920 Frostwood, Suite 670

Houston, TX 77024



Demographic Information:

Name: ______Date: ______


Phone: Home: ______Work: ______Cell: ______

Email Address: ______

DOB: ______Age: ______Race/Ethnicity: ______

Education ______

Occupation ______

Family History:

Name of Spouse/Partner: ______Age: _____

Years married or together:______Partner’s occupation: ______

Do you or your partner have any previous marriages? If so, please describe: _____


Please list any children, including names, ages and if from current or previous relationship:



Religious/Spiritual Traditions you practice: ______

Interests/Hobbies: ______

Reproductive History:

Physician Name: ______

Current diagnosis: (i.e. Male Factor, PCOS, etc.) ______

Date of initial diagnosis: ______Duration of treatment: ______

Previous fertility treatments (i.e. medication, IUI, IVF, etc.): ______


Number of pregnancies ____ Number of live births ____ Number of miscarriages _____

Dates of recent losses:______

Previous Surgeries: ______


Do you exercise regularly? If so, what do you do? ______

How would you describe your diet? ______

How well do you sleep? ______

What are your current stressors? ______

What do you do to comfort yourself? ______

Do you enjoy any hobbies?______

What do you do for fun? ______


What has been the most difficult aspect of dealing with infertility? ______


Has your fertility treatment affected other aspects in your life:

Relationships: ______

Career: ______

Intimacy/Sexual Relations: ______

Whom can you depend on for support? ______

Are you close with your family? ______

Have you or your spouse/partner previously sought counseling? ______

If so, please explain: ______

Are you or your spouse/partner currently taking or previously taken medication for

depression or anxiety? _____ If so, please explain: ______


Donor Egg/Sperm Treatment:

When was donor treatment first introduced?______By whom? ______

Why did you choose egg/sperm donation as treatment at this time? ______


Whom have you told about egg/sperm donor treatment? ______

How did they respond? ______

Whom do you plan to tell? ______

What do you plan to tell your child about his/her donor conception? ______


Do you feel that your religion or culture has influenced your decision in any way?______

If so, please explain: ______

Would you prefer a known or anonymous donor? ______Why: ______


If using an anonymous donor, what attributes will you look for? ______


Known Donor

If the donor is known please complete the following

Name of know Donor? ______

Relationship to her/him? ______How long have you known her/him? ______

What qualities does the donor possess which attracted you to her/him? ______


Describe your relationship with your donor’s spouse/partner? ______


How does your donor feel about being identified some day as the child’s donor? ______


What are your thoughts about this? ______