abaxial. away from the axis. the lower surface of the leaf. dorsal.
abaxial. on the side or face away from an axis or branch
acadiensis. ofnova Scotia,Canada
acanthos. horn
accepted name. name accepted by an author when he proposed or adopts it as the correct name for a taxon.
acer. pungent
acerose. needle-shaped; sharp.
acicular. long, narrow and cylindrical. needle-shaped.
acicularis. needle-shaped
acre. pungent.
acris. pungent
acris. sharp-pointed
acrocaulous. with terminal branches.
acropetal. developing upward, toward apex. the development of organs in succession towards an apex, the oldest at the base, the youngest at the tip.
acroscopic. facing apically.
actimorphic. flowers with radial symmetry and parts arranged at one level, with definite numbers of parts and size.
actino. rayed. star-like.
aculeate. prickly; with coarse teeth or sharp spine-like emergences
acuminate apex. apex drawn out into a long slender tail.
acuminate. having a gradually diminishing point. tapering gradually to a point
acute apex. pointed in the form of an acute angle
acute. margins straight to convex forming a terminal angle. tapering sharply to a point
ad. toward, against
adaptive character. characters that respond to the changing environmental situation enabling the organism to survive by an alternation of structure and/or function.
adaxial. next to the axis. facing the stem. ventral. the side, usually the uppermost, of a lateral adjacent to the axis. on the side or face next to an axis or branch
adherent. with unlike parts of organs joined, but only superficially and without actual histological continuity. closely attached
adjoined. joined together, weakly or tightly.
admissible name. name having such a form that it can enter into botanical nomenclature and be validly published.
adnate. attached the whole length. with unlike parts or organs integrally fused to one another with histological continuity.
adpressed. lying flat for the whole length of the organ
advance characters. characters possessed by present day taxon not possessed by its ancestors.
adventitious. arising in an irregular manner or from an abnormal position
aegagropilous. free and more or less spherical
aegyptiacus. ofEgypt.
aeneus. brassy green. bronze
aerial. above the ground or water. in the air.
aestivalis. pertaining to summer.
aestivus. pertaining to summer.
aetnaeus. pertaining toMt.Etna.
affinis. related
africanus. ofAfrica.
agrestis. pertaining to fields or cultivated land.
ala. wing.
alabamensis. ofAlabama.
alate. winged.
alatus. winged
albescens. turning white.
albicans. whitish.
albidus. whitish.
albolutescens. whitish-yellow
albus, alba, album. white
aleppicus. ofaleppo, n.Syria.
allegheniensis. of the Alleghenies.
alpinus, alpestris, of theAlps.
alsodes. of woods.
altamaha. the altamaha river.
alternate. one leaf or other structure per node; placed singly, with change of side; not opposite; branches arise at different levels successively on opposite sides of the stem
alternative name. names, two or more, published at the same time by the same author for the same taxon.
alticaulis. tall-stemmed.
altissimus. very tall; high
altrorubens. dark red
altroviolaceus. dark violet
altrovirens. dark green.
altus, alt, alti. tall.
altus. tall; high
alveolar. pitted or with cavities
amabilis. lovely.
ambi. around, round about.
americanus. ofAmerica.
amoenus. lovely; pleasing
amorphic. flowers without symmetry; usually with an indefinite number of stamens and carpels, and usually subtended by bracts or discoloured upper leaves
amphi. around, on both sides of; double, of two kinds.
amphibius. living in water and on land.
ampliate. enlarged; dilated.
amurensis. of theAmur river.
analogous characters. characters similar but not having a common ancestral origin.
analytic character. characters used in identification, characterisation and delimitation of taxa.
anastomose. communicating by cross-connexions; to join by cross connections
anatomical evidence. characters associated primarily with tissues and cell development.
anceps. two-headed or edged.
ancipate. two edged
ancipital. two-edged.
ancipitous. two-edged.
andro. male
androgynous. having stamens and ovaries in distinct parts of the same inflorescence; having male and female organs in, or in the same branch of the thallus.
anemo. pertaining to wind.
anglicus, ofEngland.
angustate. narrow
angustatus. narrow; slender.
angusti. narrow
aniso. uneven, unequal.
annular. ring-like
annulate. ring-like
annuus. annual
anomalus. abnormal
ante. before, in front of.
anthera. anther.
anthos. flower.
anticlinal. at right angles to the surface
antrorse. bent or directed upward.
