QTS Direct (Assessment Only Route to QTS)


To the Applicant:

Complete all sections of this form then forward it to the Head Teacher of your sponsor school to confirm the information and complete the Partnership Agreement. The completed form should then be returned to us by email as follows;

The entire form should be emailed by the Head Teacher of your sponsoring school after completion of the Partnership Agreement.

References should also be emailed to Admissions but must be sent from the relevant person’s email address (as per separate instructions on the reference form).

Please note that sending this information to us by email will be the quickest and most effective way for us to process your application and we appreciate your assistance in this.

To the Head Teacher:

Please check the information provided and complete the Partnership Agreement section on this form then send the entire form to rked QTS Direct Additional Information in the subject line of the email. Please also confirm who is paying the fees (SponsorSchool or Applicant and sign accordingly).

The applicant will also supply you with a separate Reference Form to complete and return by email to the above address.

SECTION 1 (Personal details)
(Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr etc.) / Surname:
National Insurance (NI) Number
Do you have a current DBSEnhanced Disclosure certificate? Yes No
If so, provide your DBS disclosure Reference Number:
We will need to see proof of this at a later stage.
Do you have access to a computer with a broadband internet connection? Yes No
Please note that broadband internet access is a requirement for acceptance upon the programme.
SECTION 2 (Proposed assessment details)
Have you ever been accepted upon, or started an Initial Teacher Training Course?
Yes No
If yes, give details including dates, the name of the Initial Teacher Training Institution and reason for not completing the course.
Are you currently working as a Teacher? Yes No
Are you currently working as a HTLA/TA? Yes No
Are you currently working as a Cover Supervisor? Yes No
Which age phase do you wish to teach? Primary Secondary
If Secondary/Prep, which subject(s) do you wish to teach?
All candidates recommended for the award of QTS have to be assessed as meeting the standards for QTS within one of the following age phases from the list below.
Please select the age range for which you wish to be assessed:
Primary (Ages 3-11)
For Primary, please identify the specific age range you will focus on in your assessment from the following options (Select ONE)
Ages 3-7
Ages 5-11
Ages 7-11
Middle (Ages 7-14)
Secondary (Ages 11-19)
For Secondary, please identify the specific age range you will focus on in your assessment from the following options (Select ONE)
Ages 11-16
Ages 11 -19
Ages 14 -19

N.B. Copies of GCSEs and Degree certificate should be sent when submitting this form. Please scan or photographand include as attachments. Originals will need to be seen and verified by admissions if offered a place.

SECTION 3 (Qualifications)
List below your GCSE (or equivalent) qualifications with dates and grades
Date / Subject / Grade
List below your ‘A’ level (or equivalent) qualifications with dates and grades
Date / Subject / Grade
Provide details of your degree(s)including awarding institution, dates, degree classification and subject(s).
Please list any professional qualifications you hold along with details of the awarding body and dates of the award.
As there is no training attached to the Assessment Only route please list details of professional development courses/ CPD / in-house training attended in the last 3 years


SECTION 4 (Teaching Experience)

  • This route is designed for candidates who alreadyfully meet all of the Teachers’ Standards without the need for further training
  • All candidates must already have substantial experience of whole class planning, teaching, assessment, reporting etc.and have evidence of teaching at least two age ranges
  • All candidates must have participated in CPD, Inset and/or in-house professional development activities as part of their role in school
  • Typically, candidates will have taught for at least two years, in order to demonstrate the required ‘substantial experience’

Please complete the teaching timetable templates below to covertwo years’ teaching andto show the nature ofyour teaching experience.

Please complete as many timetables as required, by copy and pasting as many timetables as you need into this document. Eg, if your timetable changed yearly, you will need to send in 2 timetables; if it changed termly, you will need to complete 6 timetables.


Leave all other lessons blank; do not include lessons where you were involved in a supporting role, teaching small groups, teaching 1 to 1 etc.

Please indicate on the timetables:

  1. Subject taught. (Primary candidates - If phonics or guided reading were taught separately to English/Literacy, please identify this. If you identify a lesson as ‘topic’, please include the NC subjects covered)
  2. Year group(s) of pupils
  3. Number of pupils you were responsible for

Please adapt to suit your school timetable – eg if you only had 4 lessons each day, ignore the columns for lessons 5 and 6

Teaching in a second setting

Please provide a timetable to evidence your experience of teaching in a second setting. (It may be that you have recently completed a 4week teachingexperience in a different school, in order to meet this requirement, in which case, please give full details of the lessons you taught there.)


QTS Direct (Assessment Only Route to QTS)

Your Name:
Name of School
Period of time covered by this timetable
(eg Autumn Term 2016; Whole Year 2015-16 etc):
Lesson / Lesson 1 / Lesson 2 / Lesson 3 / Lesson 4 / Lesson 5 / Lesson 6
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils
Your Name:
Name of School
Period of time covered by this timetable
(eg Autumn Term 2016; Whole Year 2015-16 etc):
Lesson / Lesson 1 / Lesson 2 / Lesson 3 / Lesson 4 / Lesson 5 / Lesson 6
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils


Your Name:
Name of School
Period of time covered by this timetable
Lesson / Lesson 1 / Lesson 2 / Lesson 3 / Lesson 4 / Lesson 5 / Lesson 6
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils
Year Group/Age
Number of Pupils

Evidence of experience of teaching in a second setting

Candidates must havetaughtin two schools prior to entry to the AO route. It is not sufficient for candidates only to have ‘had experience’of two schools.The NCTL (2016, p14) notes that Candidates [for AO] need breadth and variety of experience in schools or other settings to enable them to meet all the standards for QTS. They need to have

A)taught pupils and young people from different backgrounds

B)taught pupils and young people across the ability range and in their chosen age ranges

C)gained experience of different approaches to teaching and learning and to school organisation and management

Please give brief details of your ‘second setting’ school, from which you have presented your timetables above, and explain how this second setting has provided you with a ‘different’ teaching experience from your current schooland addresses points A, B and C.

Dates (from – to) / School / Age range / Explain how this second setting has provided you with a ‘different’ teaching experience and addresses points A, B and C.

Please include all further relevant experiences in school(s) which have helped to prepare you for QTS, eg learning support.

Please make clear your role and the extent of your responsibilities, eg if were you responsible for teaching but not the planning,if you had

sole responsibility for a group of pupils, if you were involved in 1:1 support, if you were working with pupilswith SEND etc

Dates (from – to) / School / Age range / Details ofroles undertaken and responsibilities in the school


QTS Direct (Assessment Only Route to QTS)

SECTION 5 (References)

Please provide under separate cover two references commenting on your suitability for the award of QTS. One of the referees must be the Head Teacher/Principal of your sponsoring school. A proforma reference form is on our website and we encourage you to send that form to your referees for them to forward on to us. You should also indicate the names of your referees below.

Referee 1

Address including post code
Telephone number
Email address

Referee 2

Address including post code
Telephone number
Email address
SECTION 6 (Partnership Agreement)

ThisPartnership Agreement should be completed by the sponsor school.

Sponsor school details

Telephone number
Head teacher
Ofsted report
(date & overall grade)

Proposed school mentor details

Telephone contact
Email address
DfES/TRNReference Number
Role in school
eg Professional Mentor; Senior Leader; Head of Department; Subject Mentor; Class Teacher
Details of mentoring experience
Attended mentor training? If so, please give details, (if date unknown, please provide approximate date)
Additional named mentor for subject knowledge, or age range, if different from above
SECTION 6 (Partnership Agreement)

Please confirm that the roles and responsibilities of each member of the partnership, as outlined in the Partnership Agreement Handbook, have been read and understood.

Partnership Agreement :
I have read the Partnership Agreement Handbook and understood what is needed from my school to support our AO candidate.
My school and I agree to provide the AO candidate with the assessment needs, as outlined in the Partnership Agreement Handbook.
The candidate is currently meeting all of the Teacher’s Standards and is suitable for the award of QTS.
Signature of Head Teacher/Principal:
I have read and understood what is needed from myself as school mentor during the assessment process.
I agree to provide the AO candidate with the assessment needs, as outlined in the Partnership Agreement Handbook.
The candidate is currently meeting all of the Teacher’s Standards and is suitable for the award of QTS.
Signature of School Mentor:
I have read and understood what I need to do in the different phases of the assessment to gain QTS. I am aware that it is my responsibility to compile the requisite evidence for my mentor and university tutor to assess.
Signature of Candidate:

Payment of fees for QTS Direct (Assessment Only Route to QTS)

The fees for this programme for 2018/19 are £2725*, to be paid in full at the point of registration and before the assessment interview takes place**. Fees may be paid by the sponsor school, or direct by the applicant. Please ensure you confirm below whois paying these fees so that the University can invoice accordingly.


Signed (Head teacher) / Date

Self-Funding by Applicant

Signed (Applicant) / Date

* Fees for 2018/9 are £2,725. Please note that these fees are likely to change for 2019/20 entry. If you have to move your assessment past 31st July 2019 for any reason you will be liable to pay fees at the new rate. If your school is sponsoring, you they will need to agree to cover the cost of the new fees and sign a new partnership agreement.

** The fee for the Initial Assessment Interview is £550. This part of the fee is non-refundable.If, at interview, there is insufficient evidence to proceed with the assessment, candidates will exit at this point and the remainder of their fees will be returned to the fee-payer.This arrangement is in place in case the candidate fails to pass the initial assessment interview and the university declines to carry out the full assessment. This eventuality is extremely rare, as candidates are well prepared and supported in their preparation for the initial assessment.


Attachments Checklist:

Application Evidenceattached to this form / Attached?
GCSE Certificates Maths & English (scan or photograph)
Primary candidates only - GCSE Certificate Science (scan or photograph)
Degree certificate (scan or photograph)

To follow:

Application Evidence / Arranged?
Head Teacher/Principal’s reference
Professional reference
Reference from 2nd setting (if applicable)
Professional Skills Tests in literacy and numeracy