

Storey, D. (2012) Territories. The Claiming of Space (2nd edition), London: Routledge.

Storey, D. (2003) Citizen, State and Nation, Sheffield: Geographical Association.

Storey, D. (2001) Territory. The Claiming of Space, Harlow: Prentice Hall.


Storey, D. (2014) Football in Africa. Migration, identity and globalisation, Geography Review 27 (4), 2-4.

Storey, D. (2013) ‘New’ migrants in the British countryside, Journal of Rural and Community Development 8 (3), 291-302.

Storey, D. (2011) Football, place and migration: Foreign footballers in the FA Premier League, Geography 96 (2), 86-94.

Storey, D. (2011) Geography and sport, Teaching Geography 36 (2), 67-69.

Holmes, M. and Storey, D. (2011) Transferring national allegiance: cultural affinity or flag of convenience? Sport in Society 14 (2), 253-271.

Storey, D. (2009) Heritage and promotion of place, Geography Review 23 (1), 36-39.

Storey, D. (2009) Segregation and territoriality: comments on Waterman, Irish Geography 42 (2), 253-255.

Storey, D. and Connolly, E. (2008) A countryside for all? Town & Country Planning 77 (12), 523-526.

Storey, D. (2007) Europe’s shifting borders: rhetoric and reality, Chimera 22, 12-20.

Storey, D. (2006) People on the move: refugees and asylum-seekers, Geography Review 19 (5), 37-41.

Storey, D. (2005) Academic boycotts, activism and the academy, Political Geography 24, 992-997.

Storey, D. (2005) The right to resist. Educational Developments 6 (2), 11-12.

Storey, D. (2004) Geography and national identity Geography Review 17 (5), 28-33.

Storey, D. (2004) ‘Different but equal’: global citizenship post-16, Teaching Geography 29 (1), 4-10.

Storey, D. (2003) Changing approaches to rural development, Geography Review, 16 (3), 31-33.

Storey, D. (2002) Territory and national identity: examples from the former Yugoslavia, Geography, 87 (2), 108-115.

Barrett, H., Storey, D. and Yarwood, R. (2001) From market place to marketing place: retail change in small country towns, Geography, 86 (2), 159-163.

Storey, D. (2000) Rural development: partnerships, people, power, Geographical Viewpoint 28, 11-14.

Storey, D. (1999) Issues of integration, participation and empowerment in rural development: the case of LEADER in the Republic of Ireland, Journal of Rural Studies 15 (3), 307-315.

Storey, D. (1999) Shell, sponsorship and academic independence, Ethics, Place and Environment 2 (2), 239-242.

Storey, D. (1999) Integration, participation and empowerment in rural development, University College Worcester Geography Department Occasional Papers, No. 2.

Storey, D. (1998) Deprivation and affluence in rural Ireland: the case of Tahilla, County Kerry, Geographical Viewpoint 26, 5-8.

Storey, D. (1996) Spatial variations in housing conditions in Cork and Kerry, 1971-1981, Administration 44 (1), 71-82.

Storey, D. (1995) Change in rural Ireland, Irish Studies Review 10, 30-33.

Storey, D. (1994) The spatial distribution of education and health and welfare facilities in rural Ireland, Administration 42 (3), 246-268.

Storey, D. (1992) Life amidst the scenery: Living conditions in Tahilla, County Kerry, Chimera 7, 13-19.

Storey, D. (1991) Some conflicts of material and social equality, Chimera 6, 15-20.

Storey, D. (1990) Manifestations of the border: A personal view, Chimera 5, 24-28.

Ó Flanagan, P. and Storey, D. (1989) Housing and socioeconomic conditions in County Cork, Ireland: a profile analysis, Geoforum 20 (3), 279292.

Storey, D. and Ketch, C. (1989) Where are the women? Some thoughts on the role of women in Irish geography, Chimera 4, 25-30.

Storey, D. and Ó Flanagan, P. (1988) Housing outside Irish towns: An analysis of household characteristics, motivations and preferences, Pleanáil 8, 3039.

Storey, D. (1988) Designation and regional policy, Chimera 3, 74-82.

Chapters in Books

Storey, D. (forthcoming) Territory, space and society, in P. Daniels, M. Bradshaw, D. Shaw and J. Sidaway (eds) An Introduction toHuman Geography (5th edition), Harlow: Prentice Hall.

Storey, D. (2013) Sport, culture and identity, in C.M Rees (ed.) Changes in Contemporary Ireland: Texts and Contexts, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 80-95.

