April 23, 2015

The Alabama Association of Health Information Management held its annual business meeting on Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 12:45 PM at Terri Pines Country Club Cullman, Alabama.


Sharon Woodruff called the meeting to order at 12:40 PM.

II.  Approval of April 2, 2014 Minutes

Sharon Woodruff dispensed with the reading of the minutes since they are posted on the AAHIM website.

Motion: A motion was made by Leigh Aufdemorte and seconded by Rebecca Nix to approve the minutes.

Action: The minutes were approved.

III.  Credentials Committee

Donna Crew, Credentials Committee Chairman, presented the results of the election of officers.

The 2015-2016 ballot was emailed to seven hundred and seventy-two (772) AAHIM members. One hundred fifty-nine (159) ballots were validated. This is a 21% return rate. Election results were:

Leigh Aufdemorte, RHIA President

Rebecca Nix, RHIT President-elect

Joy Ewing, RHIA, CCS, CCDS 1st Year Director

Joan Wilder, MSHI, RHIA, CPC 1st Year Director

IV. Presentation of Awards

A. Distinguished Member and Professional Awards

Reba Sanders announced Sharon Whitehead as the 2015 Distinguished Member recipient.

B.  Outstanding New Professional

Kay Clement announced Jeannine Teague as the 2015 Outstanding New Professional recipient.

C. Student Scholarship Awards

Sharon Woodruff announced that Student Scholarship applications are received from each of the four HIM/HIT programs in Alabama. Students are selected by the HIM/HIT programs based on the criteria set by AAHIM. The Association awards $500 in scholarships to each of the four schools annually. Mrs. Woodruff introduced the program directors and asked each of them to present the awards to their students.

Alabama State University – Sabine Simmons recognized Ezenwa Dike and Sabrina Johnson.

Bishop State Community College – Sharon Woodruff recognized Jennifer Wroten and Bennie Hooten. Neither was able to attend.

University of Alabama at Birmingham – Kay Clement recognized Lisa Calhoun.

Wallace State Community College – Donna Stanley recognized Brandy Fincher & Heather Elliott. Neither was able to attend.

V. President’s Annual Report

Sharon Woodruff told members of some of the accomplishments and strategic priorities that the members of the AAHIM Board achieved this year. Some of these include: the upcoming 3rd Annual AAHIM Hill Day in Montgomery; Conducting the annual Student Forum, and coordinating the AAHIM/HFMA joint meeting.

VI. Installation of 2015-2016 Officers

Sharon Woodruff introduced the officers for the 2015–2016 year.

§  President - Leigh Aufdemorte, RHIA Sharon Horton, RHIT

§  President-Elect - Rebecca Nix, RHIT

§  1st Year Director - Joy Ewing, RHIA, CCS, CCDS

§  1st Year Director - Joan Wilder, MSHI, RHIA, CPC

VII. Passing of the Gavel

Sharon Woodruff passed the gavel to Leigh Aufdemorte. A gift was presented to Sharon for her year of service.

VIII.  Incoming President’s Remarks

Leigh Aufdemorte thanked the association for the opportunity to serve as President and outlined some of the goals that she wishes to accomplish in the coming year.

IX.  Other Business

Sharon Woodruff asked if there was any other business to be discussed. There being none, the meeting was adjourned at 1:28 PM.

X.  Motion: A motion was made by Leigh Aufdemorte and seconded by Rebecca Nix to adjourn the meeting.

Action: The motion passed.

XI.  Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Price, RHIA,

Executive Director, AAHIM