / All Ages / $2.20
Obstacle Course** / Free
Rock Climbing** (Available mornings only) / $8.80
Town Walk** (incl. questionnaire) / All Ages / Free
Off- Site Activities
Maldon C.F.A Visit ( Available:Tues,Wed & Thurs) / All Ages / $30.00
Maldon Lolly Shop** / All Ages / Variable
Train from Maldon to M’ford & Return(Wednesday only) / All Ages / $9.50
Train to Castlemaine (Wednesday only) / All Ages / $9.50
Train to Castlemaine & Return(Wednesday only) / All Ages / $10.50

** Indicate activities that are can be included in group rotations for 40 to 60 minutes per rotation.