Menno FFA officers- Pres-Cheyenne, VP-Kylee, Sec-Matt P., Tres-Nathan, Sent-Austin Herrboldt, Reporter-Emily, Student Advisor-Andrew, Historian-Dustin

Where the cotton used to make FFA jackets is grown- Tennesse

Where is the FFA jacket corduroy dyed- South Carolina

Number of yard of corduroy needed to make an FFA jacket- 1.5

State FFA jacket corduroy is woven in- North Carolina

Year blue corduroy jacket was adopted as the official jacket- 1933

Year National FFA was established- 1928

Degree given to 1st year members- Greenhand

Makes up the foundation of the FFA emblem- Cross Section of Ear of Corn

Represents progress and holds the promise that tomorrow will be a new day glowing with opportunity- Rising Sun

Reminds of us of our freedom and ability to explore new horizons- Eagle

Represents labor and tillage of the soil- Plow

Represents knowledge and wisdom- Owl

Author of the FFA Creed- E.M. Tiffany

National Convention Creed was adopted at- 3rd

Conventions Creed was revised at- 38th, 63rd

3 integral parts of Agricultural Education- Classroom/Lab, FFA, SAE

Places where FFA chapters can be chartered- Any public school with an agricultural education program

Year the Smith-Hughes National Vocational Education Act establish vocational agriculture classes in high schools- 1917

State FFA Advisor- Nora Kohlenberg

Current SD FFA President- Makayla Hisler

Number of National FFA Officers- 6

Year FFA changed its name for Future Farmers of America to National FFA Organization- 1988

Group that served as the model for the National Future Farmers of America- Future Farmers of Virginia

Year New Farmers of America (NFA) was established- 1935

Year the New Farmers of America (NFA) merged with the FFA-1965

3 South Dakotan’s to serve as National Officers- Wyatt DeJong, Jessie Gieb, Andrew Sundstrom

Year FFA opened membership to girls- 1969

Year the first National FFA Week was celebrated in-1948

President whose birthday is during the week that National FFA Week is always celebrated in- George Washington

Official FFA colors-National Blue, Corn Gold

FFA Moto- Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve

SD FFA Executive Secretary- Michelle Nelson

2012-13 SD FFA Ambassadors- Courtney Schaeffer, Kyle Krammer

2012-13 National FFA Central Region Vice President- Brennan Costello

Degree that is made of silver and given to third year FFA members- Chapter

Years someone must be an active FFA member to receive their State FFA Degree- 3

Number of months prior to receiving the American FFA Degree a member must have graduated- 12

Cities that have been home to the National FFA Convention- Louisville KY, Kansas City, MO, Indianapolis, IN

Office Andrew Sundstrom held at the National level- President

FFA’s official magazine- FFA New Horizon’s

SAE stands for- Supervised Agriculture Experience

Different types of SAE’s- Animal entrepenurship job placement, plant entrepenurship, agribusiness entrepenurship, directed lab

Place 2013 National FFA Convention be held- Louisville, KY

Menno FFA member that will be receiving American FFA degree in 2013- MaryJo Mettler

Median hourly earnings of a veterinary technician in 2008- $28,900

Universities/ colleges in South Dakota where you can earn a degree to become a veterinary technician-Globe University, SDSU, National American University

Degree that must be earned to become veterinary technician- Bachelors

Starting salary for a soil scientist-$30,000-40,000

Place someone can be trained to become an auctioneer- National Auctioneers Association

An auctioneer must be licensed.- True

Universities in South Dakota you are able to earn a degree to become an Agriculture Economist- SDSU

Duties of an Ag Economist- Look at the economy of agriculture production.

Act of Congress that works to prevent adulterated or misbranded meat and meat products from being sold as food and ensures that animals are slaughtered and processed in sanitary conditions- Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906

Year the USDA began to inspect poultry and poultry products-1957

Salary of a meat inspector- $40,000

Pounds of weight must a meat inspector must be able to lift, carry and push- 44

Career that specializes in the hoof care of horses, mules and donkeys- Farrier

Industry that is the nation’s largest employer- Agriculture

Percent of hides from slaughter plant that are exported-72%

Percent of the total by-products of cattle slaughter that comes from hides-65.3%

Number of pairs of boots Tony Llama produces daily- 2400

Location of the Tony Llama boot plant- El Paso, TX

Number of pairs of boots made at one time- 10

Total production capacity of the Tony Llama plant- over 4000

Price per pound of a finished pair of boots- $39

Number of pairs of boots can be made from a single hide- 2.5

Net value of a green hide-$0.60

Steps of the “wet blue” tanning process- Dehairing, Pickling, Chrome tanning

Length of time the wet blue tanning process take-48

Per pound value of a wet blue hide- $1.17

Location of IBP’s wet blue hide processing center- Dakota City, NE

Where the concentrate produced at Tipton is sent for further processing-Ontario, CA

Process the juice goes through after going through the evaporation tower- Plate Chilling

Why juice from different batches is mixed together- to provide a more uniform product

Highest temperature the juice ever reaches- 215 F

How juice is stored after processing- In 55 gallon drums or 100,000 gallon stainless steel tanks

Machine that separates juice from the peels and solids- juice machine

Qualities orange juice is tested for- Acidity, bitterness, cloudiness

Temperature the concentrate is put into cold storage and held at- 18 F

Why peel and pulp are chopped and fed into the juice press- extract any remaining juice

Citrus peel liquor – juice and oil combination extracted from the solids

What peel and pulp is used for-dairy cattle feed

Location of the Sunkist Growers Orange Juice Plant- Tipton, CA

Known as the “juice” orange-Valencia

Number of tons of oranges that can be processed each day at the Sunkist Plant-1500

The oil and water mixture removed from the orange peel is known as- Cream

Five steps in the scientific method- observe, hypothesize, predict, verify, publish, re-evaluate

Number of breeding seasons involved in the cattle operation at the research center- 2

Not a research projects of the swine division at the Meat Animal Research Center- weight gain

A rare human pathogen that kills about 50 per year and sickens about 60,000 people per year- E.Coli

Number of pigs produced at the Meat Animal Research Center each year-6000

Location of the US Meat Animal Research center –Clay Center, NE

Number of employees the research center has-260

Number of post doctoral students working at the research center-64

Number of head of livestock typically at the research center- 24,000

Annual operating budget for the Meat Animal research center- $24 million

Where funding for research at the Meat Animal Research center comes from-Congress, livestock sales

Crops produced at the Meat Animal Research center –corn


Mrs. Fleshner’s home FFA Chapter- Wall

Mrs. Fleshner’s chapter offices held- President, Sentinel, Historian

Menno FFA District- 4