Центр Дослідження Літератури

для Дітей та Юнацтва

Ukrainian Research Center of Children’s and Youth Literature

Ukrainian research centre

of children's and youth literature

Publishers' Forum

Western scientific centre of NASU



"All of Ukraine Reads to Kids"


"All of Poland Reads to Kids"


September, 9th – 13th, 2015.

Spesial guest: Irena Kozhminska, President of the Foundation "All of Poland reads to kids" with the support of the Polish Institute in Kyiv


Wednesday, September, 9th

Opening of the 6th International Symposium "Literature. Children. Time"

17.00. 35, Virmenska Str. (Art association "Dzyga").

On September, 9th, Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature offers to the Symposium participants to attend the events organized by the Ukrainian Library Association as part of the Library Forum and the Forum of Publishers

11:00-11:45 round table discussion

"Libraries' quality changes to ensure the sustainable development of Ukraine: in search of the Future. Development of reading through social partnership".

Lviv Regional Children's Library (1, Vinnichenko Str. )

12:00-12:45 workshop presentation of the book "Good mood with Judy Moody" from the "The Old Lion Publishing House", Lviv.

Central Library for children (3, Okunevskoho Str.)

15:00-18:00 book presentation

Presentation of new books by "The UCU Publishing House" special event for The Publishers' Forum. "The Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House", Lviv.

The Ukrainian Catholic University → Theology and Philosophy Faculty, conference room (35а, Khutorivka Str.)

15:00-15:45 workshop Book advertising in Social networks: interaction of libraries and publishing houses. Lviv Regional State Library for Youth (9, Rynok Sq.)

15:00-16:30 discussion

"Texts in theater, texts about theater" with the participation of Ukrainian theatre leading critics and playwrights from the cycle "Theatre: InsideOut" – a joint project of the Center for Urban History and Art Studio "Drabyna".

Center for Urban History of East Central Europe “Drama.UA”

The First Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth → Small Stage (Small Stage, 11, Hnatiuka Str.)

16:00-16:45 book presentation

Presentation of academic magazines.

Publishing House "Laurus "

The Ukrainian Catholic University → Multipurpose Academic Building (2a, Kozelnytska Str. Lviv, Ukraine, 79000)

16:00-16:45 discussion

Book and Library in the life of Ukrainian and American military: open discussion

Lviv Regional State Library for Youth (9, Rynok Sq.)

19:00-20:45 Opening Ceremony

The Opening Ceremony of 22nd Publishers' Forum in Lviv and 10th Lviv International Literary Festival

The Philharmonic (7, Chaikovskoho Str.).

Thursday, September, 10th

All of Ukraine Reads to Kids

(Western scientific centre of NASU, 4, Mateika Str.)

symposium Registration begins at 9:00

10:00-13:00 round table discussion "Current issues of the publication and promotion of children's and teenagers' books in Ukraine".

The coordinator and moderator: Oksana Proselkova,

Teacher of Ukrainian language and literature

Kramatorsk Secondary School № 11, Kramatorsk;

Head of Eastern Ukraine branch of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature, coordinator of project "All of Ukraine Reads to Kids – Kramatorsk".

13:00 – 14:00 lunch break

14:00-17:00 round table discussion "All of Ukraine Reads to Kids – All of Poland Reads to Kids": ways of implementation and association of the projects. Prospects for cooperation.


Oleksandra Koval (President of Publishers' Forum)

Irena Kozhminska (President of the Foundation "All of Poland reads to kids")

Uliana Baran (Coordinator of project "All of Ukraine Reads to Kids", President of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature)

Natalia Trokhym (Coordinator of project "Multilingual Reading", poet, interpreter, the director of " Dzhezva" publishing house, member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature)

Olena Adronatii (coordinator of project "Book's circle", Head of NGO "Hillel")

Halyna Malyk, (coordinator of project "All of Ukraine reads to kids – Uzhhorod" children's author)

Oksana Panko (coordinator of project "All of Ukraine reads to kids – Uzhhorod", member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature)

Oleksandr Havrosh (coordinator of project "All of Ukraine reads to kids – Uzhhorod", children's author, journalist)

Tetiana Kachak (coordinator of project "All of Ukraine reads to kids – Ivano-Frankivsk, Head of Ivano-Frankivsk branch of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature)

Iryna Matsko (coordinator of project "All of Ukraine reads to kids – Ternopil", Head of Ternopil branch of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature)

Alla Sokolovska (coordinator of project "All of Ukraine reads to kids – Berezhany", Head of NGO "Native town")

Yevheniia Kanchura (coordinator of project "All of Ukraine reads to kids – Zhytomyr area", member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature)

Vitalina Kyzylova (coordinator of project "All of Ukraine reads to kids – Lugansk area", member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature)

Oksana Proselkova (coordinator of project "All of Ukraine reads to kids – Kramatorsk", Head of Eastern Ukraine branch of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature)

Valentyna Bochkovska (director of the Museum of Books and Publishing in Ukraine)

Natalia Marchenko (Senior Research Fellow of the NLUV Institute of biographical research, member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature).

Yurii Zrazhevskyi, Deputy Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Regulatory Information, head of project "Information support of an educational institution", senior of the creative team for innovative educational project "School Electronic Library "SLIC-info".

