2014 American Printing House (APH) Registration of Legally Blind Students for Federal Quota Funds
Registration Form Deadline -Thursday, February 20, 2014.
Confidentiality Notice:This communication and any documents or files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the Mississippi Instructional Resource Center – Mississippi School for the Blind, Mississippi Department of Education and the individual or entity to which it is addressed.
The person responsible for completing this form is strongly advised to review the instructions in itsentirety. Changes have been made to the process.
General Information
Itis nowtimetobegintheAnnual AmericanPrintingHousefor theBlind(APH) 2014, Federal Quota Census. The Federal Quota Census is the registration of students who are legally blind and areenrolledinpublic schools, private or parochial schools,home schools, or agencies serving homebound or residential students or nonprofiteducational program ofless thancollegelevel. Additionally, eligible infants, preschool children,andhomeboundstudents canberegisterediftheyare enrolledinaformallyorganized,regularlyschedulededucational or trainingprogram. Students must be enrolledwiththe registeringschool or agencyon the first Monday of January. The enrollment date for 2014 wasMonday, January 6th.
The Federal Quota Census is nottoreplaceanythingyou have alreadydonerelativetoregisteringstudentsand/or orderingbooks andmaterials. This registration will allow Mississippi to generate federal funds for educational materials from the American Printing House for the Blind (APH). Funds areavailablebasedonthenumberof qualifiedstudents thatareregisteredduringtheFederal QuotaCensus.
District/Agency Responsibility
Each district/agency must provide the following:
- Accurate data on each student with legal blindness enrolled in their district or agency as of January6, 2014.
- A completed registration form with the signature ofthe Superintendent, Special Education Director or a designee. The form may be returned by mail to Kim Esco-Collins, Director Mississippi Instructional Resource Center-Mississippi School for the Blind, 1252 Eastover Drive, Jackson, MS 39211, fax 601-984-8230, or by e-mail on or before Thursday, February 20, 2014.
- If you do not have a student to report, please print the name of your district/agency, mail to Kim Esco-Collins, Director Mississippi Instructional Resource Center-Mississippi School for the Blind, 1252 Eastover Drive, Jackson, MS 39211, fax 601-984-8230, or by e-mail on or before Thursday, February 20, 2014.
Eligibility for Federal Quota Registration
To be eligible for registration in the Federal Quota Program a student MUST meet the following criteria:
- Meet the definition of legal blindness (MDB)– a central visual acuityof 20/200or less inthe better eyewith bestcorrectionor a peripheralfield ofvision no greater than20 degrees orFunctions atthedefinition of blindness(FDB) -acategoryindicatingblindnessduetobraininjury or dysfunction
- Be enrolledinpublic schools, private or parochial schools,home schools, or agencies serving homebound or residential students or nonprofiteducational program ofless thancollegelevel
- Be enrolled with the registering school or agency on Monday, January 6, 2014.
Required Documentation
The following documents for each registered student must be on file:
- WrittenEducationPlanmust be on file at the school district/agency onlyto verify that the student is in a formallyorganized educational program. The plan maybe anIEP,a504,or anyother written action plan.
- CurrentEyeReport byan ophthalmologist or anoptometristmustbeonfile at the school district/agency and the Mississippi Instructional Resource Center (MIRC). Areportfrom an eye care specialist or medical doctor is acceptablefor students classified as'Functions attheDefinitionofBlindness'.Ifyousubmittedaneyereportduringthe MIRC registration by January 17, 2014, another copyofthiseyereportis notneeded. Pleaseremember the APH Censusdoes nottaketheplace ofthe MIRC onlineregistrationfor book requests. The reportmustbecurrentwithinthreeyears.
- Exemptionfromthecurrent eyereport regulation:Exceptions include students who are totally blind, whose eyes have been enucleated, or who have provennon-changingeyeconditions.
Completing the Registration Form
A registration form is included in the attachment. Use the form to compile the list of students to be included on the registry for 2014. Complete all data fields. Be sure to include eligible students enrolled in your early childhood programs and those who have multiple disabilities that include legal blindness. If a student that is no longer in your district/agency or no longer qualifies, mark delete and note why he/she is not registered (i.e. moved to another district/agency, moved out of state, graduated, no longer qualifies, etc.) in the Free Form Entry (FFE) box.
For each eligible student, the following MUST be reported:
- Name of school district/agency enrolling student
- Name of student
- Date of birth (DOB)
- Grade Placement (Use report codes)
- Vision Functionality(Use report codes)
- Primary language used for instruction (Use report codes)
- Primary reading medium (Use report codes)
- Secondary reading medium (Use report codes)
- Other or third reading medium (Use report codes)
Report Codes
Grade Placement
Report Code / Definition of Grade Placement CategoriesIP / Infants: Child under 3 years of age on January 6, 2014
PS / Preschool: Child (3 years of age or older) of preschool age served by early childhood or pre-kindergarten
KG / Kindergarten: Child enrolled in Kindergarten
01-12 / Student of School Age in regular academic grades 01 through 12 – list current grade placement
AN / Academic Non-graded: Student of school age who is working to acquire skills necessary for placement in regular grade
FC / Functional Curriculum Student: Student of school age who is working toward a graduation certificate or non-traditional academic curriculum
TR / Transition Student: Student of school age in a secondary instructional program designed to supplement the traditional academic curriculum (could include a post-graduate program at less than college level
OR / Other Registrant: Student of school age who does not fall into any of the above placements (e.g., student enrolled in classes for non-academic students)
AD / Adult: Adult over 21 years of age in educational programs less than college level – Federal government requires that all students above state’s age/grade limitation for high school be registered as adults.
Vision Functionality
Report Code / Definition of Vision Functionality CategoriesMDB -Meet the Definition of Blindness / Central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with correcting glasses or a peripheral field so contracted that the widest diameter of such field subtends an angular distance no greater than 20 degrees.
FDB- Function at the Definition of Blindness / Visual performance reduced by brain injury or dysfunction when visual function meets the definition of blindness as determined by an eye care specialist or neurologist.
Primary Language Used for Instruction in the Classroom
Report Code / Definition of Primary Language CategoriesEN / English
SP / Spanish
OT / Other
Reading Mediums
Report Code / Definition of Reading Medium CategoriesA / Auditory (Student uses a reader or auditory materials)
B / Braille
N / Non-Reader (Student shows no reading potential – this code may be used for students with severe and profound disabilities who do not read but use objects, pictures, or specially designed communication materials)
PRE / Pre-Reader (Student is working towards a readiness level and can include infants, preschoolers or older students with a reading potential)
V / Visual (large print readers)
- Primary reading medium is the format used most often by the student and must be listed on the registration form.
- Secondary reading medium is the format used by the student as a second choice and must be listed on the registration form.
- Additional reading medium is the format used by the student some of the time. The entry is optional.
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