Course / Teacher / semester / hours / ESTS credits
Teaching in elementary school / Beata Bednarczuk, PhD / 2 / 40 / 6
An introduction to Montessori pedagogy (workshop) / Beata Bednarczuk, PhD / 2 / 15 / 3
Methods and teaching practice in special needs education / Anna Bujnowska, PhD / 2 / 40 / 6
Introduction to cognitive-behavioural therapy / Urszula Oszwa, PhD, hab. / 2 / 15 / 3
Education and rehabilitation of chronically ill children / Renata Zubrzycka PhD / 2 / 15 / 2
Special pedagogy / Renata Zubrzycka PhD / 2 / 15 / 2

Course title: methods and teaching practice in special needs education

Department: Faculty of Education and Psychology

Course code:

Subject area code: 05.6

Course duration: 2nd semester (40 hours)

Number of ECTS credits: 6

Course description:

Teaching practice can be carried out in one or two of the following institutions:

- educational centre in support of child development (disabled or retarded children aged 0 to 6);

- special needs kindergarten (for disabled children aged 3 to 6);

-integrated kindergarten ( for able-bodied and disabled children aged 3 to 6);

- special needs primary and middle school (for students with mild mental retardation aged 7 to 15);

- special needs primary school for students with severe mental retardation;

- educational centre for the blind students aged 3 to 18;

- educational centre for the deaf students aged 3 to 18;

- occupational therapy workshops (for disabled adults);

- educational centre of speech therapy;

- occupational therapy workshops – art, dance, theatre, drama, pottery, and sewing classes.

Teaching practice includes 40 classes in which the following tasks are carried out:

  1. Familiarization with work organization at school: school classes, afterschool classes, out-of- school classes, tutoring, work with the family of a disabled child.
  2. Inspection of classes, individual revalidation classes, therapeutic classes and tutoring.
  3. The participation in school events, excursions, parents’ reunions, etc. as well as the preparation of teaching materials, analysis of classes by a teacher.
  4. Preparation of the classes with the help of a teacher and independent teaching.

Course type: teachingpractice, workshop

Assessment method: active participationin the classesand the preparation of a report

Name of lecturer: Anna Bujnowska PhD

Contact person: Anna Bujnowska

Deadline of application: each term of academic year

Course title:Methods of improving fine motor skills

Department: Institute of Pedagogy - Department of Special Psychopedagogy

Course code:

Subject area code:

Course duration:2nd semester - 15 hours

Number of ECTS credits: 3

Course description:

-Stages of fine motor skills and grip development

-Hand gripping features

-Types of hand grips

-Conditions for the development of fine motor abilities

-Diagnostic observation of fine motor disorders

-Steps to improve fine motor skills

-Fine motor skills treatment – activities for children with different difficulties

At the end of the course students will know:

-What are fine motor skills and how it affects learning and living skills

-How to use different types of activities to improve fine motor skills of children with different difficulties

Recommended Reading:

-Groves P., Strengthening Fine Motor Skills

-Davis E., Developing fine motor skills

Course type: workshops

Assessment method: activity during workshops, preparation of a therapeutic programme

Name of lecturer: Magdalena Wójcik PhD

Contact Person: Magdalena Wójcik

Deadline of application:31st of January each academic year

Course title:Methods of therapy for children with disabilities in early education

Department: Institute of Pedagogy - Department of Special Psychopedagogy

Course code:

Subject area code:

Course duration:2nd semester - 30 hours (15 hours of lecture and 15 hours of workshops)

Number of ECTS credits: 4

Course description:

-Characteristics of disabled children development

-Early intervention for at-risk and handicapped, infants, toddlers and preschool children

-Everyday children’s learning opportunities: Characteristics and consequences

-Providing developmentally appropriate intervention to infants and young children with handicaps

-The importance of the individualistic sensory-motor integration approach

-Useful methods to improve perceptual-motor functions – Snoezelen Therapy, Psychomotor Therapy, Play Therapy, Perceptual-Motor Approach of N. Kephart

-Multisensory strategies and creative play activities for children with disabilities

At the end of the course students will be able to:

-Understand Perceptual-Motor Approach for Enhancing learning abilities of disabled children

-Use multisensory teaching methods in early education of children with different disabilities

-Prepare proper and adequate therapeutic programme

Recommended Reading:

-Hutchinson R., Sensations and Disability: Sensory Environments for Leisure, Snoezelen, Education and Therapy

-Kephart N., The Slow Learner in the Classroom

-Hannaford C. Smart moves

Course type:lecture,workshops

Assessment method: activity during workshops, preparation of a therapeutic programme

Name of lecturer: Magdalena Wójcik PhD

Contact Person: Magdalena Wójcik

Deadline of application:31st of January each academic year


Department:Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

Course code:

Subject area code:

Course duration:after 2nd semester 15 HOURS

Number of ECTS credits: 3

Course description:
• Aim: Introduction to CBT and application its basic elements into practice for for students of pedagogy and education to be able to understand the roots of their behaviour and to help understanding others
• Learning outcomes: Students are expected to know: a) basic elements of theoretical background of CBT; b) how can CBT help; c) how to apply CBT in patients with different disorders and everyday life problems;

• CBT background - links between thoughts, emotions and behaviour

• CBT in practice:

  • identifying unhelpful thinking habits
  • challenging of distorted thinking
  • changing of our behaviours
  • mindfulness and relaxation
  • how can low self-esteem affect our thoughts, emotions and behaviour
    • models of low self-esteem: beginning and maintenance
    • building healthy model of self-esteem: realistic expectations, balanced self-evaluation
  • vicious cycles of anxiety, anger and depression in CBT models – how to break them down

Recommended Reading:

Dryden W. (2003). Managing Low Self-Esteem. London: Whurr Publishes.