Storey, D. (2012) Heritage, culture and identity: the case of Gaelic games, in J. Hill, K. Moore and J. Wood (eds), Sport, History and Heritage: An Investigation into the Public Representation of Sport, Boydell and Brewer, 223-234.

Storey, D. (2012) Territory, space and society, in P. Daniels, M. Bradshaw, D. Shaw and J. Sidaway (eds) An Introduction toHuman Geography (4th edition), Harlow: Prentice Hall, 442-465.

Storey, D. (2012) Land, territory and identity, in I. Convery, G. Corsane and P. Davis (eds) Making Sense of Place: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 11-22.

Holmes, M. and Storey, D. (2012) Transferring national allegiance: cultural affinity or flag of convenience? in P. Gilchrist and R. Holden (eds) The Politics of Sport. Community, Mobility, Identity, London: Routledge, 103-121.

Barton, A., Storey, D. and Palmer, C. (2011) A trip in the country? Policing drug use in rural settings, in R.I. Mawby and R. Yarwood (eds) Rural Policing and Policing the Rural. A Constable Countryside? Farnham: Ashgate, 147-158.

Storey, D. (2010) Using the past: heritage and re-imagining rural places, in D.G. Winchell, D. Ramsey, R. Koster and G.M. Robinson (eds) Geographical Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Change, Rural Development Institute, Brandon University, 374-383.

Storey, D. (2010) Partnerships, people and place: Lauding the local in rural development, in G. Halseth, S. Markey and D. Bruce (eds)The Next Rural Economies: Constructing Rural Place in Global Economies, CABI: Wallingford, 155-165.

Storey, D. (2008) Territory, space and society, in P. Daniels, M. Bradshaw, D. Shaw and J. Sidaway (eds) An Introduction toHuman Geography. Issues for the 21st Century (3rd edition), Harlow: Prentice Hall, 399-416.

Storey, D. (2006) Images of rurality: commodification and place promotion, in M. Warren and R. Yarwood (eds) The Rural Citizen: Governance, Culture and Wellbeing in the 21st Century, Plymouth: University of Plymouth.

Storey, D. (2005) Territory, space and society, in P. Daniels, M. Bradshaw, D. Shaw and J. Sidaway (eds) An Introduction toHuman Geography. Issues for the 21st Century (2nd edition), Harlow: Prentice Hall, 404-421.

Storey, D. (2004) A sense of place: Rural development, tourism and place promotion in the Republic of Ireland, in L. Holloway and M. Kneafsey (eds) Geographies of Rural Cultures and Societies, Aldershot: Ashgate, 197-213.

Holmes, M. and Storey, D. (2004) Who are the boys in green? Irish identity and soccer in the Republic of Ireland, in D. Porter and A. Smith (eds.) Sport and National Identity in the Post-war World, London: Routledge, 88-104.

Barrett, H., Storey, D. and Yarwood, R. (2003) Development through partnership: LEADER II in the Marches, in N. Walford and N. Evans (eds) Innovations in Rural Areas, Clermont Ferrand: Presses Universitaire Blaise Pascal, 311-328.

Storey, D. (2001) Continuity and change in rural Ireland, in F. Molinero, E. Baraja and M. Alario (eds) 2ndAnglo-Spanish Symposium on Rural Geography, Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid.

Storey, D. (1999) Rural living conditions in Cork and Kerry, in D. Pringle, J. Walsh and M. Hennessy (eds) Poor People, Poor Places. A Geography of Poverty and Deprivation in Ireland, Dublin: Oak Tree Press, 157-173.

Contributions to Encyclopedias, Reference Works and On-line Sources

Storey, D. (forthcoming) Irredentism, in The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Washington: Association of American Geographers. (Print and on-line editions).

Storey, D. (2015) State, Geography of, in J. Wright (ed.)International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd edition), Oxford: Elsevier, Vol 23, 356-361. (Print and on-line editions).

Storey, D. (2015) Territoriality: geographical, in J. Wright (ed.)International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd edition), Oxford: Elsevier, Vol 24, 221-226. (Print and on-line editions).

Storey, D. (2014) Football. The global game. Horniman Museum, London. Available at:

Storey, D. (2013) Territory and territoriality, in B. Warf (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in Geography, New York: Oxford University Press.

