Box 51190 Akiachak, AK 99551 (907) 825-3600 Fax (877) 825-2404

Regional School Board

Willie Kasayulie, Chairman Ivan M. Ivan, Vice Chairman Noah Andrew, Secretary

Samuel George, Treasurer Moses Owen, Board Member Moses Peter Board Member

Robert Charles, Board Member

Minutes of the Yupiit School District

Regional Board of Education

Held: November 17, 2016

Village: Akiachak, Alaska

Committee Meeting & Work-session
Call to Order

Roll Call


Recognition of Guests
Approval of Agenda
Action Item
Approval of Minutes
Continue - Reports
Action Items
Continue – Action Items
Continue – Action Items
Board Travel/Info
Public Comments
Board Comments
Executive Session
Next Meeting
Regular Meeting
Adjournment / 10:00 AM – District Survey - During the last Special RSB meeting, the Board requested the Superintendent Survey be discussed during the November meeting to make changes.
Superintendent Rayna Hartz handed out the copy of Oregon School District Community Survey as a sample to see if the Regional School Board would want the similar form.
After reviewing the Community Survey, the Regional School Board discussed and suggested to include the Mission Statement, Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives; feedback from parents on State and Cultural Standards; drop out rate data. The YSD District Survey will be presented for the RSB’s final review once it is completed.
I.  Call to Order: Chairman Kasayulie called the regular meeting of the Regional School Board to order at 12:55 PM.
II.  Roll Call: Present:
Willie Kasayulie, Chairman
Ivan Ivan, Vice Chairman
Samuel George, Treasurer
Noah Andrew, Secretary
Moses Owen, Board Member
Robert Charles, Board Member
Moses Peter, Board Member
III.  Invocation: Moses Owen rendered the invocation
IV.  Recognition of Guests: Rayna Hartz, Jim Hartz, Sophie Kasayulie, Steward McDonald, Jessica Vaudreuil-Kim, Lisa Taylor, Wayne Boggs, Ron Fortunado, Doug Richards, students Leah Alexie, Mark Ivan and Bonnie James.
V.  Approval of Agenda: Administration presents the November 17, 2016 Yupiit School District Regional School Board Agenda for approval.
Motion, by Ivan Ivan, Seconded by Sam George to approve the agenda as presented.
G. Akiachak Senior Trip
Motion by Ivan Ivan, Seconded by Moses Owen to suspend the rules to hear Doug Richard, Akiachak K-12 Principal’s report and the Akiachak Senior Trip request set for May 18-24, 2017 to Orlando, Florida.
The Administration recommends the approval of the Akiachak Senior Trip to Orlando, Florida on May 18-27, 2017.
Motion by Sam George, Seconded by Robert Charles to approve the Akiachak Senior Trip Request to Orlando, Florida on May 18-24, 2017. Motion passed.
B. School Reports:
1. Akiachak: Doug Richard highlighted his board report.
Approval of Minutes: The Administration presents the October 13, 2016 Regular RSB Meeting Minutes and the November 1, 2016 Special Yupiit School District Regional School Board Minutes for approval.
A.  October 13, 2016 RSB Meeting
Motion by Sam George, Seconded by Moses Owen to approve the Regular Board meeting Minutes for October 13, 2016. Motion passed.
B.  November 1, 2016 Special RSB Meeting
Motion by Sam George, Seconded by Moses Owen to approve the Special Board meeting Minutes for November 1, 2016. Motion passed.
VI.  Correspondence:
A.  Senator Hoffman
The correspondence letter from Senator Hoffman is presented for information only.
B.  DEED FY2018 CIP Application Cost Adjustment (3 letters)
VII.  Reports:
A.  Attendance Report: The handouts of the Attendance report was reviewed by the board.
B.  School Reports
1.  Akiachak: see above.
2.  Akiak: Charles Burns report was reviewed.
3.  Tuluksak: David Macri’s report was reviewed.
C.  Tribal Education Department Report: Sophie Kasayulie highlighted her report.
D.  Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Report: Sharene Craft highlighted her report.
E.  Federal/Special Programs Report: Wayne Boggs highlighted his report.
Chairman Willie Kasayulie called for a 10 minutes break at 2:35 PM.
Reconvened at 2:47 PM
F.  Business and Finance Report: Lisa Taylor, CPA highlighted her report.
