
Proposal Assignment (15 points; 15% of Final Course Grade)

You are to write a Proposal Assignment for your internship experience, which should determine the tasks that you perform and what you hope to get out of the experience (i.e., your personal goals/objectives).The nature of these objectives will also depend upon what the site supervisor and staff feel is appropriate for you to learn during your internship, therefore, these objectives should be developed in collaboration with your supervisor. Your site supervisor should read, make recommendations, and approve this proposal before it is turned in, but it isultimately your responsibility to write the ProposalAssignment and ensure you have followed the instructions as outlined below. This Proposal Assignment is essential as it allows the KIN 492/493 Course Instructors to approve what you plan to do during your internship experience.

The Proposal Assignment is a list of specific learning objectives that you hope to achieve during your internship, how you plan to achieve those objectives, and an assessment plan. In addition, thePersonal Objectives Scale that you create for this assignment will be used by your site supervisor to assess your improvement on your specific learning objectives at the midpoint and end of your internship experience.

Please use the Proposal Template provided on D2L, follow all instructions, and be sure to look over the Proposal Exampleon D2L and Rubric (on the last page of these instructions) to help guide you.

Assignment Instructions

Rubric on last page of these instructions; exampleassignment on D2L. Your Proposal Assignment should include the following:

1)You will select twogeneral objectivesfrom the list below for this internship experience. Each specific learning objective (see instruction #2) should link directly to the general objective it is under (i.e., General Objective #1 should be a broad overview of specific objectives 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, etc.).Select two General Objectives from the following list. Use two different areas of focus (for example, one general objective from Analytical Thinking area and one general objective from the Integrated Reasoning area):

(Note: you will need to replace the highlighted sentenceportion with your specific context)

Analytical Thinking

  • Acquire an overview of skills in your field (replace with your site context: e.g., Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physical Activity Research, Community Engagement, etc.) field as it pertains to my knowledge, skills, and development.
  • Acquire, learn and synthesize information from a variety of workers (replace with your site context: e.g., Physical Therapists, Nurses, Doctors, Health Care Practitioners, Patients, Community Partners, etc.) in this field.
  • Synthesize information from an applied context (your context: replace with your site context: e.g., Non-profit organization, Health Care Practioners, Health Care Researchers, Youth Sport Organization, Summer Camps, Personal Training, etc.) and apply it to my various courses within Kinesiology and other related courses I have taken at university as well as apply my course knowledge learned through my undergraduate degree to this practical experience.

Cultural Understanding

  • Develop an appreciation and understanding of the different cultural backgrounds and experiences of fellow co-workers and patients/residents/clients, etc., and demonstrate knowledge and sensitivity.
  • Learn how diversity and different backgrounds impact your work at [insert site name].

Effective Citizenship

  • Understand the structure of local, national, and global governance systems in ______field and learn how to act effectively within those structures in both individual and collaborative ways.
  • Learn how to apply knowledge and abilities to solve societal problems in ethical ways.

Effective Communication

  • Learn how the communication structures work within ______field (in terms of co-workers, patients, clients, residents, etc.).
  • Learn to engage in effective communication practices in a variety of situations and with a variety of media within ______field.

Integrated Reasoning

  • Learn to critically apply knowledge acquired through Kinesiology courses to applied context: replace with your site context: e.g., Non-profit organization, Health Care Practioners, Health Care Researchers, etc.) field.
  • Learn to use a variety of inquiry strategies incorporating multiple views to make value judgements, solve problems, answer questions, and generate new understandings.

2)Select 4-6 Specific learning objectives that will help you achieve each of your selected general objectives. You should use statements such as, “I will learn how to…”, “Understand how to…”, “Gain knowledge of…”, “Improve upon…”, “Learn how…”; “Understand the process of…”, “Become proficient at…”, etc. These statements should be quite specific and measureable. You should include four to six specific objectives for each general objective. Your specific objective should link directly to your implementation plan and assessment plan (see below). For example, your wording should be consistent from the specific learning objective to the implementation plan, to the assessment plan.

3)An implementation plan of how you plan to learn the specific learning objectives. How do you plan to achieve these specific learning objectives during your internship? You should be using statements such as, “I will observe…”; “I will be given feedback on X and incorporate Y”, “I will learn how to do….”, “My site supervisor will guide me…”, “I will assist…”, etc. There should be a clear plan of action for each of your specific objectives.

4)An assessment plan for your achievement of these specific learning objectives (i.e., how will you be assessed to determine if you have achieved each of your specific objectives?). Your assessment plan should have two components:

  1. Awritten assessment plan that is in a row along with the specific learning objective and implementation plan.This assessment plan should indicate how you plan to be assessed on each of the specific objectives. For example, “I will be assessed on my knowledge of ______using the Personal Objectives Scale I created in this proposal assignment.”; “I will be assessed on my ability to perform ______using the Personal Objectives Scale I created in this proposal assignment.”
  1. Create your own “Personal Objectives Scale” for all of your written assessment plans (see the last page of the Example on D2L for a sample Personal Objectives Scale). The wording from the written assessment plan should be consistent with the wording of the items in your scale, but more concise. For example:

i) if in your written plan of assessment you plan to be “assessed on your ability to do ____”, then in your scale it should say this in a concise way, such as “ability to complete ______”).

ii)if in your written plan of assessment you plan to be “assessed on your knowledge” or “understanding of ____”, then in your scale it should say this in a concise way, such as “knowledge” or “understanding of ______”).

iii)if in your written plan of assessment you plan to be “assessed on the completion of ____”, then in your scale it should say this in a concise way, such as “completion of ______”).

  1. Your supervisor only needs to sign this Personal Objectives Scale when they assess you at the midpoint and end of your internship hours (not when you initially develop and submit your scale for this Proposal Assignment).
  2. If there are additional assessments that your site uses to assess your progress, please include a description of these as well (e.g., quizzes, tests, presentations, verbal feedback).

5)Professionalism and Formatting: Please ensure you are proofreading your assignment for spelling/grammar, and formatting errors.

  1. You are required to use the Proposal Template provided on D2L.
  2. Times New Roman font, font size between 10-12 (smaller within the chart), single spaced.
  3. Save the name of your file as: LastName_FirstName_KINnternship_Proposal (e.g., Smith_John_KINnternship_Proposal).
  4. A title (e.g., KIN 492/493 Proposal), your name, your supervisor’s name and credentials, and the name of the internship site location listed at the top of the Proposal Assignment.
  5. See the Rubric (on the next page of these Proposal Assignment Instructions) for further formatting details. Please use numbers and letters rather than bullets for each of your objectives (see the Proposal Assignment Example on D2L).

6)Please download your Proposal Assignment to the Dropbox provided on D2L. DO NOT email me your Proposal Assignment.

7)Due Date: See syllabus. Late Submission: -2 points for every 24-hour period (even if 5 minutes late). If you require an extension due to starting late (or other legitimate reasons) please email Mary-Anne Reid BEFORE the due date to request an extension and provide your internship start date at this time.


You will be graded on the initial Proposal Assignment and Personal Objectives Scale. For your Final Report, you are required to revise your Proposal Assignment and Personal Objectives Scale using the Instructors’ comments and feedback they will provide on D2L. You will need to highlight these revisions (using the Microsoft Word highlighting function – a picture of physical highlighting on a hard copy will not be accepted). You do not need to submit your revised Proposal Assignment until the Final Report, but if you would like help integrating the feedback from D2L we welcome you to make an appointment with one of the Course Instructors.

Your supervisor will use the revised Personal Objectives Scale to assess your progress on your specific objectives at the midpoint and end of your internship hours. Please ensure you have a copy of the Personal Objectives Scales you were assessed on at the midpoint and end of your internship hours as they will be submitted with your Final Report.You do not need to submit the scales from your supervisor prior to the Final Report.

The rating your supervisor provides you with on your Midpoint and Final Personal Objectives Scales will not affect your overall grade in this course. However, inclusion of the midpoint and final scales (signed by you and your site supervisor[s]) is a requirement for the Final Report. Please do not have your site supervisor email or fax us these signed Personal Objectives Scales. Scan and paste them into the “Assessment” section of your Final Report.

Please note: the Midpoint and Final Personal Objectives Scales are NOT associated with the Site Supervisor Midterm and Final Performance Evaluations (worth 10% and 15% of your Final Grade, respectively) you will be sending to your supervisor via the link provided.


Quality of Proposal / Learning Objectives / Implementation / Assessment / Professionalism and Formatting
Excellent (exceeds expectations) / -There is a minimum of two general objectives selected from the list provided.
-There are four to six specific objectives for each of the general learning objectives that reflect and provide more detail for the general objectives.
-Each of the specific objectives is clear, measurable, ambitious, and attainable (i.e., what do you hope to achieve/learn during your internship?). / -The plan to achieve the specific objectives is clear, precise, concise, and specific.
-Each specific objective has a clearly outlined plan of action in terms of how the specific objective will be achieved. / -The written assessment plan represents clear and quantifiable ways of demonstrating that all the specific objectives will be evaluated.
-There is a Personal Objectives Scale present that provides a concise and accurate means for the supervisor to rate the student on achievement of all their specific learning objectives (using the written assessment plan for wording of scale items).
-Personal Objectives Scales has # and letter to indicate which assessment plan it is associated with.
-The assignment clearly articulates if other assessments will be used at their internship site. / -The proposal has been clearly proofread for grammar and spelling errors prior to submission with appropriate professional language used throughout the document.
-Abbreviations are not used; acronyms defined the first time they are presented in the document; job specific duties are explained in a clear and concise manner.
-The numbering and lettering system in the Template is used to identify general and specific learning objectives (not bullet points).
-There is a document title identifying that this is a proposal assignment (e.g., “KIN 492/493 Proposal”); file name is saved in the correct format; exemplar chart-style is used; appropriate font size and single spaced; extra boxes removed; clean and neat.
-Signature lines for student and supervisor with appropriate names are present for the Personal Objectives Scale (signature not required for proposal, but signature lines are required).
Well done (meets most expectations) / -There is a minimum of two general objectives selected from the list provided.
-Specific objectives are listed, but they do not all reflect each of the general learning objectives.
-Most of the specific objectives are clear, measureable, ambitious, and obtainable. / -The plan to achieve the specific objectives is clear, precise, concise, and specific.
-The plan to achieve the specific objectives could have more detail. / -The written plan of assessment represents clear and quantifiable ways of demonstrating that most of the specific learning objectives will be evaluated.
-There is a Personal Objectives Scale present that provides a concise and accurate means for the supervisor to rate the student on most of their specific learning objectives. / -There are very few grammar or spelling errors, but professional language is used throughout the document.
-Abbreviations are not defined, but the content is still understandable; job specific duties are explained, but not clear.
-There is a document title identifying that this is a proposal assignment (e.g., “KIN 492/493 Proposal”); an appropriate numbering system is used for the objectives.
-Signature lines for student and supervisor are present for the checklist (signature not required for proposal, but signature lines are required).
Needs improvement (more could be done to achieve requirements) / -Most of the specific objectives are vague (i.e., not clear, measureable, specific, or attainable).
-The majority of specific objectives do not reflect the general objectives.
-Learning objectives sound more like an implementation plan (e.g., observe/attend). / -The plan to achieve the specific objectives is not clear, precise, or specific.
-The same implementation plans were copied and pasted. / -The written plan of assessment does not provide a clear and quantifiable way of demonstrating that most of the specific learning objectives will be evaluated.
-The Personal Objectives Scale is missing the majority of specific learning objectives. / -There are a significant number of grammar or spelling errors; professional language is used most of the time throughout the document.
-Abbreviations and job duties are not defined or explained.
-There is no document title; there are no signature lines.
-Chart format not used; formatting outlines not followed.
Poor (Did not follow assignment instructions) / -There is no differentiation between general or specific objectives.
-No objectives listed. / -There is no implementation plan. / -There is no written assessment plan.
-There is no Personal Objectives Scale. / -The document is full of grammar or spelling errors; professional language not used.
-Job duties are not clear; there is no document title; there are no signature lines; bullet points or an unclear numbering system are used; formatting outlines not followed
Total points
( /15) / Maximum 5 points
/5 / Maximum 2 points
/2 / Maximum 5 points
/5 / Maximum 3 points