Weekly Announcements
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
1.CIES Call for Nominations for Board of Directors and Vice-Presidential Candidates
2.Japan SIG, Name Change Approved by CIES Board of Directors
3.UREAG Call for Proposals
4.UREAG Call for Travel Grant Applications
5.CIES Religion and Education SIG Call for Papers
6.Eurasia SIG Webinar, Methodological Dilemmas of Conducting Educational Research in Postsocialist Contexts
7.CIES Large-Scale Cross-National Studies in Education SIG Call for Papers
8.CIES Gender and Education Committee (GEC) Call for Proposals
9. CIES Call for Pre-Conference Workshop Proposals
10.Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong Conference
11.Global Education Review, New Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal Available
1. CIES Call for Nominations for Board of Directors and Vice-Presidential Candidates
The CIES Nominations and Elections Committee calls for nominations for the Board of Directors and the Vice-Presidency. The main task of this Committee is to present CIES members with:
Two (2) candidates for the Vice-President position
(The Vice-President is elected for a one-year term, who then automatically and successively becomes President-Elect for a one-year term, President for a one-year term, and Past-President for a one-year term.)
Six (6) candidates to fill the three open slots on the Board of Directors
(Members of the Board of Directors serve three-year terms.)
Additional information about the duties of these positions may be found in the CIES Bylaws (available online at
The CIES Elections are slated to begin in January 2014. All CIES members are invited to make nominations for the above mentioned positions. Self-nominations are also welcome. The Nominations and Elections Committee will make a particular effort to ensure the creation of a broad slate that reflects the diversity of the CIES membership.
VICE-PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATIONS: Guidelines for Identifying Nominees
· Nominees should show evidence of long-term CIES membership of a minimum of 10 years as a regular and or/emeritus member of the Society, and must be a current member of CIES.
· Nominees should have served either on the Board of Directors or as a chair of a statutory SIG, or have demonstrated similar leadership in CIES.
· Nominees should have regularly attended and participated in regional and national meetings of the Society.
· Nominees should have a record of working on behalf of CIES at local, regional, national, and/or international levels.
· Nominees should demonstrate leadership and scholarly attainment in the CIE field.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINATIONS: Guidelines for Identifying Nominees
· Nominees should show evidence of membership in CIES for a minimum of five years as a regular and or/emeritus member of the Society, and be a current member of CIES.
· Nominees should show evidence of established professional and/or scholarly reputation in the field.
· Nominees should demonstrate a strong commitment to the Society by one or more of the following:
a) Regular participation in regional and national conferences;
b) Membership on CIES committees; and
c) Other activities intended to promote comparative and international education scholarship regardless of professional status and setting.
Nominations, with the information indicated below, should be sent to: Aaron Benavot () by November 30, 2013.
The nominating email should state:
· The name, institutional affiliation and contact information of the nominated person
· Information indicating that appropriate guidelines have been met
· A brief paragraph stating the rationale for the nomination
· Contact information for the person making the nomination
Thank you for your assistance in this important task.
The CIES Nominations Committee, 2013-2014
Committee Chair: Aaron Benavot (); Committee members: Shoko Yamada (), Joseph Tobin () and CarlyManion ()
2. Japan SIG, Name Change Approved by CIES Board of Directors
SakikoIkoma, Pennsylvania State University
Chair, East Asia SIG (2014)
On behalf of the members of the Japan SIG of CIES, I would like to announce that our petition to expand our regional focus to include East Asia was officially approved by the CIES Board of Directors on October 10, 2013. From this date forward, the Japan SIG will now be known as the East Asia SIG.
As the Japan SIG, we have been proud of the fact that we are the only single country SIG since 2007. However, during the Japan SIG meeting at CIES 2013, we realized that many of our members have either a great interest in and/or done research in other East Asian countries. In many ways it is difficult to discuss certain aspects of Japanese culture without reference to other East Asian cultures. As a result the membership has communicated a desire to expand our focus to include countries across East Asia. We believe that this change will enable the SIG to reflect a more global context, and more appropriately represent the research interests and activities of our members.
The main goal of the East Asia SIG is to formalize and strengthen communication among scholars who are interested in research on East Asian countries. We believe this change will contribute greatly to the CIES community and to a deeper understanding of East Asia given that the majority of scholars in this SIG have training and experience not only Japan but also other East Asian countries. There will be an East Asia SIG highlighted session at CIES 2014; membership is open to anyone with an interest in education in East Asian countries. Because some of the richest collaborations occur when issues are discussed through diverse perspectives, scholars from various disciplinary fields are encouraged to join. Please feel free to contact the East Asia SIG Chair, SakikoIkoma () if you are interested in learning more about our activities.
3. UREAG Call for Proposals
UREAG would like to invite you to submit proposals to CIESthrough our Standing Committee.The deadline to submit applications is October 25th. The guidelines for submitting proposals are available via the following link:
Highlighted Session 1: Education for all. Mere rhetoric or reality?