19:00-21:00 Opening

Award Ceremony "The Best Book on Publishers' Forum" and opening Ceremony of 22nd International Book Fair "Publishers' Forum" in Lviv.

Lviv National Academic theatre of opera and ballet after Solomiya Krushelnytska (28, Svobody av.)

Friday, September, 11th

Scientific conference

"Literature for children and youth: History, Theory, Practice"

(Western scientific centre of NASU, 4, Mateika Str.)

10:00 – 11:00

Theme: What do polish children read, – "Gold lists of recommended literature for children and youth" from foundation "All of Poland reads to kids".

Speaker: Irena Kozhminska, President of the Foundation "All of Poland reads to kids".

Theme: “Neverending story” of literature for children and youth: Areas of research in literature for children and youth in Ukraine.

Speaker: Uliana Baran, (PhD) Candidate of Philology, President of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature, Lviv

Theme: Children's literature, comparative research method.

Speaker: Liudmyla Hrytsyk, Doctor of Philology, Head of Literature Theory, Comparative and Creative Literature Study Department in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Kyiv.

Theme: The Far as the Necessary, or why we need literature with the content of ancient Ukrainian philosophical principles (based on adolescent literature).

Speaker: Volodymyr Piven, PhD, assistant professor of Philology and methods of teaching languages Department Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities (KEGI), Kramatorsk.

11:00 – 11:30 coffee/tea break

11:30 – 14:00

Theme: Kingdom as an archetypal plot: modern man nostalgia for Paradise.

Speaker: Larysa Lebedivna, PhD, scientific secretary of National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature. Kyiv.

Theme: "How I destroyed the empire" by Zirka Menzatiuk: author's model of historical era interpretation.

Speaker: Vitalina Kyzylova, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Philological Sciences Department of the state institution "Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University", member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature (Starobilsk, Luhansk region)

Theme: The problem of a young hero in the story by Zirka Menzatiuk "How I destroyed the empire"

Speaker: LarysaKrul, PhD, assistant professor of Philology and Methods of Primary Education Department in Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, member of Ukrainian Center of Children and Youth Literature, Ivano-Frankivsk.

Theme: Intertext typology in the novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain.

Speaker: Bohdana Saliuk, PhD, assistant professor of Foreign Languages and teaching methods Department, Institute of Philology and Social Communication, Berdiansk State Pedagogical University, member of Ukrainian Center of Children and Youth Literature, Berdiansk.

Theme: Typology of children's images in modern Ukrainian realistic prose for teens.

Speaker: Tetiana Kachak, (PhD), assistant professor of Philology and Methods of Primary Education Department, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Head of Ivano-Frankivsk branch Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature, Ivano-Frankivsk.

14:00 – 15:00 break for lunch

15:00 – 17:00

Theme: Features of chronotop in modern science fiction and fantasy prose for children.

Speaker: Liliia Ovdiichuk, (PhD) assistant professor of Ukrainian language and teaching methods Department, PHEE "Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities", member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature, Rivne.

Theme: Game of chronotops in the story "Eight days of Chipmunk's life" by Ivan Andrusiak.

Speaker: Larysa Kutsa, PhD, Department of philological sciences in primary education of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature, Ternopil.

Theme: The depiction of family in German psychological novel for children of 1980-90th.

Speaker: Olha Yenalieva, PhD student; senior lecturer of Germanic philology Department in Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature, Mykolaiv.

Theme: Author's intention and its realization in the works by Roald Dahl.

Speaker: Oksana Panko, applicant of Theory of World Literature Department, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, lecturer of International Communication Department, Uzhhorod National University, member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature, Uzhhorod.

Saturday, September, 12th

Scientific conference

"Literature for children and youth: History, Theory, Practice"

(Western scientific centre of NASU, 4, Mateika Str.)

Theme: Children's Book as an indicator of "border": which "limits" have we outlined?

Speaker: Natalia Marchenko, Senior Research Fellow of the NLUV Institute of biographical research, leading bibliographer NLU for children, PhD., member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature, Kyiv.

Theme: Reception of the concept of war in the story by V. Rutkivskiy "Poterchata": noosphere dimension.

Speaker: Svitlana Vasiuta, PhD, Methodist teacher, teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, Educational Complex School-Lyceum №19, member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature, Rivne.

Theme: Modern Ukrainian children's literature: actual vectors of research.

Speaker: Kateryna Zaitseva, PhD, journalist, National Radio Company of Ukraine, member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature, м. Київ.

Theme: Ukrainian youth literature in school curriculum: changing of the canon.

Speaker: Olesia Slyzhuk, PhD, assistant professor of Ukrainian literature Department in Zaporizhzhya National University, member of Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature, Zaporizhzhya.

Theme: Teenage psychology in modern literature for children and youth (on stories by Oksana Lushchevska "The Other Home" and Serhii Hrydin "Not like this").

Speaker: Marta Khorob, PhD, assistant professor in Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk.

16:00 – 18:00 Continuation of meeting for participants of round table discussion "All of Ukraine reads to kids", "All of Poland reads to kids".

Summing up the work of International Symposium "Literature. Children. Time". Art association "Dzyga", 35, Virmenska Str.

Sunday, September, 13th

Publishers' Forum PROGRAM:
