ACCORD Corporation ROMA (Results Oriented Management and Accountability) Committee Work Plan

January 2017 – December 2017

Committee Members:
Jeff Stager / Maximizer / Analytical / Empathy / Achiever / Relator
Ashley Smith / Significance / Responsibility / Relator / Positivity / Strategic
Belinda Knight / Responsibility / Consistency / Connectedness / Harmony / Relator
Annette Lerro / Relator / Achiever / Learner / Woo / Positivity
Amy Manroe / Learner / Responsibility / Positivity / Includer / Communication
Justin Towers
Marsha Holly / Achiever / Belief / Developer / Significance / Learner
Lynn Langworthy / Significance / Focus / Achiever / Input / Relator
Kerri Potter / Relator / Adaptability / Individualization / Intellection / Strategic
Dorothy Fenske / Responsibility / Achiever / Relator / Restorative / Developer
Liana Joslyn
Relationship Building
Strategic Thinking

Purpose: The ROMA Committee was formed inJanuary 2016 as a result of the merging of the Data and Asset Development committees. The work of this committee will guide the agency inimplementing the use of the Results Oriented Management and Accountability Cycle that includes Assessment, Planning, Implementation, Achievement of Results, and Evaluation.

Ongoing Goals / Action Steps / Who is Responsible / Target Date / Outcome Evidence / Date Achieved
Establish a meeting schedule and meeting minute rotation. / The committee will meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at 8:30am in the Peterson Room in Belmont.
The agenda and data reports will be emailed one week in advance to ensure that all members have the time to interpret report, discuss with their teams, and offer input at meetings. / Rotating by first name.
Lynn will send information out. Committee members will follow up. / Minutes will be emailed to committee members within one week of the next meeting date / Meetings and minutes will occur as scheduled.
Minutes will be distributed and posted to public folders for reference. / January 2017
Ensure quality data through quarterly file reviews. / Complete CSBG demographic data file reviews.
Monitor areas such as referrals and FWBS completion to ensure quality services are delivered consistently across the agency.
Use data reports and audit results to evaluate results and then to plan and implement recommended changes for improvement. / Committee members / Quarterly
12/15/17 / Audit reports, corrections in CAP60, meeting minutes / Completed
8/22/17 – referrals are now discussed at each meeting. All division with the exception of Child Care are able to track referrals
Short Term Goals / Action Steps / Who is Responsible / Target Date / Outcome Evidence / Date Achieved
Monitor CAP60 system effectiveness, customer service, response time to monitor improvements and ensure that the system is meeting agency needs.
Develop and monitor the process for referral sources (external and internal) / Monthly review at committee meetings with follow up from Data and QI Manager. / Committee members, Data and QI Manager / 12/2017 / CAP60 contact log, meeting minutes / 8/22/17 – Many improvements have been made to the Head Start resulting in data accuracy and ease of monitoring and reporting
Discuss trends and analyze program reports to identify improvement recommendations. / Data and QI Manager will provide updates to the committee on data trending and quality improvement work. Committee will brainstorm and provide suggestions for ongoing quality improvement efforts. / Data and QI Manager, Committee members / Ongoing / Meeting minutes
Long Term Goals / Action Steps / Who is Responsible / Target Date / Outcome Evidence / Date Achieved
Implement a service delivery approach that eliminates barriers and supports agency customers in achieving maximum outcomes (bundling services plan). / See Bundling Services Plan / Committee Members, Directors, DED, ED / 2019 / Changes in systems, revised job descriptions, training logs, meeting minutes / 8/22/17 Community Operations is piloting the project
Evaluate Family Goal Plan from 2016 revision / Amy will share what she learned at a recent training on this topic with Committee.
Committee members will seek staff feedback.
Committee to revise procedure and forms if needed.
Committee members to arrange outside presenter or provide staff training. / Amy Manroe lead with Committee Members / Dec 2017 / Revised goal plan procedure
Staff training sign in sheets / 3/2/17
8/22/17 – Based on staff feedback, Head Start revised the Family Goal Plan to meet new requirements. The Committee is encouraging staff to use language such as “What would make for a better tomorrow?” instead of goal language. We are also focused on breaking large goals down into small, attainable steps to promote success. Programs can change the goal plan format as they see fit as long as staff are establishing and entering family goals and tracking progress in CAP60. Identified the need for goal setting and customer interviewing training with all agency staff.
Leverage additional resources to meet the financial literacy and asset development needs of agency customers. / Use asset development data to leverage additional resources and build agency capacity through grant writing and partnership opportunities. / Resource Development Team/Directors / Ongoing / Data reports, successful grant applications, increase in agency revenue and services, meeting minutes

Completed by Committee:October 2016

Approved by Directors: January 2017