G.  Maintenance & Operation Report: Jim Hartz highlighted his report.
H.  Technology Director’s Report: Tim Bateman’s report was reviewed
I.  Superintendent’s Report: Rayna Hartz highlighted her board report.
J.  AFN – Student Presentation: Mark Ivan, Akiak student and Leah Alexie, Akiachak student introduced themselves and presented their Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) report to the Regional School Board.
K.  Steward McDonald, KISD Partnership Presentation: Steward McDonald, Superintendent of KISD and Ron Fortunado did a presentation on Trillium Learning – A World Bridge Performance Learning Global Scale.
VIII.  Action Items
A.  3rd Reading of Board Updates:
1.  BP/AR/E 5128 Alaska Performance Scholarship
2. BP 5141.3 Health Examinations
3. BP 5141.4 Child Abuse and Neglect
4. BP 5141.41 Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault and Dating
Violence Awareness and
5. BP 5141.52 Suicide Prevention
6. BP 5145.3 Nondiscrimination
7. AR 5145.3 Transgender Students and Employees
The Administration presents the 3rd Reading of the Policy Updates: BP/AR/E 5128 Alaska Performance Scholarship Program; BP 5141.3 Health Examinations; BP 5141.4 Child Abuse and Neglect; BP 5141.14 Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault and Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention; BP 5141.52 Suicide Prevention; BP 5145.3 Nondiscrimination; and AR 5145.3 Transgender Students and Employees.
Motion by Sam George, Seconded by Moses Peter to approve the 3rd Reading of the above BP Updates. Motion passed.
B. 2ndReading of BP Updates:
1. BP 5145.15 (a) Student and Family Privacy Rights
2. BP 6010 (a) Goals and Objectives
3. BP/AR 6114 (a) Crisis Response Plan
4. BP 6142.2 (a) Aids Instruction
5. BP 6146.1 (a) High School Graduation Requirements
6. BP/AR 6146.3 (a) College and Career Readiness
7. BP/AR/E 6171 (a) Title I Programs
The Administration presents the 2nd Reading of BP Updates: BP 5145.15 (a) Student and Family Privacy Rights; BP 6010 (a) Goals and Objectives; BP/AR 6114 (a) Crisis Response Plan; BP 6142.2 (a) Aids Instruction; BP 6146.1 (a) High School Graduation Requirements; BP/AR 6146.3 (a) College and Career Readiness Assessments; and BP/AR/E 6171 (a) Title I Programs.
Motion by Sam George, Seconded by Ivan Ivan to approve the 2nd Reading of BP Updates. Motion passed.
C. OASIS Foundation:
The Administration recommends approval of the Fall OASIS Collection 2016.
Motion by Sam George, Seconded by Ivan Ivan to approved the OASIS Collection 2016. Motion passed.
D. Enrollment Projection for FY2017-2018
The Administration recommends the approval of the FY2017-2018 Enrollment Projection for the YSD School District. This projection will be used to drive the FY17 Budget Process.
Motion by Ivan Ivan, Seconded by Sam George to approve the Enrollment Projection for FY2017-2018. Motion passed.
E. New Hires:
The Administration recommends the approval of the New hires.
1. Kaylin Charles, Federal/State Project Coordinator
2. Allan Lowe, Math/Science, Akiak School
Motion by Ivan Ivan, Seconded by Sam George to approve the New Hires for Kaylin Charles, Federal/State Project Coordinator and Allan Lowe, Math/Science Teacher for Akiak School. Motion passed.
F. Resignation: Lott Egoak III, Custodian, Akiak School
The Administration recommends the approval of the resignation for Lott Egoak III, Custodian for Akiak School.
Motion by Sam George, Seconded by Robert Charles to approve the resignation for Lott Egoak III, Custodian for Akiak School. Motion passed.
XII.  Board Travel/Info: Winter Boardsmanship Academy – December 9-10, 2016 – The upcoming Winter Boardsmanship was presented for information and possible action. No action was taken.
XIII.  Public Comments
XIV.  Board Comments
XV.  Executive Session: Legal Matters
Motion by Sam George, Seconded by Moses Peter to go into an executive session at 4:28 PM. Motion passed.
Motion by Moses Peter, Seconded by Moses Owen to get out of an executive session at 4:48 PM. Motion passed.
XVI.  Next Regular Meeting: December 15, 2016
XVII. Adjournment: Motion by Moses Peter, Seconded by Robert
Charles to adjourn the meeting at 4:53 PM.
Secretary Date