apical cell. terminal initial cell of a filament or thallus
apical margin. margin of plant entirely comprising apical cells
apiculate. narrowing suddenly to a broad point at the apex; with a short and sharp point ; ending in a short, short point.
apiculus. a short point at the end of spore; a short point formed by the elongation of a vein.
apo. from; away from, down.
apodus. without a foot; sessile
apogeny. sterility.
apomixis (ap.). apomict.
appressed. adpressed; pressed closely
aquaticus, growing in water.
aquilonius. northern
arabicus. ofArabia.
arachnoid. cobwebby.
archae. old; primitive
arche. old; primitive
arcuate. curved like a crescent, can be downward or upward; bent like the arc of a circle; bent like a bow; curved like the arc of a circle
arenarius. growing on sand.
arenicola. dweller in sandy places.
argenteus. silvery.
argentinus. ofArgentina.
argyreus. silvery.
argyro. silvery.
arillus. fleshy growth.
aristatus. awned.
aromaticus. aromatic or spicy
articulate. forming joints
articulation. when a thallus consists of a chain of cells, each cell is called an articulation
artificial name. name used for a group consisting of specimens that are judged to be too incomplete for taxonomic disposition but are brought together for convenience by the available characteristics, and treated for nomenclatural purposes as a taxon of a particular kind; e.g. an artificial genus. used principally for fossils, and as an opposite to natural.
artificial system.. a strictly utilitarian system based on habit, colour, form or other characters of a similar type
arvensis. pertaining to fields, especially plowed fields.
asiaticus. Asian.
asperous. having a rough surface.
assimilatory. containing chromatophores and presumably the site of photosynthesis
assurgent. curving upwards; said of some horizontal filaments which turn upwards
assurgent. directed upward or forward; curving upwards; said of some horizontal filaments which turn upwards
astipitate. not having a stipe
astro. stellate, star-like
atlanticus, of theAtlantic.
atri. black
atro. black.
atropurpureus. dark purple.
atrorubens. dark red.
atroviolaceus. dark violet.
attenuate. slender, thin, tapering
auctorum not (auct. non) not of author(s).
aurantiacus. yellowish-orange.
aureus. golden yellow.
australiensis. ofaustralia.
australis. southern, from the southern hemisphere.
austriacus, ofaustria.
austrinus. southern.
austro-carolinianus, of s.carolina.
austromontanus. of the southern mountains.
autonym. an automatically created tautonym for infrageneric or infraspecific taxa.
autumnalis. pertaining to fall or autumn.
available name. name or epithet that applies to a particular taxon and can be used for it.
axial filament. the central filament of a thallus or its branch; longitudinally down the centre of the thallus
axil. the angle between an axis and a branch; angle between axis and an organ
axillaris. growing in an axil
axis. the main stem-like part of a thallus; the central portion of the thallus
azureus. sky-blue.
babylonicus. ofbabylon.
baccate. juicy and very succulent.
baccatus. berry-like
bad characters. characters not easily recognizable, or have a wide range of expression and are seemingly not genetically fixed.
barba. beard.
barbadensis. ofbarbados.
barbatus. bearded
basal or radical. at the bottom or base of a structure.
basicaulous. with basal branches.
basionym. name-bringing or epithet-bringing synonym; the original name of a taxon now used in a new combination; a specific or infraspecific epithet that has priority and is retained when transferred to a new or different taxon. eg. cypripedium pubescens willd.==> cypripedium calceolus var.pubescens (willd.).; liquidambar peregrina l. ===> comptonia peregrina (l.) coulter.
basipetal. developing downward toward base.
basipetal. growth in the direction of the base; the development of organs in succession towards the base, the youngest at the base, the oldest at the tip
basiscopic. facing basally
bavaricus. ofbavaria.
beard. a tuft, line or zone of trichomes.
bermudensis. of bermuda.
biduous. lasting two days.
biennis. biennial
biferous. appearing twice yearly.
bifid. cut or divided into two lobes or parts.
bifid. divided into 2, usually by a v-shaped notch
bifurcate. divided into two branches or forks
binate. twinned.
biological characters. characters related to some vital function or behaviour.
biosystematics. the field of study dealing with variation and evolution, primarily experimental and analytical, and mostly treating the species and infraspecific taxa.
bipalmately compound. with two orders of leaflets, each palmately compound.
bipinnate. when both primary and secondary divisions are pinnate; twice divided pinnately
bipinnately compound. with two orders of leaflets, each pinnately compound.
biseriate. consisting, wholly or in part, of two rows of cells in longitudinal series
biserrate margin. doubly serrate.