Storey, D. (2011) Territories, landscapes, spaces, places, states, borderless world, Interview on Exploring Geopolitics website.Available at:

Storey, D. (2009) Political Geography, in R. Kitchin and N. Thrift (eds)International Encyclopedia of Human Geography,Volume 8, Oxford: Elsevier, 243-253.

Storey, D. (2009) Rural economic development, in R. Kitchin and N. Thrift (eds)International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Volume 3, Oxford: Elsevier, 210-214.

Storey, D. (2001) Imperialism, in J. Michie (ed.) Readers’ Guide to the Social Sciences. Volume 1, London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 776-778.

Book reviews

S. Elden The Birth of Territory, Journal of Historical Geography 45, 2014.

J. Kingston (ed.) Natural Disaster and Nuclear Crisis in Japan: Response and Recovery after Japan’s 3/11, Geography 98 (2), 2013.

M. Murray Participatory Rural Planning. Exploring Evidence from Ireland, European Spatial Research and Policy 20 (1), 2013.

M.P. Sam and J.E. Hughson (eds) Sport in the City. Cultural Connections, Sport in Society 15 (9), 2012

T. Gowan Hobos, Hustlers and Backsliders. Homeless in San Francisco, City 16 (4), 2012.

N. Brown The Geography of Human Conflict. Approaches to Survival, Geography 96 (3) 2011.

L.D. Berg and J. Vuolteenaho (eds) Critical Toponymies. The Contested Politics of Place Naming, European Planning Studies 19 (6), 2011.

S. Bagaeen and O. Uduku (eds) Gated Communities. Social Sustainability in Contemporary and Historical Gated Developments,Planning Perspectives 26 (1) 2011.

B.A. Brower and B.R. Johnston (eds) Disappearing Peoples? Indigenous Groups and Ethnic Minorities in South and Central Asia, Journal of International Development 22 (5) 2010.

B. Graham and P. Howard. (eds) Ashgate Research Companion to Heritage and Identity, Gender, Place and Culture 16 (5) 2009.

G. M. Robinson (ed.) Sustainable Rural Systems. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Communities, Irish Geography 42 (2), 2009

S. Buzar Energy Poverty in Eastern Europe. Hidden Geographies of Deprivation, Geografiska Annaler B 91(2), 2009.

S. Gupta and T. Omoniyi (eds) Cultures of Economic Migration: International Perspectives, Gender, Place and Culture 16 (1), 2009.

P. Getimis and G. Kafkalas (eds) Overcoming Fragmentation in Southeast Europe. Spatial Development Trends and Integration Potential, Geography 93 (2), 2008.

C. Hartman and G.D. Squires (eds) There is no such thing as a Natural Disaster. Race, Class, and Hurricane Katrina, Geography 93 (2), 2008

A. Church and T. Coles (eds) Tourism, Power and Space, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 5 (3), 2007.

N. Kabeer (ed) Inclusive Citizenship. Meanings and Expressions, Progress in Development Studies 7 (3), 2007.

M. Petmesidou and C. Papatheodorou (eds), Poverty and Social Deprivation in the Mediterranean. Trends, Policies and Welfare Prospects in the New Millennium, Economic Issues 11 (2), 2006.

I. Sagan and H. Halkier (eds) Regionalism Contested. Institution, Society and Governance, European Spatial Research and Policy 13 (2), 2006.

M. Woods Contesting Rurality. Politics in the British Countryside, Local Government Studies 32 (2), 2006.

C.M. Hall and D.K. Müller (eds)Tourism, Mobility and Second Homes. Between Elite Landscape and Common Ground, Geografiska Annaler B 88 (2), 2006.

M. Sheller and J. Urry (eds) Tourism Mobilities: Places to Play, Places in Play, Geography 91 (1) 2006.

H. Goverde, H. de Haan and M. Baylina (eds) Power and Gender in European Rural Development, European Spatial Research and Policy 12 (1), 2005.

J. Suvantola Tourist’s Experience of Place, Geography 89 (3), 2004

M. Moseley (ed.) Local Partnerships for Rural Development. The European Experience, Local Government Studies 30 (1), 2004.

U.H. Meinhof (ed.), Living (with) Borders. Identity Discourses on East-West Borders in Europe, European Spatial Research and Policy 10 (2), 2003.

