Arab Accreditation Cooperation (ARAC)

2017 - 2018MLA Committee Work PLAN


Issue Nº: 01

Prepared by: MLA Committee

Date: July 2017

Revision Nº: 01

Approved by: Executive Committee

Issue Date: July 2017

Application Date: Immediate

Document number: ARAC AD 031

CLASSIFICATION This document is classified as an ARAC Administrative Document.

Original: English

Strategic Thrust 1 - Become a recognized Regional Accreditation Cooperation within IAF and ILAC
Goal 1 : ARAC becomes a recognized regional accreditation cooperation in both IAF and ILAC
Objective 1 : Successfully complete current peer evaluation processes
Actions / Priority / Responsible / SMART Indicators / Goal Completion Date / Scheduled Completion Date for the Activity / Red Amber Green Status
1.1.1.ILAC/IAF evaluation of ARAC – Carry out and follow-up corrective actions in response to the findings that will be raised by ILAC/IAF team / 1 / ARAC MLAC Chair
ARAC MLAC Secretariat / Accepted action plan and evidence by ILAC & IAF team / December 2017 / First week of September 2017
Objective 2 :Following IAF and ILAC recognition, coordinate with other regions any additional requirements necessary for trade with their marketplaces Discussion with EA the consequence of its policy on the recognition of some ARAC members that are in bilateral agreement /candidate with EA / 1 / ARAC Chair / Conducting a meeting with EA representative during EA GA / November 2017 / November 2017
Strategic Thrust 2 - Enhance the ARAC Peer Evaluation System and MLA
Goal 1 : The ARAC MLA is fully operational
Objective1 : Build, maintain and enhance the structure of the ARAC MLA in alignment with the MLMRAs of IAF and ILAC
Actions / Priority / Responsible / SMART Indicators / Goal Completion Date / Scheduled Completion Date for the Activity / Red Amber Green Status Conduct peer evaluations planned in 2017-2018 / 1 / ARAC MLAC Chair / 100% conducted / 2018 / 2018 Establish and implement actions, as needed, to ensure that ARAC adopts and monitors a process for transition to ISO/IEC 17011:2017 in accordance with the provisions to be defined by IAF and ILAC. / 1 / ARAC MLAC Chair / Policy established and communicated / 2018 / First quarter 2018 Monitor transitions for implementation of mandatory documents and standards / 1 / ARAC MLAC secretariat / Respond to survey / 2018 / 2018 Conclude the revision of ARAC MD002 to adapt the ARAC procedure to the ILAC/IAF A2 procedure / 1 / TFG / Gap analysis established / 2018 / 2018
Objective2 : Expand the coverage of scopes of the ARAC MLA to meet the needs of the ARAC members
Actions / Priority / Responsible / SMART Indicators / Goal Completion Date / Scheduled Completion Date for the Activity / Red Amber Green Status Follow up of any new scopes within ILAC/IAF / 3 / ARAC MLAC secretariat / Circulation of the information within one month / 2021 / 2017-2021 Identify the needs of ARAC members / 2 / ARAC MLAC secretariat / Responses to the survey / 2021 / End 2018
Goal 2 : Sufficient peer evaluator resources necessary to maintain the ARAC MLA and to meet international obligations for participation in IAF or ILAC peer evaluations have been trained and qualified
Objective 1 : Increase the number of qualified ARAC peer evaluators sufficient to maintain the ARAC MLA in an efficient manner
Actions / Priority / Responsible / SMART Indicators / Goal Completion Date / Scheduled Completion Date for the Activity / Red Amber Green Status
2.2.1. 1. Include trainee at each peer-evaluation planned / 1 / ARAC MLAC Chair / One trainee / each peer-evaluation / According to the schedule / According to the schedule
Objective 2 : Provide initial and continuation training for ARAC peer evaluators, whilst developing the content and intensity to match requirements
Actions / Priority / Responsible / SMART Indicators / Goal Completion Date / Scheduled Completion Date for the Activity / Red Amber Green Status One refresh training for ARAC peer-evaluators / 1 / EWG / One trainee / peer-evaluation / 2020 / November 2017 Organize new comer trainingfor peer-evaluators / 3 / EWG / At least One course with 10 participants / 2020 / 2019
Goal 3 : ARAC participates in peer evaluations undertaken by IAF and/or ILAC (and possibly other regions) in order to strengthen its peer evaluation competence
Objective 1 : Implement a programme for existing and future ARAC peer evaluators
Actions / Priority / Responsible / SMART Indicators / Goal Completion Date / Scheduled Completion Date for the Activity / Red Amber Green Status Find opportunities for the monitoring of peer evaluators with ILAC and / or IAF or others regions (PAC, APLAC, AFRAC, EA) / 2 / ARAC MLAC Chair / One participant / year / End of 2018 / 2017-2018 Publication of the ARAC MLA report to ILAC AMC and ILAC / IAF JMC / 2 / ARAC MLAC Chair / Two reports /year / November 2017 / December 2017


ARAC AD 031-2016-2018MLA Committee Work Plan

Date of Issue: July 2017