Board Meeting
Friends of Paul Sawyier Public Library
March 10, 2014
Linda Atwood, Dudley Ellis, Chris Evans, Donna Gibson, Mimi Gosney, Libby Kadler, Arba Kenner, Stacy Klink, Tom Knight, Janet Meyer, Diana Peters, Lynn Russell, Jill Starzman, Cloyd Stratton, Judy Stratton, Pat Thomas, Russell Wright
The meeting was called to order at 5 pm by Mimi Gosney.
Approval of minutes
The location of the Legislative Day Orientation meeting was changed from the Best Western to the Fairfield Inn. Linda Atwood moved for approval of the minutes of the February meeting with the above change. Libby Kadler seconded. Passed by voice vote.
Treasurer’s report
Chris Evans presented the Treasurer’s report (attachment #1). She requested permission to issue a replacement check for December ’13 sales tax. The original check was not cashed by the KY Department of Revenue. A returned check was redeemed after the issuer received a letter from the Bookstore. Chris shared that she needs storage space for prior years’ records.
Membership report
Cloyd Stratton reported that currently there are 454 members in good standing, 1,338 entries in the data base and 982 email addresses. In February 2014, 83 members joined or renewed. Unpaid entries with last activity prior to 2010 will be removed from the data base.
Financial report
Cloyd Stratton gave the Bookstore financial picture (attachment #2). He noted that the Bookstore was closed two days due to a holiday and bad weather.
Old Business
A. Goodwill Annual Luncheon
Judy Stratton reported that five members attended the Award Ceremony on February 28 in Louisville. Our Chapter was recognized for the 2014 Kentucky Partner of the Year for Goodwill Industries Award.
B. Legislative Day at the Capitol
Donna Gibson reported that representatives from our Friends group met with Rep. James Kay, Rep. Derrick Graham and Sen. Julian Carroll on March 6, 2014. Donna requested that we continue to call the legislative hot line and voice our opposition to the PVA assessment bill. The rally in the Rotunda at noon was well attended.
C. Book Sale
Judy Stratton reported that the Book Sale was successful. Cloyd Stratton reported the sale totals and a comparison to prior sales (attachment #3). Men from the shelter were paid for time on Tuesday, Feb 11 and Saturday, Feb 15. Goodwill picked up the unsold books on February 19. Judy announced plans for an in-store sale during the week of March 17.
D. Books for other KY libraries
Donna Gibson reported that she sent a request to other KY libraries asking about interest in receiving surplus books from our Bookstore. Powell (Stanton) and Hardin (Elizabethtown) Counties responded. One library was interested in several categories while the other library was mostly interested in children’s books. Donna collected and gave four boxes of fiction books leftover from the book sale to Hardin County. Donations to other civic organizations was discussed. Judy Stratton reported that books are collected on the last day of the book sale for several organizations (Jail, Senior Citizens, Kings Daughters Apts, Southern Apts, etc). Judy asked the Board to have anyone who was interested in receiving surplus books to contact her. Cloyd Stratton moved that the Friends organization make available to our library on a one-time basis up to 60 boxes of our store-ready inventory to serve purposes the library may decide, in consultation with and the aid of Friends Bookstore Managers. Arba Kenner seconded.
New Business
Memorial Brick
Mimi Gosney shared that Patricia McHargue, a member of the Library staff, had recently passed away. Mimi asked if the Friends organization would be interested in a memorial. Tom Knight made a motion that the Friends purchase a $100 memorial brick for the sidewalk in front of the library. Cloyd Stratton seconded. The motion passed by voice vote.
Library news
Donna Gibson distributed the newsletter. A computer class for seniors will be starting soon and will run for three sessions. Also, one-on-one help is available for seniors by appointment. A new book club will be starting at the Senior Citizens Center. The group will meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 1 pm.
Cloyd Stratton asked Donna Gibson about the status of the new library addition. Donna reported that meetings were progressing.
Next Meeting – April 14, 2014 at 5 pm
Meeting adjourned at 6:05 pm
Submitted by Pat Thomas, Recording Secretary Approved April 14 , 2014