Jordan University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Dentistry
Department of Preventive Dentistry
First / Second Semester, Year 2010-2011
Course Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title / Orthodontics
Course Code / Dent 492
Prerequisites / Non
Course Website
Instructor(s) / Dr Emad Al Maaitah
Office Location / Dental Teaching Clinics / JUST
Office Phone
Office Hours / Thursday (1.30 – 4.30 p.m)
E-mail /
Teaching Assistant(s) / Dr Enas Bsoul
Course Description
Dent 492 is a continuation of Dent 491 course, consists of 2 credit hours (1 theoretical and1 clinical),that is designed to provide the students with :
·  A solid theoretical background, relevant to clinical orthodontics (theoretical part)
·  The basic clinical knowledge and skills to examine, diagnose and treat orthodontic patients.
·  Understand the different treatment modalities that can be offered to the patients.
Text Book
Title / 1-  A Textbook of Orthodontics; Second Edition. Houston, Stephens and Tully, 1992.
Author(s) / Houston, Stephens and Tully
Publisher / John Wright
Year / 1992
Edition / 2nd
Book Website
Other References / 2-  An Introduction to Orthodontics; Second Edition. Laura Mitchell, 2001.
3-  Handouts given by the lecturer.
4-  Related E-learning websites
Assessment Policy
Assessment Type / Written exams and continues clinical assessment
First Exam / first semester Midterm exam (Written)
Second Exam / Second semester Midterm exam (Written)
Final Exam / Final exam (Written , practical and clinical)
Assignments / Continuous assessment in the clinics.
Course Objectives / Percentage
·  Undergraduate program in orthodontics is designed to enable the qualifying dentist to diagnose, analyze and treat common orthodontic problems by preventive, interceptive and corrective orthodontic procedures.
The student will be able to:
1. Understand the indications and contraindications for removable orthodontic appliances
2. Understand the indications and contraindications for functional orthodontic appliances.
3. Understand the indications and contraindications for fixed orthodontic appliances.
4. Understand the management principles of class I cases.
5. Understand the management principles of class II div 1 cases.
6. Understand the management principles of class II div 2 cases.
7. Understand the management principles of class III cases.
8. Understand the management principles of orthognathic cases.
9. Understand the management principles of cleft lip/palate cases.
10. Generate a treatment plan for the orthodontic patient to be treated by different treatment modalities.
Teaching & Learning Methods
Teaching methods:
1.  Classroom lectures. Power point presentation using a computer, data show and screen
2.  Orthodontic clinics
3.  Tests and exams
4.  Textbook reading assignments
5.  Class discussion
6.  clinical discussion
Teaching duration:
Duration: 4 hours
Lectures: 1 hour
Clinic : 3 hours
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Related Objective(s) / Reference
1 / Perform a clinical examination for orthodontic patients
2 / Manage class I malocclusion
3 / Manage class II div 1 malocclusion
4 / Manage class II div 2 malocclusion
5 / Manage class III malocclusion
6 / Understand the principles of removable appliance treatment
7 / Understand the principles of growth modification treatment
8 / Understand the principles of fixed appliance treatment
9 / Understand the principles of orthognathic treatment
10 / Understand the management principles of cleft lip/palate cases.
Useful Resources
Recommended textbooks
1-  A Textbook of Orthodontics; Second Edition. Houston, Stephens and Tully, 1992.
2-  An Introduction to Orthodontics; Second Edition. Laura Mitchell, 2001.
3-  Handouts given by the lecturer.
4-  Related E-learning websites
Course Content
Week / Topics / Chapter in Textbook & Handouts
1 / Introduction to clinical orthodontics / 1
2 / Removable appliance: construction and design / 15
3 / Removable appliance: clinical management / 15
4 / Fixed orthodontic appliances: components / 16
5 / Fixed orthodontic appliances: principles / 16
6 / Functional appliance: principles and design / 17
7 / Functional appliance: clinical management / 17
8 / Management of class I malocclusion / 10
9 / Management of class II div 1 malocclusion / 11
10 / Management of class II div 2 malocclusion / 12
11 / Management of class III malocclusion / 13
12 / Second Midterm exam (20 %)
13 / Retention and stability / 18
14 / Orthognathic surgery / 19
15 / Cleft lip and palate / 20
16 / Revision
Additional Notes
The clinical components of this course will involve examination and diagnosis of at least 5 cases. This will includes history taking, clinical examination, collection of diagnostic records and generation of a treatment plan for each case.
The clinical part components:
1. a 3-hour clinic every day for 12 weeks on alternative base( 6 clinics for each group)
2. Lateral cephalogram analysis (land mark identification and measurements) session.
3. Orthodontic study model base fabrication session, according to the bite.
Assessment of this part will involve:
1. Intra semester continues clinical assessment which will account for 10 marks
2. Final exam accounts for 10 marks, which will be a case presentation including assessment of the records (photos, study models and Lateral cephalogram), diagnosis and suggested treatment plan.
Assessment of the continues course (Dent 491(1st semester), Dent 492 (2nd semester)):
First semester (Dent 491)= 20%
·  First semester midterm exam (20%)
·  Intra semester continues laboratory assessment (20%)
Second semester (Dent 492)=20%
·  Second semester midterm exam (20%)
·  Intra semester continues clinical assessment (20%)
Final exam= 60%
·  Written = 40%
·  Lab (wire bending) = 10 %
·  Clinical (case presentation)= 10%