bisexual. both sexes in same flower.
biternate. with two orders of leaflets, each ternately compound.
blade. flat, expanded portion of leaf.
bonariensis. ofbuenosaires.
borealis. northern.
botry. bunch
botuliform. sausage-shaped.
brachy. short.
branchlet. small branches or ultimate branches; the next division of a branch; a small secondary branch
brasiliensis. ofbrazil
brevi. short.
brevibarbis. with short beard.
brevicaudatus. short tail-like appendage.
brevipilis. short-haired.
brevis, breve. short.
bristle. a stiff, strong trichome, as in the perianth of some members of the Cyperaceae.
bristly. beset with bristles.
brunnescens. becoming deep brown.
bullate. puckered or blistered.
bullate. with a bulging or puckering of the surface; blistered; with the surface appearing swollen and blistered
burmanicus. ofburma.
byssoid. composed of fine threads
cacullus. hood
caducous. dropping off very early, usually applied to floral parts.
caducous. soon falling off
caducus. falling off or dropping early.
caerulescens. becoming deep blue.
caeruleus. deep blue; sky-blue.
caesius. lavender; bluish-grey
caespitose. turfed
caespitosus. growing in tufts or patches.
calcar. spur.
calcarate. spurred.
calcaratus. bearing spurs.
calcareus. chalk-white
calceolus. a small shoe.
californicus. ofcalifornia.
callo. beautiful.
callositas. callosity.
calyptra. the thickened membrane of the end cell
campanulatus. bell-shaped.
campestris. growing in fields.
canadensis. ofCanada.
canariensis. of the canary islands.
candicans. becoming pure white
candicans. whitish.
candidus. shining white.
canescens. becoming greyish or hoary.
canescent or incanous. covered with dense, fine greyish-white trichomes.
canescent. covered with dense, fine grayish-white trichomes.
canio. pertaining to dogs.
cantabrigiensis. ofCambridge.
capensis. of the cape of good hope.
capillaceus. slender; hair-like
capillary. slender, hair-like
capillate. hair-shaped.
capitate. pin-headed; enlarged at the tip
capitatus. growing in heads
cardia. pertaining to a heart.
cardinalis. cardinal-red.
caribaeus. west Indies.
carina. keel
carneus. flesh-coloured.
carnose or sarcous. fleshy.
carpo. pertaining to fruit; fruit.
carpophyll. a carpel
carthagensis. ofcarthage.
cartilaginous. of firm and elastic texture; hard, tough and elastic
caryo. nut-like.
castaneus. chestnut colored.
catawbiensis. from Catawba.
catenate. in the form of a chain
catta. below.
caudate apex. apex drawn out into a long slender tail.
caudatus. tailed.
cauline or ramous leaves. leaves more or less evenly distributed on stem or branch.
caulis. stem
caulous. with branches more or less evenly spaced along trunk.
centri. one hundred
centrifugal. developing from the inside outward. from top downward.
centripetal. developing from the outside inward. from bottom upward.
ceraceous. waxy.
cerato. horn-like.
cercicorn. antler-like
cernuous. drooping
cernuus. nodding or drooping.
cespitose stem. short, much-branched, plant forming a cushion.
chalaza. a lump.
channelled. shaped like a shallow u in t.s.
chartaceous. papery, opaque and thin.
chemical evidence. characters related to compounds or broad classes of compounds found in organisms.
chilensis. of chile.
chinensis, sinensis, cathayanus. of china.
chlamydo. waring a cloak.
chloro. green.
chryso. golden.
ciliate margin. fringed with hairs.
ciliatus. fringed with hairs.
cinereus. ash gray
cinnamomeus. light reddish brown.
circumalate. winged circumferentially.
circumferential. at or near the circumference. surrounding a rounded structure.
cirrhose apex. apex ends in a tendril.
cisatlanticus. on this side of theAtlantic.
cladode (phylloclad) stem. a flattened main stem resembling a leaf.
clambering stem. sprawling across objects, without climbing structures.
clandestinus. hidden or concealed.
classification. the assignment of plants to groups within a system or hierarchy of ranks or categories distinguished by structure, origins, and other characteristics.
clavate. club-shaped
clavellatus. shaped like small club
cleft. cut ¼-1/2 of distance of middle of structure.
co. together
coalesced. with like or unlike parts or organs incompletely separated. partially fused in a more or less irregular fashion.
coaxial. parallel with axis, or having a common axis
coccineus. scarlet; deep red
coccoid. unicellular and rounded
cochleate. snail-shaped.