Kabat-Zinn J. (2004). Wherever You Go, There You are: Mindfulness Meditation for Everyday Life.

Solso, R., MacLin, J. & MacLin F. (2006). Cognitive Psychology.

Wortman, J. & Loftus E. (2000). Psychology. Knopf.

Course type: OPTIONAL

Assessment method: ACTIVE ATTENDANCE AND COURSEWORK - 2000 word essay about: a) chosen CBT topic or b) CBT practical exercises.

Name of lecturer: Urszula Oszwa, Ph.D., hab.
Contact person: Urszula Oszwa, Ph.D., email:

Deadline of application: 31st of January each academic year

Course title:Teaching in elementary school - amethodical approach (classes 0-III children from 6 to 9; Montessori multi-age classroom; English and/or Spain language )

Department: Institute of Pedagogy

Course code:

Subject area code: C1

Course duration: after 2ndsemester – 40 hours

Number of ECTS credits: 6

Course description: Behavioural and cognitive framework of learning. Direct and indirect methods to facilitate pupil learning. Evaluating pupil grouth. Taking account of pupil differences. Observation and discussion: classroom learning environment; planning and preparation of work; different types of learning activities; teacher-pupil relationship; types of evaluation devices, guiding children, planning for teaching, factors influencing teacher work. Accompanying and assisting teacher in his/her work.

Recommended reading:

Arends R. (1988), Learning to Teach, Random House.

Gagne R.M., Briggs L.J. Wager W.W., (1988), Principles of instructional design, New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston.

Kyriacou K (1997), Effective Teachig in Schools. Theory and Practice, Stanley Thorns (Publishers) Ltd,

Asham A.F., Conway R.N.F. (1997), An introduction to cognitive education. Theory and applications, Routledge

selected by students,appropriately to problems requiring comments.

Course type: methodical course

Assessment method: student has to spend 40 hours at school, observing children accompanying teacher, preparing presentation about national (regional) topic.

Name of lecturer: Beata Bednarczuk PhD

Contact person: Beata Bednarczuk

Deadline of application: 31st of January each academic year

Course title: An introduction to Montessori pedagogy (workshop)

Department: Institute of Pedagogy

Course code:

Subject area code:

Course duration: : after 2ndsemester – 15 hours

Number of ECTS credits: 3

Course description: Montessori’s philosophy and method (the main characteristics). Fundamental principles of Montessori education illustrated by movie: Montessori in Action. Learning for life. An analysis of the text: Guidelines to operate Montessori school by Nico van Ewijk. What does make Montessori method universal and aplicable? Montessori vs. traditional teaching methods. The reception of Montessori method in Poland. History of Montessori method in Poland, including student`s poster creation: The portrayal of the Montessori child in Poland (based on an analysis of research). Study of the Website The reception of Montessori method in Europe – Montessori Europe Association.

Recommended reading:

C.Healy Walls (2008), At the heart of Montessori, Original writing Ltd., Dublin

P.P. Lillard (1996), Montessori today. Schocken Books, New York.

M. Montessori (1976), The secret of childhood, A Ballantine Book, The Random House Publishing Group, New York.

T.Seldin, D. Raymond (1981), Geography and History for the young child, Brigham Young University Press, Provo, Utah.

Course type: workshop

Assessment method: attendance and preparation a project or description of teaching material according Montessori rule

Name of lecturer: Beata Barczuk PhD

Contact person: Beata Bednarczuk

Deadline of application: 31st of January each academic year

Course title:Retained primitive and postural reflexes therapy

Department: Institute of Pedagogy - Department of Special Psychopedagogy

Course code:

Subject area code:

Course duration:2nd semester - 15 hours

Number of ECTS credits: 2

Course description:

-Introduction to the concept of neurodevelopmental delay

-The meaning of primitive and postural reflexes in child’s development

-diagnostic criteria and causes of retained primitive/postural reflexes

-The Importance of reflexes integration

-Basic primary reflexes and their impact on learning abilities

-Primitive and postural reflexes integrating training at home and school

At the end of the course students will be able to:

-Define and understand the terms ‘primitive reflexes ’ and ‘postural reflexes’

-Describe the functions of main primitive and postural reflexes in child’s development

-Understand how retained reflexes impacts on the child's work and behavior

-Recognize which reflex retained and how prepare therapeutic programme

Recommended Reading:

-Goddard-Blythe S. Reflexes, Learning and Behavior, A Teacher‘s Window into the Child‘s Mind

-Goddard-Blythe S., The Well Balanced Child: Movement and Early Learning

Course type: workshops

Assessment method: activity during workshops, preparation of a therapeutic programme

Name of lecturer: Magdalena Wójcik PhD

Contact Person: Magdalena Wójcik

Deadline of application:31st of January each academic year

Course title: Special pedagogy

Department:The Subdepartment of Special Sociopedagogy

Course code:

Subject area code:

Course duration:2nd semester

Number of ECTS credits:2

Course description:

  • Introduction to special pedagogy: basic terms and definitions; special pedagogy as a field of study; interrelationship between special pedagogy and other fields of knowledge; taxonomy in special pedagogy.
  • Social attitudes towards disabled people and the background of these attitudes. Basic social and psychological theories. Determinants in shaping patient's attitudes.
  • Introduction to oligophreno-pedagogy (definition, criteria, classification, diagnosis, etiology, and prevention of mental disability; psychological and social functioning of the mentally retarded; education and rehabilitation of the mentally retarded).
  • Introduction to typhlo-pedagogy (basic terms and definitions; classification of visually impaired people; characteristic phenomena; psychological and social functioning of visually impaired and partially sighted people, education and rehabilitation).
  • Introduction to surdo-pedagogy (definition, diagnosis etiology, and prevention of hearing loss; classification of the hearing impaired; psychological and social functioning of hearing impaired and deaf people, education and rehabilitation).
  • Selected aspects of medical pedagogy: chronic illness and physical disability as stress factors; how to deal with a chronic illness and physical disability; psychological and social consequences of the selected chronic illnesses in children and adults; educational therapy.
  • Difficulties in rehabilitation and social support offered to people with multiple disabilities.
  • Disabled person in the context of normalisation and social integration. Subjectivity and self-validation in special pedagogy.

Recommended Reading:

  1. Smith D., Introduction to Special Education, Pearson Education 2009.
  2. Friend M., Special Education, Ally&Bacon 2008.
  3. Brengballe V., Thastum M. et al., Psychosocial problems in children with cystic fibrosis, Acta Paediatrica 2007, pp. 58-61.
  4. Peters K.F., Apse K.A., Blackford A., McHugh B., Michalic D., Biesecker B.B.: Living with Marfan syndrome: coping with sigma. „Clinical Genetics” 2005, 68, pp. 6-14.
  5. Vehmas S., Discriminative Assumptions of Utylitarian Bioethics Regarding Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities., Disability& Society, vol.14, No 1, 1999, pp.37-52.
  6. Zubrzycka R. Coping with stress of children with chronic illness. /in:/ Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, vol.16, No 1A, 2007, pp.102-104.
  7. Zubrzycka R. Creativity in the process of rehabilitation of chronically ill children, /in:/ Borzęcki A. (Eds.) Environment and human health, Agencja Usługowa WSCHÓD, Lublin,2009.

Course type: lecture/15 hours

Assessment method: credit with a mark, a test.

Name of lecturer: Renata Zubrzycka, PhD

Contact person:

Deadline of application: 31 of January each academic year

Course title: Education and rehabilitation of chronically ill children

Department:The Subdepartment of Special Sociopedagogy

Course code:

Subject area code:

Course duration:2nd semester

Number of ECTS credits:1

Course description:

  • interdisciplinary aspects of chronic illness,
  • chronic illness as stress factor,
  • coping with stress of children with chronic illness,
  • psychological and social consequences of the selected chronic illnesses in children and adults,
  • educational therapy,
  • creativity in the process of rehabilitation of chronically ill children
  • social support of chronically ill children and their families

Recommended Reading:

  1. Smith D., Introduction to Special Education, Pearson Education 2009.
  2. Friend M., Special Education, Ally&Bacon 2008.
  3. Brengballe V., Thastum M. et al., Psychosocial problems in children with cystic fibrosis, Acta Paediatrica 2007, pp. 58-61.
  4. Zubrzycka R., Controversies about social adjustment of children with bronchial asthma, /w:/ Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, vol.16, No 1A, 2007, pp.105-109.
  5. Zubrzycka R., Emotional Functioning of Asthmatic Children. ANNALES, VOL. LIX, SUPPL., N 9 SECTIO D, 2004, pp.55-58.
  6. Zubrzycka R. Coping with stress of children with chronic illness. /in:/ Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, vol.16, No 1A, 2007, pp.102-104.
  7. Zubrzycka R. Creativity in the process of rehabilitation of chronically ill children., /in:/ Borzęcki A. (Eds.) Environment and human health , Agencja Usługowa WSCHÓD, Lublin,2009.
  8. Wojnarska A., Zubrzycka R. Locus of control with chronically ill children /in:/ Polish Journal of Environmental Studies,Vol.16,No.6D, 2007, ss. 416-419.

Course type: lecture/15 hours

Assessment method: credit with a mark, a test.

Name of lecturer: Renata Zubrzycka, PhD

Contact person:

Deadline of application: 31 of January each academic year