Minutes for February 21, 2017 Board Meeting

The Central Decatur Community School Board of Education met in regular session in the High School Library on Tuesday, February 21, 2017.

Board members present: Shaun Schaff, Amber Swartz, Igor Takacs, Ray Bishop, and Mike Stuck who joined the meeting at 6:49 p.m.

Board members absent: None

Others in attendance were: Amy Whittington, Chris Coffelt, Becky Broich, and two guests.

Board President Takacs called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.


The following consent items were approved:

·  The agenda for February 21, 2017 was approved. Motion by Swartz, second by Bishop.

·  Minutes of the previous meetings on January 18th, February 13th, and 16th. Motion by Bishop, second by Swartz.

·  Financial reports for General, Management, Physical Plant and Equipment Levy, Capital Projects, Debt Service, Activity reports, Scholarship reports, All-Weather Track, Lunch reports, and summary list of bills. Motion by Schaff, second by Swartz:

General Fund $153,580.83 Activity Fund $35,185.52

PPEL Fund 1,679.00 Lunch Fund 33,176.74

Capital Projects 114,118.56

Correction transfer from Capital Projects to PPEL for C.H. McGuiness Co. bill paid 11/21/16 in the amount of $2,160.31 from PPEL, should have been paid from Capital Projects.

All motions carried unanimously.


·  Principal Whittington’s report included staff professional development and several student activities. Cardinal Muscle students made Valentines and visited the nursing home. The character trait for February was honesty. PTO members presented each building with a buddy bench. Buddy benches are designed as a safe way for students to signal they need a friend. A lot of people attended the third grade 2nd annual wax museum. Ben Stoner created a morning walking club for students to walk/run in the mornings prior to the start of school and test sessions. He has also started a Wellness Wednesday at South Elementary. Manny Atwood, MS/HS Guidance Counselor, has been meeting weekly with 6th graders over the last few weeks to ensure a smooth transition into junior high. February 17th was a successful professional development day which included a motivational speaker and gathering staff perspectives of our district mission and vision.

·  Principal Evertsen’s report included: The MS/HS building held a Clear the Halls for medical emergency drill along with Decatur County EMS, Leon PD, and Decatur County Sheriff’s Department. Activities included: Wyatt Dale, Kade Kelso, and Trace Carson all qualified for State Wrestling, with Kade finishing 7th. Boys’ basketball won the POI Conference Championship for the second time in three years. Girls’ basketball won their 5th straight POI Championship and qualified for their 2nd consecutive State Tournament. Girls will play Cascade Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m. at Wells Fargo Arena.


·  Superintendent Coffelt shared Johnny Boyd’s status update for construction progress on the new bus barn. The board reviewed the change orders from last month. The board approved Boyd Construction RFP #002 in the amount of $6,963.00 to add an additional light pole west of the fuel tanks and the north side of the bus barn entrance and RFP #004 in the amount of $1,090.00 to add circuitry to three wood posts and move locations, and move exterior receptacle on building. Motion by Stuck, second by Bishop. Motion carried unanimously.

·  Superintendent Coffelt shared a contract proposal with The Bullpen, Batting Cages and Pitching Facility. This contract would create opportunities for practice during the winter and times when practice is cancelled due to rain. The contract is still being finalized and will be reviewed at the March meeting.


·  The board approved the open enrollment applications for Rowan Perkins, Lamoni CSD resident and Stormy Savilee, Mt Ayr CSD resident, to attend CD beginning the 2017-18 school year. Motion by Swartz, second by Stuck. Motion carried unanimously.

·  The board reviewed the request from Micki Snow to host an international exchange student next year through AFS-USA. Forms will be brought to the board for approval when received by the district.

·  The board approved the resignation of Zach Clark as Asst. Golf. Motion by Schaff, second by Swartz. Motion carried unanimously. The board approved the hire of Calieb Kistler as Asst. Junior High Baseball and Asst. Golf Coach. Motion by Bishop, second by Stuck. Motion carried unanimously.

·  The board approved the second reading of the 600 series of board policy. (Education Program). Motion by Schaff, second by Bishop. Motion carried unanimously.

·  The board approved the first reading of the 700 series of board policy. (Non-Instructional and Business Services). Motion by Schaff, second by Stuck. Motion carried unanimously.


·  Superintendent Coffelt recapped the 2017-18 Tentative Master Agreement with the Central Decatur Education Association.

·  The board received the June 30, 2016 Audit to review for approval next month.

·  Superintendent Coffelt shared a draft school calendar for next year.

·  Superintendent Coffelt shared the staff reflection of the District Vision/Mission.

·  Upcoming Meetings:

a.  Regular Meeting: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. – High School Library


Bishop moved the meeting be adjourned at 7:50 p.m.


Igor Takacs, President Becky Broich, Board Secretary