MLA Rules
ü Double Space- Skip lines
o Don’t push enter at the end of each line, this makes revising and editing very difficult. Simply let the paper text wrap.
o Highlight all of your paper. Under the “HOME” tab and “paragraph” section, change the line spacing to 2.
ü On the first page only, include your heading
o on the left hand side of the page
· First and last name
· Teacher’s Name
· Class Name – Period Number
· Due Date
ü Every page must have a header which contains your last name followed by the page number at the top right-hand side of the page.
Click on the “Insert” tab. Under the “Header & Footer” section, click on “page number.” Click on “Top of page” option and select “plain number 3” listed.
ü If handwritten,
o Do not write on the back of the paper
o It must be legible. If I can’t read it, I can’t grade it. It will be graded as read, so if you write in all caps, then you will receive points off because of capitalization errors.
o Black ink only
ü Must have 1 inch margins all the way around
o Go to “Page Layout” tab. Under “Page Setup,” click “Margins” and select “normal.”
ü Only 12 point Times New Roman font is allowed
ü Indent the beginning of a new paragraph
ü Don’t put extra lines in between paragraphs
ü Don’t bold, italicize or underline anything!!!
o The only exceptions are titles of books, plays, movies, or poems discussed in your paper
ü Don’t use parenthesis, unless citing in a research paper
ü Give a creative title-
o Can’t be bolded, underlined, change font type, color, or put in a larger font.
o Centered
ü Do not include slang (ex. “cause”, “gonna”, “hangin out” ), except if it appears in the dialogue and enhances the story
ü Don’t use contractions (didn’t = did not, I’m = I am, They’re = They are, We’ve = We have)
ü Do not abbreviate words (ex. bc, etc.) or symbols ($, %, &, #, @) – you are not texting!!!!
ü Numbers one through nine must be spelled out, you may use numbers for 10 and beyond. If a number starts a sentence, the number must be spelled out, no matter the amount of the number.
ü Check for correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization (the first word of a sentence, “I”, proper nouns, etc)
o Be cautious of spell check because it will not pick up homophone errors, like their, there, and they’re or too, to, and two
ü If you include dialogue,
o Every time a different person speaks, it should be in a new paragraph.
ü Avoid Clichés
ü Avoid “very” – synonyms: awfully, dreadfully, exceedingly, exceptionally, extremely, greatly, etc.
ü Avoid “a lot” – synonyms: many, several, multiple, bountiful, plentiful, numerous, etc.
ü Keep everything to turn in with your final draft. Final draft order, the most recent on top, bottom ->top:
o Brainstorming & Pre-Writing
o 1st Rough Draft
o Any other Rough Drafts you may have
§ You are encouraged to have other rough drafts since writing is a never ending process and your parents or siblings may recognize errors that your peers may not
o Final Draft
Works Cited Page
ü Setting up the page
o Title the page Works Cited
o Center your title.
o Continue with the header as in paper, if your paper ended on page 5, then your Works Cited page is page 6.
o Continue with the same set up as the rest of the paper, so double space between all lines on the Work Cited page.
ü Setting up the entries
o Begin each entry with the left margin.
o Indent each additional line five spaces.
o Single Spacebar after each period in a Works Cited page (usually double spacebar after each period in a paper.
o List entries in alphabetical order.
o Don’t number your entries.