coelo. pertaining to a hollow.
coherent. with like parts or organs joined, but only superficially and without actual histological continuity.
coleos. sheath
collicola. dweller in the hills.
collinus. dwelling or growing in the hills.
collum. neck
columna. pillar
com. together
combinatio nova (comb. nov.) combination new
combined name. name of a taxon below rank of genus consisting of the name of a genus combined with one or more epithets.
common name. vernacular name
comose. with a tuft of trichomes, usually apical.
comosus. bearded; tufted.
complanate. flattened.
complanate. lying in one plane; flattened
compound. with leaf divided into two or more leaflets.
compressed. flattened. flattened from side to side. somewhat flattened
con. together.
conceptacle. chamber within thallus opening to the exterior through a pore or pores and containing reproductive organs
concolor. uniform in color.
conduplicate. folded with a longitudinal groove.
confluent. becoming united to form one
confused name. name that is unclear or indistinct.
connate. with like parts or organs integrally fused to one another with histological continuity.
connivent. coming together but not fused; convergent apically without fusion.
conspecific. belonging to the same species
contiguous. touching but not adnate, connate, adherent, or coherent.
continuous characters. characters showing uniform intergradation or a cline.
contorted. twisted around a central axis; twisted.
coralloid. much-branched; looking like coral
cordate. heart-shaped
coriacellate. slightly leathery in structure.
coriaceous. thick and leathery.
corneous. horny.
corniculate. horned.
corniculte. horned. shaped like a horn
corniform. horned. shaped like a horn
cornu. horn.
cornute. horned. shaped like a horn.
cornutus. horned; having horns.
corolla. little crown.
coronate. crowned. having a corona.
coronate. with a crown.
coroniform. crown-shaped.
correct name. name that must under the rules be adopted for a taxon with a particular rank, position and circumscription.
correctus (corr.). correct
corsicus. of corsica.
cortex. bark. cortex. the outer layers of a thallus, often of small cells. a term loosely used for the outer regions of a thallus, with or without an enclosing epidermis
cortical cell. a cell of the outer layer (cortex) of the alga, situated immediately below the epidermis
corticated. having a cortex
cortication. the building up, on the surface of a thallus, of a layer of small cells either by corticating filaments which creep over it or by cells cut off from the surface cells
corymb. a flat-topped cluster. a flat-topped or convex indeterminate cluster of flowers.
corymbose. arranged in corymbs; a flat-topped branch system
costa. midrib.
costate. with a rib
costatus. ribbed.
cotyliform. cup-shaped.
cotylus. cup.
crassi. thick, short.
crenate margin. the teeth round.
crenate. with a notched edge, with obtuse or flattened teeth; scalloped or toothed with rounded notches
crenulate. finely crenate
crested. with elevated ridge or ridges. raphal.
crispate. curled; margins divided and twisted in more than one plane.
cristate. crested.
croceus. saffron yellow.
cruentus. blood red. blood-stained.
crust. a thin, closely adherent outwardly radiating thallus, pseudoparenchymatous in structure with laterally adjoined basal and erect filaments
crustaceous. hard and expanded, often brittle. hard, thin and brittle.
crustaceus. crust-like.
crypto. hidden
cteno. pertaining to a comb.
cucullate. hooded
cumulicola. dweller on a heap or mound.
cuneate. wedge-shaped
cuneatus. wedged.
cuspidate apex. apex ends in a long rigid sharp (spiny) point.
cyaneus. dark, deep blue.
cyano. dark blue.
cyath. cup-like.
cyclo. circular.
cylindric. long-tubular.
cymbiform. boat-shaped.
cyptic characters. characters hidden, microscopic.
cytological evidence. characters associated primarily with chromosome structure and number, cellular organelles, and ultrastructure.
dasy. shaggy; hairy
dasystachys. wolly-spiked.
de. downwards, away from.
dealbatus. covered with white powder. whitened.
debilis. weak.
deca. ten.
decem. ten
deciduous. falling off naturally. the seasonal shedding of leaf. falling off. persistent for one growing season.
deciduus. falling off; shedding.
declinate. directed or curved downward
decompound. a general term for leaflets in two or more orders bi, tri etc. pinnately, palmately, or ternately compound. said of a compound leaf, when the leaflets are made up of distinct part.
decumbent stem. reclining or lying on the ground with the tips ascending; decumbent. lying flat, but with summit ascending
decurrens. running down. elongate, extending downward. of a leaf, having the base extending down the stem as two wings. extending along stem downward from leaf base.