This session will include presentations that address whether goals of the Education for All and the Millennium Development goals have been accomplished. This session will include sessions from any region of the world. The session aims to look at the contradictions and challenges in the efforts put forth by the Education for All movement. The central question that this session poses is: Is education for all- advancing effectively or regressing despondently? How do the underrepresented fare? The session also aims to look at solutions to address those challenges.
Highlighted Session 2: What does Education for All mean in 2014?
What do underrepresented children and youth around the world need today?This session will include presentations that address issues that have not been included or emphasized in the Education for All initiative. Issues that reflect todays’ state of schools. For example, issues of gender identity and LGTBQ issues, among others.
Highlighted Session 3: Expectations and Visions after 2015
Protecting Education as a Human Right.This session will include presentations that examine the legacy and promise of Education for All for protecting education around the world and for ensuring that it is treated as a human right.
4. UREAG Call for Travel Grant Applications
We would like to invite you to submit applications for the Travel Grant Award. All UREAG members whose proposal was accepted are eligible to apply to the grant. See guidelines below:
In line with CIES's mission of global participation, the UREAG travel grant is designed to recognize efforts of students and scholars from under-represented ethnic and ability groups who need support for travel to the CIES conference to present the results of scholarly research. This travel grant is generously funded by the CIES Secretariat. UREAG supports grants ranging from $200-$400 each. UREAG travel grants are awarded based on the quality of the application, institutional representation, and attention to diversity.Special consideration is given to applicants traveling from outside North America.
You should be a member of UREAG in order to submit an application. Membership is free. To become a member, send an email to UREAG secretary Ana Solano, to .
Your application should consist of the officialUREAG Travel Grant Application Form,your accepted abstract, and acceptance notification from CIES.Please make the email subject "UREAG Travel Grant Application" and name the file YourLastName_UTGApp.doc (for example, Smith_UTGApp.doc). Applications must be received by January 2nd, 2014 (5:00pm EST). Incomplete and late applications will not be considered. Grant recipients will be notified by February 2nd, 2014.
Please note that grant recipients are required to agree to the following conditions:
- Membership is a requirement for travel grant eligibility. If you would like to become a member of UREAG, simply send an email with your request to with the subject line "UREAG Membership Request".
- All recipients need to be present at the UREAG Business Meeting at CIES 2014 to receive the travel grant, unless the meeting directly conflicts with their own CIES presentation. The location and time for the meeting will be announced to all UREAG members by email.
- Travel grant recipients will be required to submit a follow-up report of their participation in CIES 2014 within one month after the conference and to contribute in some capacity with UREAG the year of their award.
5. CIES Religion and Education SIG Call for Papers
On behalf of the newly established Religion and Education SIG, we invite you to submit paper proposals for our panel session(s) at the CIES 2014 conference in Toronto. We also welcome you to join the group and attend our first business meeting and panels at the conference. We welcome proposals on topics related to exploration of the links between education and religion across time and space including, but not limited to:
- Understanding the mutual influences between various dimensions of religion (belief, practice, affiliation) and education in all its facets, including its organizational and learner-specific forms and practices.
- Religious diversity and its impact on functioning and fulfillment of educational goals across nations, regions, socio-economic, gender, ethnic, and other cultural categories and contexts.
- Investigating the link between religion and education, on the one hand, and democratic, cultural, and socio-economic development across nations, on the other.
- Comparative assessment of experiences pertinent to religious education institutions and religious education in secular schools of all levels.
- Exploring the effects of education on religious tolerance and conflicts across societies and cultures.
- Integration of the expanding studies of religion and education in adjacent fields (sociology, political science, anthropology, gender studies, etc.) into the research agenda in comparative and international education and development.
6. Eurasia SIG Webinar, Methodological Dilemmas of Conducting Educational Research in Post-Socialist Contexts
CIES Eurasia SIG invites interested individuals to take part in a webinar dedicated to the discussion of methodological dilemmas of conducting educational research in postsocialist contexts. The webinar will take place at 12 p.m. (EST) on Friday, November 15th.
The webinar is a part of the project that aims to bring together budding and established scholars who will share insights on the theoretical and methodological dilemmas that emerge in doing educational research in post-socialist contexts. This initiative is still in its early stages and we invite any/all interested scholars to join us for an online “book group” style discussion of the 2000 edited volume Fieldwork Dilemmas: Anthropologists in Postsocialist States (University of Wisconsin Press). We intend to use this book as a springboard for a conversation that explores the challenges that confront education researchers working in post-socialists contexts. Ultimately, we envision that this initiative will lead to an edited collection of multiple case-studies through which new and established scholars will share ethical, methodological, and theoretical dilemmas that they have encountered in their fieldwork, as part of demonstrating the limits of dominant conceptual frameworks and research methods as well as developing new frameworks and methods for understanding post-socialist education transformations.
Those interested in taking part in the webinar should sign up at:
A link to the webinar platform will be provided upon registration.