O. Ugarteche, The False Dilemma. Globalization: Opportunity or Threat?, Progress in Development Studies 2 (3), 2002.

J. McDonagh, Renegotiating Rural Development in Ireland, Geography 87 (4), 2002.

H. Tovey and M. Blanc (eds) Food, Nature and Society. Rural Life in Late Modernity, Geography 87 (2), 2002.

G.H. Herb and D.H. Kaplan (eds), Nested Identities. Nationalism, Territory and Scale, Political Geography 19 (2), 2000.

L. DeSipio and R.O. de la Garza, Remaking America: Immigration and Immigrant Policy, Political Geography 18 (6), 1999.

J. MacLaughlin (ed.), Location and Dislocation in Contemporary Irish Society. Emigration and Irish Identities, Irish Studies Review 7 (3), 1999.

R. Baubock, Transnational Citizenship. Membership and Rights in International Migration, Political Geography 16 (7), 1997.

R.L. Earle and J.D. Wirth (eds),Identities in North America. The Search for Community, Political Geography 16 (4), 1997.

J.C. Allen and D.A. Dillman, Against all Odds. Rural Community in the Information Age, Journal of Rural Studies 12 (3), 1996.

Research Reports

Research carried out by Centre for Rural Research, University of Worcester

Woods, M., Richards, C., Watkin, S., Heley, J., Convery, I., Dutson, T., Rogers, J. and Storey, D. (2008), Rural People and the Land – the Case for Connections. Commissioned by Commission for Rural Communities (in association with Aberystwyth University and University of Cumbria).

Storey, D., Connolly, E., Milburn, K. and Evans, N. (2008) Social and Community Impacts of Changes in the Hill Farming Economy. Commissioned by Commission for Rural Communities.

Storey, D., Barrett, H. and Connolly, E. (2007) Work-life Balance Issues in Rural Worcestershire. Commissioned by Adjust the Balance/Worcestershire County Council/Birmingham and Solihull Learning and Skills Council.

Storey, D. and Connolly, E. (2006) Under-represented Groups and use of Rights of Way in Worcestershire.Commissioned by Worcestershire County Council.

Storey, D. and Connolly, E. (2006) Worcester Woods Country Park: Perspectives of Under-represented Groups. Commissioned by Worcestershire County Council.

Barrett, H., Storey, D. and Palmer, C. (2004) Cleobury Mortimer and Hinterland: Survey of Environmental Issues. Commissioned by Cleobury Mortimer Partnership/ South Shropshire District Council.

Evans, N., White, K., Storey, D. and Lovelace, D. (2002) Shropshire Farm Study. Commissioned by Shropshire County Council/partner organisations.

Storey, D. and Palmer, C. (2002) Leominster Young Persons Drugs Outreach Project: An Evaluation. Commissioned by DASH.

Storey, D. Marshall, S.J., Evans, N. and Barrett, H. (2001) The Economic Impact of Foot and Mouth Disease in Worcestershire. Commissioned by Worcestershire County Council.

Storey, D. (2001) Deprivation Hot Spots in Worcestershire. An Evaluation of Research. Commissioned by Worcestershire County Council.

Barrett, H., Storey, D. and Yarwood, R. (2001) Child Care Provision in Bromyard. Commissioned by HOPE (Bromyard) and Teme Valley LEADER.

Storey, D. and Yarwood, R. (2000) Urban-Rural Interdependence. Commissioned by Advantage West Midlands.

Barrett, H., Storey, D. and Yarwood, R. (1999) Trade and Commerce in Cleobury Mortimer. Commissioned by Cleobury Mortimer Chamber of Trade and Teme Valley LEADER.

Research carried out under the auspices of Atlantic European Research, University College Cork

Storey, D. (1991) various contribution to The Blaskets: A Heritage Report. Commissioned by Fondúireacht an Bhlascaoid.

Ó Flanagan, P. and Storey, D. (1989) Douglas Village Residential Community: A Social Survey. Commissioned by Cork County Council.

Ó Flanagan, P. and Storey, D. (1988) Housing Outside Towns: Analysis and Policy Options for Planned Development. Commissioned by Cork County Council.

Ó Flanagan, P. and Storey, D. (1988) Housing and Socioeconomic Conditions in County Clare. Commissioned by Clare County Council.

Ó Flanagan, P. and Storey, D. (1988) Rural Housing in County Mayo. Commissioned by Mayo County Council.

Ó Flanagan, P. and Storey, D. (1988) Housing, Settlement and Society in County Waterford. Commissioned by Waterford County Council.

Ó Flanagan, P. and Storey, D. (1988) Housing, Settlement and Society in South Munster. Sponsored by UCC Development Fund.