In preparation for the webinar, we request that participants read “Fieldwork Dilemmas: Anthropologists in Postsocialist States” (De Soto and Dudwick, 2000)
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
7. CIES Large-Scale Cross-National Studies in Education SIG Call for Papers
The past two decades witnessed an immense growth in international assessments of educational achievement in topics such as mathematics, science, reading literacy, and civic and citizenship education. The mission of the newly formed Large-Scale Cross-National Studies in Education SIG is to promote research related to large-scale cross-national studies in education (broadly defined).
The SIG will be hosting highlighted sessions at the 2014 CIES Annual Meeting in Toronto. Highlighted sessions provide a platform for continuing, long-term research interests on the topic of large-scale cross-national studies in education. Moreover, highlighted sessions are often given preference for preferred time slots on the program.
The SIG encourages proposals that engage with the annual meeting theme “Revisioning Education for All” and/or with questions related to large-scale cross-national studies. We are particularly interested in papers based on empirical research (qualitative, quantitative, and/or mixed methods). Topics of interest include:
- Critique and advancement of the methodology of international assessments,
- The emergence and development of international assessments,
- The intended an unintended consequences of international assessments,
- The politics of international assessments and their appropriation in various contexts,
- Innovative secondary analysis of international datasets such as TIMSS, PIRLS, ICCS, and PISA,
- The links between international assessments and international discourse(s) such as “Education for All”,
For questions about the Large-Scale Cross-National Studies in Education SIG, and/or to become a founding member of this exciting new SIG please contact Dr. David Rutkowski () and/or Dr. Oren Pizmony-Levy () .
8. CIES Gender and Education Committee (GEC) Call for Proposal
Call for Papers, Panel and Poster Proposals:
Gender and Education Standing Committee (GEC) at CIES 2014
The Genderand EducationCommittee(GEC)will beorganizinganumberof highlightedsessionsatthe2014CIESAnnualMeetinginToronto,Canada. Highlightedsessionsprovideaplatformforcontinuing,long-‐termresearch interestson issuesrelatedtotheworkof the GEC.
Theevidence onglobaldynamics ingenderisgrowing, anditisclearthat processes suchaseconomic restructuring,long-‐distancemigration, andthe developmentagendasingeneralhavethepowertoreshapelocalpatternsofmasculinity,femininityandgenderidentityingeneral(Connell2005; Morrell andSwart 2005).
DrawingonthistheGECinvitesproposalsthataddresstheannualmeetingtheme“RevisioningEducationforAll”andfocusattentionontheoriesand issuesofgender,gender-‐sensitiveprograms,andLGBTissuesalongwithpapersthatpayparticularattentiontothelinksbetweenmenandwomen, masculinityandfemininityandonpowerrelationsingeneral.
Deadline for Proposal Submission: October 25, 2013
Further information about the conference is available at
9. CIES Call for Pre-Conference Workshop Proposals
Every year the Society offers space on the day before the official opening of the annual conference to groups wishing to host a workshop.
The deadline for submitting workshop proposals is October 28, 2013 (just a few days after the deadline for the regular call for proposals).
Pre-conference workshop proposals must be submitted through the All Academic system (
Each pre-conference workshop proposal should include the following information:
1.A 750-word summary describing the objectives of the workshop, the target audience, instructional goals, and planned workshop activities.
2.A list of the names and institutional affiliations of the instructional staff.
3.A list of equipment or room set up requirements.
CIES 2014 Academic Program Coordinator
10. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong Conference
2014 Conference
Policy and Educational Development in a Global Context
February 28 – March 1, 2014
The annual conference is our tradition of promoting scholarship in comparative education. We Hong Kong scholars have continued to shape this academic domain with professional discourses in English, Cantonese Chinese and Putonghua, languages with which our local experience and voices can be heard. We have also made this conference an international platform that scholars from neighbouring countries came to sharing their experiences. In the last few years, scholars from Korea, Thailand, Russia, Philippines India, Bangladesh, England, Australia, etc. attended our conferences. As globalization is becoming a prevailing phenomenon, comparing educational changes in different social context provides us vehicle for comparing notes on intellectual enquiry and issues in educational development.
Call for Papers, Deadline October 31, 2013 -
11. Global Education Review, New Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal
GER Volume 1, Number 1 (2014) Global Perspectives on Inclusion
To access the current issue go to You will be greeted by a welcome screen with the table of contents. To download a PDF of any item, click on the “PDF” link to the right of the name.
Also, the call has been reopened for papers on STEM Education. We would appreciate it if you could include the notice in the newsletter:
Global Education Review is seeking papers that examine the impact and implications of the STEM movement (especially those from outside the United States), as well as practical considerations for those involved in course delivery in K-12 and higher education. Please send abstracts to . You will be informed about suitability for inclusion within 10 days. The deadline for completed papers is January 31, 2014.
western Regional Conference
Disclaimer: All contributions and announcements of the CIES newsletters/bulletins/list-serv are submitted by bona fide members. All statements and opinions included in the newsletters/bulletins/list-serv are strictly the author(s) or submitter(s). CIES is not responsible for the accuracy or publication permissions of any of the contributions.